SiFuh: yes they finally shut down the cloud ?
only safe comunication is encrypted mails through tor.
and xchat.... nostr but.... the get access to the device.
Fuck the governments
Going jungle
only jugle will save us... be patient till 2032... i have faith for the asteroid
faith in
should hit america.
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zorz: Debian went very ultra-woke. Guess what? Devuan came out as meritocratic, just like OpenBSD, CRUX, and OpenMandriva.
SerenityOS too.
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I hope the asteroid hits Greece
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There are monkeys here. Unfortunately they are in the jungle and I cannot get close enough to take a photograph for remiliascarlet
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remiliascarlet: debian, changed towards wayland. all new versions of packages are compiled with wayland in mind. but 70% of linux users use debian, mainly through ubuntu.
ukky: Best I can tell, the new dependencies for glib-introspection and harfbuzz got introduced by 3c8211d67c3 in the opt repo ("merge remote-tracking branch origin/3.7 into 3.8"), but so far I haven't tracked down any corresponding commits in the 3.7 branch.
There isn't a port for glib-introspection in the 3.7 branch, so maybe they squashed two commits together (one for the merge from 3.7, another for inserting the 3.8-specific dependencies).
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11 months ago there was a premature version bump "gobject-introspection 1.78.1 -> 1.80.0" in the 3.7 branch, quickly reverted because of the problems it caused. Makes me hesitant to update gobject-introspection on a working CRUX 3.7 system.
La la la
Correction: a commit of the same name was also reverted in the 3.8 branch, so maybe gobject-introspection 1.80.0 was just a buggy version, period. They eventually bumped the version to 1.80.1 in CRUX 3.8, but left it at 1.78.1 in CRUX 3.7.
La la la
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Looks like I scared away SiFuh-Jungle.
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farkuhar: It seems like glib in 3.7 is compiled without introspection enabled. If you look at Alpine template, they build glib with introspection in three steps: glib without introspection, then gobject-introspection, then glib with introspection
ukky: Thanks for explaining. So CRUX skips the third step, and leaves glib built without introspection?
farkuhar: It seems so, unless glib with introspection is recompiled under obscured port name in 3.7 (I didn't check)
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La la la
I decided against putting a flexible rust-bin port into contrib. The resulting Pkgfile would be "ghastly to death" in Anton's words. Better to maintain a dup in your musl overlay, if you prefer not to wait around for rust to compile from source.
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Looks like I scared away SiFuh-Jungle again.
I'm leaning toward the explanation that Tilman was replying too hastily, unaware that by June 2008 prt-get didn't need any patch "to call pkgadd directly instead of whatever it does atm".
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The very next reply is from jw, though. jw must have composed his message before seeing Tilman's erroneous claim that prt-get wasn't already calling pkgadd directly; otherwise jw would have corrected Tilman on that point.
It was Tilman who eventually pushed the pkgutils commits where INSTALL rules in pkgadd.conf were first introduced. But none of the August 2006 commits to pkgutils bothered to change the db_add_pkg function signature, and hence we might end up with spurious entries in /var/lib/pkg/db (files in the package that were filtered out by INSTALL NO rules).
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No you did not scare me away I am still here it's just that it is now raining very heavily and the river has risen almost 50 centimeters
What's the fuck this giant praying mantid decided to start eating my arm
I moved into my towel apparently he doesn't like the rain either
I took a photo for remiliascarlet
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farkuhar keeps scaring me offline
SiFuh-Jungle: fix your Internet, don't blame me for your disconnections.
I am in the jungle
Easier to blame you
Speaking of easy, is it seriously this easy to keep the pkgdb from getting cluttered with files matching an INSTALL NO rule? https://0x0.st/8Te-.patch
No idea
Maybe if you ask the monkeys here
If it was that easy, why wasn't something like that proposed in all the years since Tilman committed the August 2006 changes to pkgutils?
