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<SiFuh> ukky: Did you need to patch compile-rt or whatever it is called?
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<farkuhar> I preemptively created the symlink /usr/man -> share/man before installing opt/iputils. Then I built a new iputils that installed man-pages under /usr/share/man. That was enough to trigger FS#15. Trying to update the package with ukky's patched pkgadd returns this output:
<farkuhar> My own patch didn't fare much better. At the stage of discovering conflicts with the filesystem, it erroneously put a non-directory entry for /usr/share/ into the set of conflicting files. But at least it didn't flag the man-pages themselves as conflicting.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: That laptop still han't booted.
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<farkuhar> To be fair, ukky's patch was aimed at solving a more limited problem, where an empty directory like /run/ might be replacing an older entry like /run -> var/run/. So it makes sense that ukky's patched pkgadd and the original pkgadd both give the same output in this case.
<zorz> farkuhar: please join #crux-musl
<zorz> here is #crux-social-bullshit-SiFuh-zorz
<zorz> hahaha
<farkuhar> So I still have to work out the bug that my patch introduced, where phase 2 of db_find_conflicts creates the duplicate entry "/usr/share" even though it already has "/usr/share/" in the conflicting files set.
<farkuhar> zorz: Stop applying two different standards. Why didn't you tell SiFuh to "join #crux-musl" when he asked ukky if compiler-rt needed patching?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Probably because it was a single line :-P
<SiFuh> farkuhar sends 3 messages and 1/5 of it has already dissappeared off screen
<farkuhar> Besides, the pkgadd bug FS#15 is not specific to musl. Any fix that we come up with would benefit CRUX-glibc too.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: you want me to use dpaste for my messages too, not just for the output of a bash session?
<SiFuh> Hahahaha
<zorz> hahahahahaa
<SiFuh> It's quite greedy if you think about it. He hogs most of the screen :-P
<farkuhar> SiFuh: at least I'm taking full advantage of the horizontal space. When beerman and jue push a bunch of commits, they inject a wasteful amount of vertical whitespace into the #crux conversation.
<SiFuh> "at least I'm taking full advantage of the horizontal space." <-- Sounds like you are talking about rape
<farkuhar> Notably absent from jue's recent commits is any update of the opt/iputils footprint. I guess we'll just have to keep maintaining a dup in our overlay, while testing proposed fixes for pkgadd symlink handling.
<SiFuh> If your nick was shorter, you'd be taking more advantage of the space
<farkuhar> I keep the nick the length that it is, to see how zorz in his laziness might abbreviate it. Will he do the lavaball thing and truncate my nick to the first three letters, as he did with remiliascarlet?
<SiFuh> f'k'har'
<SiFuh> Fark Hard, and Far Her. ;-)
<SiFuh> Far/Fark*
<SiFuh> When you changed your name to farkuhar, I had trouble pronouncing it. Sounded like 'Fuck You Hard'
<farkuhar> The "kuhar" part is Czech/Serbian for "chef", as in someone who cooks for a living. The first syllable "far" is just meant to modify "chef", implying a cook who specializes in exotic foods.
<zorz> Trump fucked zelensky
<SiFuh> One of the guys we go camping with, I asked his wife what her husband's name was and she said "Fahmi" But it sounded like "Fuck Me" and I burst out laughing and called out to her son and said "Your mother is saying bad words!" then the mother realised and started laughing.
<SiFuh> zelensky is a gay comic
<zorz> + not elected
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> he expired
<zorz> zelensky is bad goods!
<farkuhar> What baffles me about the approach taken in is that they populate the list of filesystem conflicts first, and then iterate through a copy of that list to remove the directories. Why not just test whether an entry represents a directory before adding it to the list?
<SiFuh> zorz: I was laughing with Owen today He was saying "Oh Zelensky doesn't care about ratings, because it is not election time. Oh wait? You cancelled the elections. If anyone says bad about you, you arrest and torture and kill them. If you are so good, then why not bring back elections? You will see your disapproval ratings"
<zorz> exactly.... Putin, I dont negotiate with him, he is expired and not elected.
<zorz> zelensky the bitch!
