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<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: "What aspects of git were so annoying to zorz, that he would start exploring alternatives like SVN?" Make a large scale project that requires lots of complex assets, and/or hire non-technical team members (like those who make assets), and you'll get to Git's limitations.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "I told a rich lady last night. "Are you trying to flirt with me? You don't even have boobs!"" IT'S A TRAP!!
<SiFuh> :-P
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Notice the lack of boobs, that's because he is a guy:
<SiFuh> Can put him in the trash bin next to the seat
<remiliascarlet> I just won a debate against multiple so-called anarcho-communists (aka, fake "anarchists") by simply asking common sense questions. The long term outcome was that some of them would contradict themselves, some would give a non-sense answer that really doesn't answer the question, and others would avoid the question altogether.
<remiliascarlet> One of them admitted that anarcho-communism indeed makes no sense, and would much rather side with national fascism instead.
<remiliascarlet> The other 2 just went silent.
<SiFuh> Morons, morons everywhere
<remiliascarlet> The debate felt more like they were defending being anti-capitalism or anti-anarcho-capitalism than they defending anarcho-communism.
<SiFuh> I think we go back to tribalism ;-)
<remiliascarlet> Me: "Under communism, there is no incentive to work. If there is no incentive, then eventually everyone in the commune will stop working. How do you expect to get your items?"
<remiliascarlet> Them: "You should still be able to receive all the items you need though."
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I like how in North Korea if you can't get a job, they give you one. Whether you like it or not.
<remiliascarlet> Me: "From who do you receive the items if there are no items?"
<remiliascarlet> Them: (silence)
<SiFuh> I was watching the video where Trump sides order to bring back plastic straws. "Sometimes they explode" Huh?
<remiliascarlet> You mean the paper straws explode? Yes, they do, and they're fake "paper".
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I think they don't understand communism.
<remiliascarlet> The outside and inside might be paper, but inbetween there is still plastic to prevent liquid from leaking through.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Not here. 100% paper. They go soggy very fast
<remiliascarlet> Same with "paper" cups.
<remiliascarlet> It still has a plastic firm inbetween.
<SiFuh> You mean 'film'
<SiFuh> And again. No they don't here
<remiliascarlet> I throw them away in the "unburnable trash", people look strange and ask why I put a burnable paper cup in unburnable, and I tell them "do you really think it's all paper? If so, how comes they're so stable even after holding so much liquid?". Sometimes they say "oh, never thought about that!", and sometimes they say something like "it's a special type of paper".
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Here they do have a plastic film.
<SiFuh> I know the paper cups use polyethylene here. But not our straws. You will be lucky if you can drink the entire contents of the cup with the straw before it goes soggy.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "I think they don't understand communism." True. I know enough people who had to live under communism, or have parents who had to do so. Unless they were part of the ultra wealthy elites or a KGB member, all of them hate communism.
<SiFuh> I lived under communism
<SiFuh> I should have compiled this kernel with more than 1 core
<remiliascarlet> Linux or OpenBSD?
<remiliascarlet> Or 9front?
<SiFuh> CRUX-MUSL Linux kernel
<remiliascarlet> Ah, then it'll take a while.
<SiFuh> I killed 9 front to build CRUX-MUSL so we can start building 3.8 ISO
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: jaeger said the only change expected now is to include zstd and compression into kmod. But CRUX-MUSL has had that since day one :-P So we are ahead of the times.
<remiliascarlet> Honestly, I don't really see the point for CRUX to maintain sementic versioning if all ports and the kernel are technically always up to date anyway.
<SiFuh> I have often thought about that too
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<farkuhar> It's probably overdesign to have pkgmk inspect the filesystem capabilities of the partition containing $PKGMK_WORK_DIR, and then in unpack_source() call bsdtar with --no-xattrs if the filesystem doesn't support them. I wonder how many ports are actually affected by the absence of such a test, though.
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<farkuhar> I guess the port maintainer could just redefine unpack_source() if the upstream tarball is known to contain extended attributes not supported on all filesystems. That way the majority of pkgmk invocations can avoid a superfluous test, while the handful of affected ports are handled properly.
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<remiliascarlet> Somebody recommended Russell Brand's videos, but holy fuck he screams like a motherfucker! Watched a few minutes of one of his videos, and already walked away.
<farkuhar> I wonder if it would break anything to pass the --no-xattrs flag to bsdtar for *every* upstream tarball, not just tarballs from developers whose systems enable that feature. I expect in most cases it would be sufficient to preserve only the basic permissions when unpacking sources.
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<SiFuh> farkuhar: The current diff. But I am only in the early stages. Kernel and stage 0 has been completed stage 1 is running now. But, when I managed to get the first ISO. I will boot from it and do a fresh install and rebuild the ISO a second time over a CRUX (MUSL) 3.8 machine and check if I have any bugs or things as well. Also I haven't updated any of the MUSL
<SiFuh> libraries yet. Using the old MUSL. I will look into those ports after the ISO build is complete.
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<farkuhar> SiFuh: The diff that I implemented based on your notes. Still haven't tried building anything with it yet. I'm working on tidying up my MUSL overlay first.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Also you need to include patch in core
<farkuhar> The cdrkit port needs heavy patching, even on CRUX-glibc. I'm leaning toward rewriting the iso Makefile so that it uses the equivalent commands from cdrtools (which builds more reliably with fewer patches).
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Sure. And libxcrypt needs to be stripped from CRUX since it doesn't work with MUSL
<SiFuh> And shared-mime-types has some fuzzy shit in it that also needs to be ripped out of the Pkgfile
<farkuhar> You mean shared-mime-info from the opt collection?
<SiFuh> Yeah that shit
<farkuhar> The only "fuzzy shit" I see is a patch that defines TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY in xdgmime-*/fuzzing/setup.h ; once you apply that patch, the port builds just fine.
<SiFuh> No idea. I am fscking around with gcc
<farkuhar> When you settle on the solution to gcc, let me know and I'll update the entry on this page:
<farkuhar> Note that we no longer need kmod in the MUSL overlay. The recent version bumps made portable-basename.patch unnecessary, and now even the official core port enables zstd compression.
<farkuhar> I should add an entry for cdrkit. The official port only needs "#define HAVE_RCMD 1" changed to "#undef HAVE_RCMD" in include/, and an extra flag passed to cmake. But maybe the gcc in CRUX 3.8 will not be satisfied by the existing set of cdrkit patches, and the build will break after the stage 1 bootstrap.
<ukky> remiliascarlet: "" it doesn't seem the love is mutual. Puffy seems surprised.
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