Interesting we all know that bamboo explodes when it's burning but the second last bamboo that exploded the gas from it was flammable and made the fire twice as big as normal
SiFuh: when you say "monkeys here", are you referring to the fellows in this channel, or your simian companions in the jungle? The fellows in this channel are welcome to share their ideas on what jw and Tilman were thinking 19 years ago, but I can't ask your jungle companions directly, you'd have to ask on my behalf.
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19 years ago was a very different story
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Farkuhar yes there is a simian city here
They still haven't build cars or houses or cities yet
From the trees like Fatboy slim
Just swinging from the trees like Fatboy slim
Version Control Systems serve as my wayback machine to the "very different story" of 19 years ago. Opening pkgutil.cc as it appeared at that instant in time, I see basically the same code, except for the few places where common snippets were eventually abstracted away into dedicated functions.
And if I remember correctly 19 years ago we didn't have port yet so every package had to be added manually
There was no dependency handling and if something screwed up your basically lost
And for the run scripts many ports had readmes and you had to read those readme's to be able to install the port successfully
Are we talking about the same year? As early as April 2006 you can see jw making a commit to the prt-get repo with the message "fix compilation on openbsd".
Oh, but maybe prt-get didn't become a core port until much later. Rapid development was taking place throughout 2006, so it makes sense that the team delayed adding prt-get to the set of core ports.
Rain rain non-stop
What are the guys came running to me and said sifu the river is flooded. I patted him on the back and said don't worry. So now he is relieved
One of the guys*
We are in a valley about three to four hundred meters above sea level
The mountain range around us is 700 m above sea level. And there isn't enough surface area to flood this area completely
Hmm, it looks like by CRUX 2.2 they were shipping prt-get as a core port. In order to reconcile that date with SiFuh's recollection, I have to imagine that CRUXers back then were so wary of this newfangled tool that they continued to build and add each package by hand, perhaps using prt-get in test mode for some help with the sequencing.
I told him the river will rise about 50 cm
I very much doubt that because the users would have picked up on it very quickly we were a very small group of people about less than 15
So when I wrote "19 years ago" did you interpret it as "23 years ago"? Or is the presence of a nearby monkey city altering your perception of the length of a year?
Do you think I can't remember 19 years ago
Care to remeber
2006 I was living in China I moved to China in 2004 and then I left in 2008 because of the Olympic games
time During 2008 anyone staying in China even if they were married or working average business or tourist or student were actually deported from China because China has a policy only a certain amount of people are allowed in their country at a specificl time
So they wanted to make enough visa for the people to come and see the Olympic games and that became priority everyone else kicked out
I actually knew that this was going to happen and I left very early and 14 days after I left the police showed up at my home in China trying to find out where I was
And I have never been back
They also change the policy so that I cannot go to the Malaysian Chinese embassy I actually had to fly back to Australia and go to the Australian embassy or fly back to the US and go to the US embassy for China
Heh, I suffer from my own distortions in perceiving elapsed time. Remember how I said my PC build was 5 years old because I assembled it on the day that Trump supporters invaded the US Capitol? Seems like I added an extra year somewhere.
Trump supporters didn't invade the DC police opened the doors and let them in go watch the videos it's fucking obvious
It was those black dressed clowns from antifa that was smashing windows they were not Trump supporters at all
Antifa are an organization for higher and they were hired by the Democrats because they wanted this to happen
So I can't fault you for adding a few years to my 19-year reference point, and recalling instead the CRUX landscape of 2003--2004. But by 2006 there was definitely a core port for prt-get.