<SiFuh> I remember when Victoria Nuland put him into power. I came up stairs and said to mum "New president of Ukraine is a comedian" and my brother burst out laughing
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<SiFuh> farkuhar: ppetrov^ is here
<farkuhar> Currently defines file_exists to take a constant string reference as argument, and return a boolean. Without changing the function signature, we could extend the test to return false when the argument is a directory. But that might cause unwanted side effects elsewhere, so maybe a new function should be introduced.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: So basically what you are saying is that zorz probably wrote it?
<farkuhar> SiFuh: No, I thought the original pkgutils was all written by Per.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Original was. But who says that is original. Many of the old stuff doesn't function well because of his bad coding.
<zorz> noooooooooooooooo
<farkuhar> It might not have been deliberate to use lstat(3p) rather than stat, when Per defined file_exists. But according to fstatat(3p), the lstat function returns information about the link itself, not about the target, and we need the latter information to reliably distinguish directories from non-directories.
<zorz> you did account ?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I sent an email to the US embassy asking them if it was okay if I use an old form that was created under 5 years ago.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: They replied. Never answered a damned thing I asked. Just gave me a URL to fill in the application.
<SiFuh> zorz: No
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: SiFuh just informed me you were here.
<ppetrov^> guys...
<SiFuh> ukky: I notified farkuhar about ppetrov^ and then farkuhar notifed ppetrov^ that I notified himself.
<zorz> ppetrov^: SiFuh is snitch
<SiFuh> zorz: I just messaged ukky
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: You joined the #crux-social channel. If you wanted serious conversation, you should have joined #crux-devel.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Yeah #crux-social is where farkuhar spams us with canonical literature sized comments about off topic stuff like CRUX Linux.
<farkuhar> Although with Guest98's drive-by posting in praise of OpenBox, maybe #crux-devel isn't the refuge for serious conversationalists any more.
<zorz> SiFuh: we write a bot, when farkuhar posts, bridge them to #crux ahhahahahhaaha
<SiFuh> Yeah I was offended by that OpenBox comment. I am sure ukky wasn't impressed by it either
<zorz> guest98
<SiFuh> zorz: No we write a bot so when farkuhar types something, it catches his novel and replaces it with 'farkuhar has spoken'
<farkuhar> zorz: cross-posting is frowned upon; witness the silence that greeted Guest98's comments in all the #crux-* channels. Why would you write a bot whose only purpose is to cross-post?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: He wrote in all channels?
<SiFuh> zorz: We name your bot 'farkuhars_detour'
<farkuhar> #crux, #crux-devel, #crux-social, and even #crux-arm ... they all got a drive-by post from Guest98.
<SiFuh> farkkkkkk'in hell
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: SiFuh limits himself to one line, when posting in this channel about off-topic stuff like CRUX. If I followed the same length restriction, my posts would not offend people's eyes to the extent that "canonical literature sized comments" do.
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<SiFuh> farkuhar: You scared away ppetrov^
<farkuhar> SiFuh: He left #crux too, even though nothing was happening there to scare him away.
<SiFuh> lavaball is there
<zorz> SiFuh: give me the ip of guest 98
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<ukky> SiFuh: Patches are not used for opt/compiler-rt yet.
<zorz> this ip runs even tor-socks
<zorz> socks
<zorz> fuck him
<SiFuh> zorz: I run in socks, so fuck you
<zorz> this is what i am say
<SiFuh> I also run in boots
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I wouldn't be surprised if the Australian Ambassador to the US, Kevin Rudd, is a Chinese spy.
<SiFuh> I never liked him. I use to live with his sister-in-law from Vietnam, but in Australia.
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<farkuhar> The output of the latest patched pkgadd is more promising, but it now tries to remove the symlink /usr/man and complains "not a directory" (the original iputils package added the entry "/usr/man/" to the pkgdb):
<farkuhar> The pkgadd command did exit successfully, despite the spurious error message, so the pkgdb no longer has any entries under /usr/man. It seems to be a partial fix for FS#15, inasmuch as the upgrade operation is not halted during the search for conflicting files.
<farkuhar> The patch in its current state:
<farkuhar> Performance might suffer after replacing set_intersection with a manual for-loop, but it was the most obvious way to exclude directories at this stage of constructing the conflicting files list.
