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<jollyboyjohn> been trying to use the "oversample" rescaler (mentioned here but it doesn't seem to exist anymore, has it been renamed or replaced?
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<noobaroo> kepstin It's a lot more than 0.1 second difference, it's usually 4-7 seconds
<noobaroo> And there are several "buts" that I have here.
<kepstin> that's odd, differences that large typically only happen if you're using stream copy mode or have otherwise disabled the accurate seek feature
<noobaroo> 1st but: According to -ss before the -i is frame accurate since ffmpeg version 2 something.
<kepstin> when doing transcoding with accurate seek, -ss before -i will seek to the closest keyframe before the seek point, discard the decoded frames before the seek point, and return frames starting after the seek point.
<noobaroo> 2nd but: Even if it wasn't frame accurate, I thought the entire point of using "-avoid_negative_ts 2 -reset_timestamps 1" is so the new video will have timestamps starting from 0, even if the cut doesn't actually start until a few seconds after specified with -ss
<noobaroo> Yeah, that definitely doesn't happen for me.
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<kepstin> can you share your complete ffmpeg command line please?
<kepstin> note that avoid_negative_ts and reset_timestamps are muxer (output) options, and have no effect on the timestamps of frames as seen e.g. at the filtering stage.
<kepstin> reset_timestamps is specifically for the segment muxer
<noobaroo> Well this was hours ago and I have run like 100 ffmpeg commands since then
<noobaroo> But I think it happens basically every time, I think it happened twice recently again when I tried with 2 different new videos, one second
<kepstin> avoid_negative_ts does nothing if you don't have any negative timestamps; and you won't have any negative timestamps when doing a transcode with -ss before -i.
<noobaroo> According to to -avoid_negative_ts 2 = make_zero
<noobaroo> ffmpeg -ss 25:43 -t 00:15 -i $V -vf metadata=delete,sidedata=delete,format=p010le,scale=w=-1:h=1080 -c:v libsvtav1 -b:v 2000k -preset 2 -svtav1-params enable-qm=1:qm-min=1:qm-max=8:tune=0:enable-variance-boost=1 -c:a copy -c:s copy -avoid_negative_ts 2 -reset_timestamps 1 Output.mkv 1
<noobaroo> Here's one, it happened on every video I tried today though and I tried on 3 different videos since early this morning
<kepstin> ok. so that reset_timestamps option does nothing since you're not using the segment muxer. And you _are_ doing some stream copying, which will influence the behaviour of the avoid_negative_ts option
<kepstin> if the audio or subtitle frame active at the seekpoint starts before the first video frame after the seekpoint, then resetting timestamps to start at 0 will set whichever of those is first to 0, which means the timestamp of the first _video_ frame will be >0
<noobaroo> A workaround I found is by using combined seeking, I do "-ss 25:30 -i $V -ss 00:13 -t 00:15" and that achieves desired results perfectly. It starts at 0 and is frame accurate exactly where I set -ss
<kepstin> you probably want the -t option to be after the -i not before it (tho that's unrelated to this issue)
<noobaroo> What does that change?
<noobaroo> And I don't know how audio frames work, but I doubt they are 4-7 seconds off the -ss point every time.
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<kepstin> with -t before -i, it stops reading frames and feeding them to the demuxer/decoder when the time on the input file is reached. with -t after -i, it stops encoding frames and writing them to the output file when the time on the output file is reached.
<noobaroo> As for subtitles, that's the only video I tried that had them, so you can ignore the subtitle part
<kepstin> and yeah, with most audio codecs that shouldn't be more than ~100ms or so.
<noobaroo> So what could be the problem then? You said the -t before -i is unrelated to this issue, but I can only guess moving it to after must be the culprit here and the fix
<kepstin> Well, at this point i could only suggest enabling some logging/debugging options to see what's going on with the timestamps. Consider using e.g. "-debug_ts" (probably along with "-frames:v 2" or something since you're really only interested in the timestamps of the first frame).
<kepstin> what format is the input file, anyways?
<noobaroo> One is .mkv, one is .mp4, and the third is either one of those or it might have been .m2t
<kepstin> any correlation with specific formats? I could see issues happening with mpeg-ts due to the fact that it doesn't have a seek indexing; seeking in those doesn't really work properly.
<noobaroo> It happens with every file
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<noobaroo> I just tried with -ss before -i and -t after, and the video starts at 1.281 seconds
<noobaroo> Though I just thought of something, I think I have converted to .mkv every time. I'll try to a mp4 and see if that fixes it
<noobaroo> Do you know what's the raw format for av1? I fixed a timestamp issue yesterday by stream copying to a raw h264 file first, and then from that back to a real mkv container
<noobaroo> Same results going to .mp4, 1.247 though this time
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<iconoclasthero> furq, with that dts that we remuxed into the mp4 container (I'm actually rockin war pigs atm), i was thinking about what you said...
<iconoclasthero> <furq> specifically it's to fool dts decoders that are hooked up to cd players over optical / <furq> it's just everything else that gets confused / <furq> a small price to pay for a 99.3% compression ratio
<iconoclasthero> so...i was poking around with this last week and just did a straight conversion to flac. and it was an enormous 24-bit 6-channel flac...which seems a bit much coming from a lossy format and I really don't think i'll ever have the audio equipment
<iconoclasthero> (inside my head or not) to appreciate the difference b/w 16 & 24 bit.
<iconoclasthero> what would be a reasonably efficient way to get a 6-ch flac that doesn't give up much in terms of the quality that we spent a fair amount of time to extract from the way the files were packaged initially?
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<olspookishmagus> suppose one has an audio file that needs to get downmixed from stereo to mono and from mono back to stereo again
<olspookishmagus> can this be done in one go or it has to be tw
<olspookishmagus> can this be done in one go or it has to be two disctinct steps? *
<JanC> why would you want to do mono → stereo ?
<olspookishmagus> Good point actualy.
<olspookishmagus> Maybe I'm afraid some player/setup will NOT play a mono file to all of it's available speakers?
<olspookishmagus> Or that's _impossible_?
<JanC> that is very unlikely
<olspookishmagus> imagine making a killer compilation for a road trip and that car audio setup would only play it on one of it's available speakers
<olspookishmagus> its*
<JanC> I think AM radio is usually mono too :)
<JanC> really, they would have to go out of their way to do it wrong
<olspookishmagus> ok JanC I'll take your point and I'll take the risk
<olspookishmagus> thanks for lowering the complexity of things with your remark.
<welder> When recording screen with x11grab and audio with -f pulse, last 1-2 seconds of audio is always cut. Did someone encounter similar issue?
<iconoclasthero> olspookishmagus: joint stereo?
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<furq> iconoclasthero: dts is lossy so a conversion to flac is almost always going to be bigger
<furq> there's not really much you can do about that
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