And if you don't believe me check out Jake Sullivan that guy broke into the capital filmed the entire thing and was boasting about it online and because he was antifa he has never been arrested never been charged because he was hired by the Democrats
And don't forget that Epps guy
He was FBI undercover and he was put on the FBI wanted list and then removed the following day when they discovered he was FBI and he has been caught on camera inciting the Trump supporters to go into the capital and riot and they were shouting FBI FBI because they weren't stupid they knew what he was
An amazingly enough in the court cases when they were asked to provide the evidence oh we accidentally deleted it so the FBI was covering it up it was a giant orchestrated pretend false flag because it didn't actually happen and they turned into a big thing saying it's worse than 911
And for the record I actually watched all the court cases
The entire thing was a fucking joke and the Democrats thought they could get away with it and now when Biden was in power they were all wanted a pardon wait a minute apart in is for a crime that's because they knew they committed crimes in the court cases to cover up that it wasn't an insurrection
Apart in/pardon is*
I'm actually surprised you don't know all of this
I guess watching court cases is not your thing. But for me I really enjoy it
I actually watched all the election fraud court cases too and almost every Court through the case out there was one court case where they decided they would do the review and after a long and tedious case they said we have enough evidence to prove there was election fraud but we will not proceed. And I just pissed myself laughing
Watching court cases? Nah, too dull. I'd much rather follow up on Gitea/Flyspray issues until all the bugs are ironed out.
Actually it's very entertaining I even watched the Alex Jones cod case about Sandy Hook and I find it funny that people say Alex Jones is responsible for Sandy Hook and you're like hang on a second Alex Jones didn't go and kill children he said it was fake for the only 20 minutes on one show and then many years later they decide to sue him for it
and no one remembers the name of the guy who was the actual shooter
Yeah everyone knows Alex Jones but what was the guy's name Adam lancer I think
Anyway, what did the monkeys say when you asked them whether my proposed fix https://0x0.st/8Te-.patch was too easy (and must therefore be overlooking something)?
For some dumb reason it doesn't let me click the link it only says do you want to private message
Oh, well maybe the monkeys have a better Internet connection than you do. Just give them the link and let them examine it themselves.
I can't be the Link instead hey that doesn't look like my patch
I copied the url
The only thing I have a patched was to introduce Aria2c
That patch above is meant to prevent spurious entries from getting written to /var/lib/pkg/db, in the event they were filtered out by an "INSTALL NO" rule.
I don't even know what spurious means
I just hear geeks preaching this word like it means something
Not trustworthy
I'm referring to entries that are written in error. Although the file is bundled with the package, the user prevented it from ever being installed, so no entry should be written to the pkgdb.
No comment
Such entries in the pkgdb indeed cannot be trusted. In prt-utils#1.3.3 you'll find tools that do trust the entries, leading to errors (e.g., when the arguments passed to bsdtar include some files that don't actually exist on disk).
I don't feel like reading code when I'm hanging around with my simian army
I actually don't trust most of beerman's stuff but it is there and it works
So as I went through the scripts in preparation for prt-utils#1.3.4, I wondered: why not fix this mess at the source, and prevent pkgadd from ever writing erroneous entries to the pkgdb?
Super glue, cable ties and duct tape dude
That's your metaphor for how CRUX is put together?
My tent is being held together with cable ties. And I remember Mr K welded his coils back into his truck and it broke so they welded it again and it broke and in the end we held his coils in with cable ties and it works
Yep in the long history of using it that's pretty much what I see
I find the system is very broken and many of the scripts are poorly written
NF tables my port was very good. They laughed at me for creating it because I should use IP tables and now secretly behind the scenes and NF tables was introduced in the crux add my Port completely ignored
Ivan remember beerman saying that NF tables is not necessary and guess who's the one who posts my port stole my ideas and created a completely new port ignoring mine
I evan*
I even wrote a nice rc script that was trashed
Oh we can't have that SiFuh wrote it
Yet they use a system full of my patches
It's actually very childish what goes on now in the Dev channel
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I had to download a compass app on my phone to prove that I am correct. I am saying this is north this is where the sun rises this is where the sun sets and they're swear blind I'm wrong. I said the sun is in the Southern hemisphere right now that's why the sun moves in this position across the sky. Their mind is set on the road not realizing the
road is a giant hook. We might be coming from the south but we still arrive from the northern side