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<SiFuh> Right! Enough of this shit. Going jungle Saturday morning. Won't be back until Sunday night. Short camping trip.
<farkuhar> zorz: 'lo
<SiFuh> zorz: farkuhar said 'lo to you.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Did you see beerman is like the anouncer at a railway station?
<SiFuh> announcer
<farkuhar> "we will be back online but this might take a little bit". Yup, sounds just like a railway announcer.
<SiFuh> ukky: compiler-rt is not building and so is glibc-introvert or whatever it is called.
<SiFuh> I might need to start patching this poop out of it next week
<farkuhar> I think the original FS#15 bug report also mentioned the "not a directory" error message. But in that case the entire pkgadd operation was aborted, whereas my latest patched pkgadd does perform the upgrade.
<SiFuh> ukky: I am actually building it on a fully functioning CRUX 3.8 MUSL system
<SiFuh> ukky: something changed and I don't know what.
<SiFuh> ukky: I did a build on 3.7 updated to 3.8 then built the system. Then booted into the new system and did the build again with some errors, but managed to patch them, then booted into the new system and building again and for some unknown reason new errors.
<ukky> SiFuh: That's good if you can do native build. I am doing it in a chroot environment, and it is much harder than native.
<SiFuh> ukky: I am wondering if we can really get a fully bootstrapped system before an ISO build. MUSL don't play nice
<farkuhar> More hardware issues to investigate ... twice in the past few weeks I had an X session that stopped responding to keyboard input. The first time it happened, I panicked and hit the reset button. Today I just unplugged the USB keyboard and plugged it back in, after which I could interact with X again. Buggy USB port?
<SiFuh> ukky: My first build was in fakeroot
<SiFuh> ukky: My second was a chroot
<SiFuh> Then the builds I am talking about are done in native.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Yes
<ukky> SiFuh: For me, su -l root && su -l pkgmk && fakeroot && make
<SiFuh> ukky: Trying to make it bullet proof but those clowns in CRUX keep updating the ports which kind of pisses me off
<farkuhar> Well, if the USB ports are flaky, then the integrated graphics card might be nearing its EOL too. Time to go shopping for a new motherboard.
<SiFuh> ukky: make bootstrap. Then install. Then extract all to chroot and rebuild all twice. Then save the packages and boot into that again and build.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Any hardware over 2 years old is outdated
<ukky> SiFuh: Do not update ports until fully functional ISO is built, otherwise it becomes never ending rebuild loop.
<SiFuh> ukky: I haven't
<SiFuh> I am just pissed off seeing it scrolling down the screen in #crux.
<ukky> SiFuh: okay
<SiFuh> I only updated once. That was when I went from the ISO of 3.8 MUSL to the 3.8 chroot.
<SiFuh> And many ports have been modified thanks to the clowns in #crux but I haven't dared to touch them.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: I remember attaching this motherboard on the very day that Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol. I had the radio on in the background, listening to the event being narrated, all while putting together the components for this machine.
<SiFuh> Stormed?
<SiFuh> You mean the great meandering?
<farkuhar> Call it what you like. The point is, this hardware has already passed the 5-year mark.
<SiFuh> Call it what you like but only ANTIFA carried weapons. None of the Trump twats were armed that day.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: And for what it is worth. Go look at who blew up the capitol building
<SiFuh> Stop listening to mainstream bullshit. They are just lying to you
<farkuhar> And the unreliable USB ports could explain why the mount command keeps hanging when I try to access that 8-year-old CD-R. Whereas the same external optical drive, connected to a newer computer, eventually reads the disc just fine.
<zorz> doas #crux has clowns in #crux
<zorz> :pP
<SiFuh> Yes zorz
<zorz> unbelievable:P
<SiFuh> Actually in Australia my generation usually calls people fellows or clowns.
<SiFuh> zorz: It isn't really insulting. Another one we use is jokers
<zorz> so SiFuh farkuhar ukky = fellow
<zorz> beerman = clown
<SiFuh> These clowns?
<farkuhar> zorz = joker
<SiFuh> It's not used in the negative zorz
<zorz> aaa joker is different... clown in greek is insutling
<SiFuh> Clowns and jokers usually refer to people that have no order. Like a group of kids having fun.
<zorz> joker not the same with clown
<zorz> okie-dokie
<SiFuh> The joker is usually the one that leads the clowns or stands out but still a clown.
<SiFuh> zorz: Check out Aussie English slang.
<SiFuh> No wakkas mate!
<SiFuh> zorz: In Australia we can call anyone stupid. But it isn't serious. In Thailand you call someone stupid, expect to have your ass beaten.
<zorz> heh
<zorz> like sneezing nose public in japan
<zorz> japanese dont sneeze they use cocaine
<zorz> :Pp
<farkuhar> See the July 2006 crux-devel ML archives for a discussion between jw and bd2, focusing mainly on FS#63 (pkgadd handling changed permissions). Many promising patches were proposed, but very little got merged. Funniest part of the thread: bd2 couldn't reproduce the FS#15 test case, and therefore he assumed it was already fixed.
<farkuhar> Here we are almost 20 years later, and the symlink handling is still broken. What an erroneous assumption for bd2 to make.
<SiFuh> zorz: ukky: farkuhar actually talks like this in real life ;-) and his words are so, reserved, like kind.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: 18 years it took me to get jaeger and jue to repair the broken init system that Per refused to address
<farkuhar> I'm not as concerned about FS#63 these days, because there's prtcheckperms in prt-utils that can alert users to a discrepancy in permissions. If the July 2006 discussion had focused more on FS#15, then maybe the symlink handling would have been fixed by now.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: You will find updating ports is more priority than a stable functioning CRUX.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Not joking, I was driving a taxi. Called the General Manager of the company and said "I am going home. It has been 18 years and I want this annoying fucking bug fixed and I am going to shove the patched init system down their throats" and I went home and did it.
<farkuhar> Little did beerman know how self-accusatory his comment was in FS#1410 ("reasons why people might leave CRUX ... 2. we don't have people that actually sign up to care about our core tools")
<SiFuh> I probably lost $300 that night, but I didn't care. I was fuckign mad.
<SiFuh> beerman is a nobody. He thinks he is a somebody. He's just a self proclaimed port maintainer. He has little control of the actual CRUX system. In fact, he probably doesn't understand it.
<SiFuh> beerman thinks he is special. German arrogance I guess? He just builds ports. But the actual system has been built by per, jue, jaeger and I.
<SiFuh> So as smugly as he boast about how he does the most work. We don't care. He didn't build CRUX not even a single piece of code in CRUX.
<farkuhar> Your list of people who built CRUX doesn't include jw? Are you still mad about the httpup compilation errors?
<SiFuh> I didn't name all farkuhar because there are many who assisted that are also no longer members
<farkuhar> I notice that your rant against httpup never received any follow-up in #crux-devel.
<SiFuh> Oh I miss skuupi. Wonder what he is doing these days
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Yep, and never will.
<SiFuh> cr0t was cool too
<SiFuh> Sad they will never know I remember them
<farkuhar> Why not? Couldn't they stumble upon the IRC log and see you mentioning their old nicks?
<SiFuh> If they are alive.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Saw this problem in a TV series. I shouted the answer and the wife was like "How the fsc....?"
<SiFuh> The middle symbol is missing.
<SiFuh> The first two and the last two tell you what the middle symbol is.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I had only 6 beers and 1 shot of vodka by the way.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Did you know the largest population of white people in the US are og German origin?
<SiFuh> Someone in your family might be related to lavaball. HAHAHA
<SiFuh> Although, I don't think he is German. I think he is Bavarian.
<farkuhar> Why use lavaball as an example of German origin, rather than beerman or stenur or jue?
<SiFuh> Stenur if way too cool
<SiFuh> Jue is very methodical, so maybe
<SiFuh> And beerman? Oh hell no.
<ukky> I actually like there is httpup available, because not every network allows rsync or git protocols.
<SiFuh> ukky: So why not move it to opt then?
<farkuhar> SiFuh: If you had thought about stenur, maybe the stereotype "German arrogance" wouldn't have crossed your mind.
<SiFuh> But they are all arrogant farkuhar
<SiFuh> I've many German friends. They are so awesome. But they still have that arrogance. I met one that doesn't Herman.
<farkuhar> stenur is both arrogant and "way too cool"?
<SiFuh> You can't beat stenur with coolness farkuhar
<farkuhar> Fine, but I'm having a hard time associating stenur with "arrogant".
<SiFuh> Hahaha, if you have known him as long as I have, you will see it.
<SiFuh> Reminds me of the movie Scent of a Woman (1992). Where he calls for a glass of John Daniels and the boy said "You mean Jack Daniels?" and he replies"Well, if you've know him as long as I have"
<ukky> SiFuh: if httpup has to move to opt, then rsync should move too.
<zorz> SiFuh: the only true currency is the silver dollar.
<SiFuh> I see your logic ukky. But I think no because rsync has MANY purposes but yes, you are correct
<SiFuh> zorz: Fuck off zorz. You and your stupid shit again.
<farkuhar> Guys, you cannot run `ports -u` in the default configuration if you don't have the rsync driver installed.
<SiFuh> ukky: crux ports rely on git and rsync. rsync is the native choice.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: WE KNOW dude...
<SiFuh> But what does httpup have to offer? Only ports right? Has anyone used it for another purpose?
<farkuhar> Then why are you proposing moving rsync to opt? You want to invite users to install a system that cannot be updated right away?
<SiFuh> I didn't I proposed it stays in core. I said he was right
<SiFuh> Based on his logic
<ukky> SiFuh: I don't think it matters where httpup is. It is native Crux tool, and it is light in size.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Stop farkuharing the conversation and read it slowly. :-P
<SiFuh> ukky: It is an outdated pile of junk buggy software
<farkuhar> Let's focus on getting httpup to compile under MUSL, then worry about which repo it belongs in.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I think I did that a long time ago
<farkuhar> SiFuh: Oh, I must have missed it. I thought httpup randomly failed to compile, at some stages of bootstrapping.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Yeah I did
<ukky> httpup compiles in my 3.8 chroot environment
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Yeah, old school. Keep up dude. Turn your radio to SW and stop listening to AM and FM shit
<SiFuh> ukky: Same
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Leave it in the capable hands of ukky and my awesome butchering skills ;-)
<SiFuh> ukky: did you get glibc-introvert-sexual thing working?
<SiFuh> This one I am stuck on
<SiFuh> I am not too concerned with compiler-rt as I know I can beat it.
<ukky> SiFuh: Let me check (though I need to enable fuzzy search for that name)
<SiFuh> ukky: glibc-introspection ??
<farkuhar> What exactly do we need compiler-rt for? Could we just omit it from the ISO?
<ukky> SiFuh: glib-introspection#2.82.3-1.pkg.tar.xz, so yeah, it compiles in my setup
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Actually I planned to make the same ISO I did before but would like the full CRUX iso build this time. If it pisses me off too much, I will go back to the original plan.
<SiFuh> ukky: #$%^&* you. Hahaha
<SiFuh> ukky: No patches?
<ukky> SiFuh: I need to check as I don't remember
<SiFuh> Hmm seems the name changed
<SiFuh> gobject-introspection
<SiFuh> Which makes more sense. Actually I can't understand why they didn't just build it in glibc as one package.
<ukky> SiFuh: glib-introspection has no patches
<SiFuh> glib*
<SiFuh> ukky: This particular one is a thorn in the lions foot.
<SiFuh> It was the only port that wouldn't compile on a completed bootstrap install of CRUX MUSL
<ukky> SiFuh: So, it's glib that fails in you setup?
<SiFuh> glib is fine
<SiFuh> It is the introspection port that fails from glib
<SiFuh> Apart from that one and single only port. I have a fully functioning system
<SiFuh> ukky: Told you I built every port already.
<SiFuh> ukky: But I am seriously thinking to just make a core only version again and leave that mess to the user who installs it
<farkuhar> Did they change one of the ports somewhere deeper into the dependency tree, without bothering to notify the ML? I recall that ukky mistakenly believed shared-mime-info had been omitted from a "Depends on" line.
<ukky> SiFuh: Nice. I'm still not able to compile in chrooted (tmp/fake_root) environment.
<SiFuh> ukky: I finished that like almost 2 weeks ago. But yeah. My ISO was failing on boot but I discovered it was from the USB stick
<SiFuh> ukky: The fake root needs ports that you installed on your system though that are not included in the ISO.
<SiFuh> ukky: Makes me wonder how the fuck jaeger does it.
<ukky> SiFuh: I know how build process in 'fake root' works
<SiFuh> Me too
<SiFuh> ukky: Care to zorz me ;-)
<SiFuh> Anyway, vodka and beer and sleep. It's past 0400
<ukky> I mean, you don't have to explain to me how 'fake root' works for building ISO
<SiFuh> ukky: Give me your tips and tricks. :-P Please..... I could learn something
<SiFuh> ukky: My first ISO was built in 2003. The script was literally fscked.
<SiFuh> Second was around 2019 maybe 2020. Better but this fscked.
<SiFuh> I have made many since and it is stil... fscked.
<SiFuh> One day, I will get around making a more 'sane' version of the ISO build Makefile
<SiFuh> I think bootstrap should be split into bootstrap0 bootstrap1 and bootstrap2
<ukky> I improve Makefile when it bothers me.
<ukky> stage0 now exits upon error
<SiFuh> And detect mounted devices so if it fails it doesn't delete everything but errors out.
<SiFuh> ukky: I did similar for CRUX 3.7
<SiFuh> ukky: If you have time, I'd like to see your Makefile. Don't tell your wife though. :-P
<SiFuh> zorz: Everytime I give farkuhar a lateral thinking problem he just goes silent.
<ukky> SiFuh: But don't be surprised if it is too long D
<SiFuh> zorz: Still waiting for him to answer the coffee cup problem
<SiFuh> ukky: I'd like an AI to take my ckut script and make it shorter :-P
<SiFuh> ukky: Maybe zorz can use deepseek to that. Hmm?
<farkuhar> SiFuh: At first I thought she might be microwaving the cup at high altitude, where water boils at a lower temperature. She's giving it an extra ten seconds because she wants to keep raising the temperature?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: But it boiled. So with lateral thinking, you need to stop thinking too much and think laterally
<zorz> over-thinking not good
<SiFuh> farkuhar: lateral thinking defies the thinking of up and down. It goes wide.
<zorz> risks are good
<zorz> farkuhar: put some risk in your life
<SiFuh> zorz: Yeah, you can turn into a genius instead of a brain dead void user :-P
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Many symbol and pattern style IQ tests are actually lateral. I topped that exam in the Airforce.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: For example that picture I sent above, it is so fucking easy, when you see it. You will slap yourself in the face
<farkuhar> I don't see the logic that says rsync cannot stay in core, if httpup gets moved to opt. You'll still be able to update the official repos with a core-only installation. If you later want to activate one of the unofficial repos on the portdb, then you go ahead and install httpup.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Thin laterally
<SiFuh> think*
<SiFuh> farkuhar: rsync doesn't need to be in core. Because nothing depends on it. That is why.
<SiFuh> But as a user and not software. You need it in core to be able to update your ports
<SiFuh> If your base system doesn't depend on it, then it should never be there. However, rsync is the exception to the rule.
<SiFuh> Understand?
<zorz> SiFuh: farkuhar likes git or svn cause everything is logged
<zorz> heh
<zorz> rsync is just syns
* SiFuh punches zorz in the face
<zorz> sync:P
<zorz> hahahaha
<SiFuh> zorz: Shut up dude. Unless you want to solve the problem
<SiFuh> zorz: Took me less than 10 seconds to see it.
<SiFuh> zorz: It's actually really stupid by the way
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Want the coffee answer? Or you want to think about it more?
<farkuhar> Heh, you'll notice that /usr/bin/ports actually includes code to handle the case that /etc/ports/drivers is empty. So because of this fallback, you get to claim that nothing depends on rsync.
<SiFuh> There are not drivers in the dependency farkuhar as far as I know
<SiFuh> farkuhar: But as I said. I agree with ukky's logic. It follows mine. But it is needed so it has to be there.
<farkuhar> core/rsync does populate /etc/ports/drivers with a shell script, and once that file is found, /usr/bin/ports can do its networking stuff. But without any drivers, /usr/bin/ports is limited to the listing and diff functionality.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Without the drivers. ports sucks
<farkuhar> Even the listing and diff functionality is somewhat redundant, being available in a faster implementation with prt-get. We could get rid of /usr/bin/ports and just fold the networking functionality into prt-get, as I did in the ports-u branch of my forked repo (later merged into master).
<SiFuh> I have a new definition for farkuharing ;-P
<farkuhar> Let's hear this new definition, then.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Stop farkuharing with the mahabaratah sized lectures
<SiFuh> farkuhar: So I take it that is a no for the answer to the coffee cup?
<farkuhar> What coffee cup answer? The one I gave doesn't explain the additional ten seconds?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: NO, it is wrong. You over thought it.
<SiFuh> Stop farkuharing and read what I said above.
<SiFuh> The answer is very simple
<SiFuh> zorz: What's the bet, I give him the answer and he tells everyone the new amazing answer?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Every problem I will nad have given you. Simplify your mind
<farkuhar> Who's to say what is wrong? You provided a brief description of someone's microwaving habits, and I came up with a plausible explanation. If the same phenomenon admits multiple explanations, then maybe it needs to be specified in more detail.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: That isn't how they work.
<SiFuh> Lateral thinking is not to add shit to the problem and complicate it. It is to take a simple problem and give a simple solution.
<farkuhar> Okay, what's the intended explanation for her microwaving habits?
<SiFuh> It was too hot. So she wanted it to rotate until she could grab the handle.
<farkuhar> Why doesn't she just protect her hand with an oven mitt?
<SiFuh> Your answer contradicted me. I said it had boiled already. You want to boil it more.
<SiFuh> Does it matter?
<farkuhar> I didn't contradict you, I said that even reaching the boiling point might not bring it to a hot enough temperature, if she's cooking at high altitude. So she adds ten more seconds to get superheated water.
<SiFuh> I said it boiled already. So you changed the altitude to make it boil.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Okay back to the secone one I asked you
<SiFuh> A chicken lays an egg. You take it and drop it onto a hard wood floor from 3 feet without it braking.
<SiFuh> breaking*
<SiFuh> How can the egg fall 3 feet without breaking. Nothing can cushion the fall and you can't modify the egg.
<SiFuh> Let me rephrase that
<SiFuh> A chicken lays and egg. You take it and drop 3 feet onto a hard wooden floor. How do you do this without breaking the egg? You can't cushion the floor and you cannot modify the egg in any way, shape or form. Straight from the cloacca
<farkuhar> The liquid-vapor equilibrium curve in the (temperature,atmospheric pressure) coordinates can be described by the Clausius-Clapeyron relation: $\ln\frac{P_1}{P_2} = \frac{q_{12}\mu}{R}\left(\frac{1}{T_1} -\frac{1}{T_2}\right)$, where $q_{12}$ is the latent heat of vaporization and $\mu$ is the molar mass of water.
<SiFuh> So shove that shit up your arse.
<farkuhar> Yes, it boiled, but at what altitude was she cooking? The temperature at which water boils is dependent on the atmospheric pressure, which varies with altitude.
<SiFuh> It fucking boiled
<SiFuh> Boiled means boiled. Doesn't matter what altitude you are at. It FUCKING boild.
<farkuhar> If it boiled at high altitude, the water's temperature might be less than what is needed to extract flavor from the coffee beans.
<SiFuh> ukky: zorz: He's over thinking shit
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Slow your brain down. Seriously.
<SiFuh> I drink beer to do that. I can solve all of these on beer
<SiFuh> I was on 6 beers and a shot vodka and it took me 10 seconds to solve that image I posted above.
<farkuhar> Of course, she could always just steep the beans longer in sub-100-Celsius water. Cooking involves a delicate interplay between time *and* temperature.
<SiFuh> Why the fuck would you steep beans in a microwave that is cooking?
<SiFuh> Steeping means to soak in heat. NOT cooking
<SiFuh> zorz: I want to punch farkuhar in the face
<SiFuh> farkuhar: You failed. Two more to solve.
<farkuhar> Okay, microwave the water first, then mix in the ground-up coffee beans. But if the water is below 100 Celsius, she just has to let it steep longer.
<SiFuh> Solve them
<SiFuh> FARK!
<SiFuh> ukky: Can you imagine I give him the really hard puzzles?
<farkuhar> FS#15 must have been a really hard puzzle, if it still hasn't been solved after almost 20 years.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I know about temperature and altitude. It is essential when making alcohol.
<ukky> farkuhar is scientist, he can solve any problem
<SiFuh> ukky: But he failed
<SiFuh> Like a sore loser.
<SiFuh> Making shit up to try to make himself right.
<farkuhar> As I said, if the mug was too hot, why didn't she protect her hand with an oven mitt?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: hat if she didn't have one?
<SiFuh> what*
<SiFuh> SHe wanted the handle. Get over it dude.
<farkuhar> She could protect her hand with a towel, then.
<SiFuh> And besides, it was a woman :-P
<SiFuh> farkuhar: You suck the joy out of life like serpente dude.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Bet you still solve the cube on the white side
<farkuhar> At least serpente isn't one of those clowns in #crux making your life miserable by always updating ports.
<SiFuh> ukky: THIS IS NOT FOR FARKUHAR. This is an oldie but it is a goodie "A man walks into a bar. Asks for a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a gun and points it at him. The man says 'Thank you' and leaves" Why?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Heh, I have deep respect for serpente.
<SiFuh> I think farkuhar is too liberal to understand this style of thinking.
<SiFuh> No wonder you voted for Kamala
<farkuhar> The bartender thought that a good scare would have the same effect as a glass of water, for whatever was ailing the man?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: It isn't for you. It is for ukky
<ukky> SiFuh: I am not good at solving puzzles.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: You already proved you suck at these. You overthink everything
<SiFuh> ukky: This is an old British puzzle
<farkuhar> The most obvious ailment that is cured by either a glass of water or a sudden fright, is hiccups.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Answer my previous two.
<SiFuh> Actually farkuhar I would very much love to see if you or zorz can solve the image I posted above.
<farkuhar> Drop the egg from higher than 3 feet. For the first 3 feet of its descent, it hasn't broken; anything that happens to it after that is outside the requirements of the puzzle.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Feel free to show your family and friends. See if they can figure it out
<SiFuh> farkuhar: If they do, don't take credit for it.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Cheating
<farkuhar> Recall is always faster than thinking through something afresh.
<SiFuh> Oh no, I know you cheated
<SiFuh> What did you think it would prove?
<farkuhar> That I'd heard some of these puzzles before?
<SiFuh> Then say it
<SiFuh> No need to show off
<farkuhar> Yes, I had heard the one about the bartender and the one about the egg. The microwave one was new to me, though.
<SiFuh> We were given a new one every day at MIT
<SiFuh> Our Science teacher loved them
<farkuhar> SiFuh: when reaching for an example of someone who sucks the joy out of life, I notice you used serpente rather than beerman. And apparently stenur is not a counterexample to the stereotype of German arrogance. It's fascinating how badly I misjudged your appraisal of these CRUXers.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I don't think you understand
<SiFuh> serpente is my brother. I love him very much. He is easily capable of sucking the joy out of my life because he is a friend, a brother
<SiFuh> Everyone else, are just idiots and amusing.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: You don't fit into the later category though. We met and, you are okay in my books.
<SiFuh> A bit sissy though.
<SiFuh> You need some balls bro
<SiFuh> And your way of speaking + Thailand. No good. Every woman will think you are talking sexy to them.
<SiFuh> Great way to end up dead
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Did you ever feel like you are subdued by rules to behave a certain way?
<SiFuh> When I am at home with my parents. I am subdued out of respect. But take me out of that environment, I don't mess around. I can be polite but no way am I subservient.
<zorz> farkuhar: pipx is the best... look nice and tidy
<zorz> [zorz@void torrentz]$ pipx upgrade-all
<zorz> upgraded package ffsubsync from 0.4.28 to 0.4.29 (location: /home/zorz/.local/share/pipx/venvs/ffsubsync)
<zorz> upgraded package yt-dlp from 2025.1.26 to 2025.2.19 (location: /home/zorz/.local/share/pipx/venvs/yt-dlp)
<zorz> upgraded package ruff from 0.9.6 to 0.9.7 (location: /home/zorz/.local/share/pipx/venvs/ruff)