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<remiliascarlet> farkuhar SiFuh: I don't think Gentoo's is harder to read. It's more like confusing, because they support multiple architectures and init systems, so their instructions feel like they're all over the place. But yeah, Arch's is very lacking.
<remiliascarlet> zorz: In the EU, almost all products are from the EU, because nobody is willing to pay discriminatory taxes to export to the EU. On the other hand, outside of the EU, almost all products are from anywhere but the EU, because EU companies can't afford to pay discriminatory taxes to export out of the EU.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: bonjour... i meant before eu... we used to pay customs.
<zorz> now, we choose frome where to buy, germany, french, used to be england to.
<remiliascarlet> The only time I had to pay customs was when I bought a PinePhone, which arrived from Hong Kong. But other than that, whether sometimes arrives from the US, Australia, China, Korea, Russia, EU, UK, or wherever else, no customs.
<remiliascarlet> Oh, let me add Ukraine and Taiwan to the list, because I ordered from there before too.
<zorz> no in greece, we pay
<zorz> my watch, seiko came from honk kong i thing, or singapore.... i paid.
<remiliascarlet> I know, in the EU you pay whatever the VAT percentage is for anything above 22 euros, and even more added customs for anything above 150 euros. Every single Euro-friend I sent products to complained about it.
<remiliascarlet> So then I started sending them marked as a "gift", and then they didn't have to pay customs anymore.
<zorz> depends, every country i think is different
<zorz> in greece till 4-5 years ago no problem.... then they realized many people use amazon
<zorz> and they start checking.
<remiliascarlet> It's a lose-lose situation when it comes to economics.
<zorz> i think amazon now calculates and you pay directly to them. long time since i ordered i amazon
<remiliascarlet> Basically the economy is split in 2; the global market, and the EU market.
<remiliascarlet> Well, 3 now. The global market, the EU market, and the Russian market.
<zorz> europe still is ok. pansion plan, medical insurance... america no good.
<zorz> Russian market is very strong. Moscow the most expensive city for shopping.
<remiliascarlet> We do have products important from the EU in some grossories stores, but they're 10x more expensive than equivelants from any other country in the world.
<zorz> seriously,,, maybe i ship products to japan :)
<remiliascarlet> Japan-made ham is 330 yen, US-made ham is 220 yen (and also includes way more ingredients), and EU-made ham is 2,500 yen (which is sad, because they contain the least ingredients).
<zorz> just now in 20 minutes i scrape 5000 products, and sql, order them..... working on openbsd is a breeze :PPpp
<remiliascarlet> OpenBSD is the slowest BSD, but it's the most secure and stable one.
<remiliascarlet> And FreeBSD is the exact opposite of that.
<remiliascarlet> NetBSD is a middle ground between the 3.
<zorz> if you speak for spanish jamon, or italian prochutto it is what it is... me to i want to try the squared japanese water melons,,, but i do not :)
<remiliascarlet> I personally have only seen round ones.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: openbsd stable....... i like it, selenium if yoou set it with firefo-esr.... its a breeze.
<remiliascarlet> Or sliced up, which is commonly sold during summer.
<zorz> 2000 a kg ?
<zorz> in greece are cheap... we buy the whole water mellon.... first time outside greece seeing people buying slices i was in shock
<remiliascarlet> 2000 a kg what? Jamon, Prochutto, square watermelons, or Firefox-ESR?
<zorz> japanese square water melon, the wagyu of watermelons
<zorz> kiwi, grapes, watermelons, melons, apples oranges, apricots... all are cheap
<zorz> 200 sorry
<remiliascarlet> Like I said, I have never seen square watermelons before. If wagyu went for 2000 yen per kilo, everyone would be eating nothing but that. And watermelons I believe are closer to 800~1200 yen. Regular melons are somewhere between 2,000~40,000 yen.
<remiliascarlet> Fruit over here is expensive.
<zorz> that is what i meant
<zorz> 3000 6000
<remiliascarlet> I've seen those before I think, but at a souvenir shop.
<zorz> I like it to watch it in pictures!
<remiliascarlet> Because we often buy fruits as a gift.
<zorz> only so far!
<zorz> :Ppp
<zorz> well my lady, have a nice day.... going to bed.
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<SiFuh> dlcusa_: I needed to open that article in libreoffice because it won't let me view the article unless I pay money.
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<zorz> SiFuh_: i do not go to Sydney for holidays, dangerous.
<SiFuh> zorz: better you go to West Point in Liberia. Great place for vacation
<zorz> tight jeans do not go over there :)
<SiFuh> Why? You can buy a money pounch there made from human genitalia
<SiFuh> puch*
<SiFuh> pouch*
<SiFuh> zorz: Just don't walk bare foot on the beach. Too many people leaving poops in the sand.
<zorz> this is very good!
<zorz> in greece because of snow and cold, we do not prefer diesel for 2 reasons... first might get cold iced second when the turbo kicks and the rpm chaange fast if you are on ice snow you might slip and stack.
<SiFuh> I don't have a diesel
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<zorz> Bravo SiFuh if you use the 4x4 for adventure and hobby never diesel only gasoline
<SiFuh> I have a 1JZ from a Toyota Supra MK II
<zorz> this is a beast man.
<zorz> twin turbo
<SiFuh> It most certainly is.
<zorz> 3000cc isnt it?
<SiFuh> No, I am sure it is a single turbo.
<SiFuh> 2491cc
<zorz> when kid somebody in my town imported a supra and was twin turbo
<zorz> toyota supra 2.5gt twin turbo r 90
<zorz> maybe i speak for another model....
<SiFuh> They put out non-turbo, twin-turbo and single-turbo version
<zorz> i speak for mark III
<zorz> non turbo i think better for adventure car
<SiFuh> Mine is Mark II
<zorz> I read that,,, I read :)
<SiFuh> It's funny, when I am leaving the house, even after a long warm up. I get to the lights and the truck has no power. Soon as I pass through the lights, the turbo kicks in and we got shot forward like we are in a slingshot.
<zorz> Maark II is your baby!
<zorz> me to i just fixed my baby nginx :)
<SiFuh> I pity you
<zorz> why ?
<SiFuh> Because you don't have a Marine Band No. 1896 Harmonica
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> i do not like to blow... this is a womans job :P
<SiFuh> Blow? You mean suck?
<zorz> wait.... i start reading.
<farkuhar> Speaking of suck, I found it amusing that qutebrowser is considered part of an "absolute barebones desktop experience":
<SiFuh> That's probably why it is called Open-Suck
<farkuhar> At least on CRUX, the qutebrowser dependencies include a boatload of qt6 stuff. I haven't checked the OpenBSD port yet, but I can't imagine they patched it to not need qt6.
<SiFuh> B-deps:devel/py-build,python3 devel/py-installer,python3 devel/py-setuptools,python3 devel/py-wheel,python3 lang/python/3.10
<SiFuh> R-deps:devel/desktop-file-utils lang/python/3.10 textproc/py-yaml,python3 www/py-adblock,python3 www/py-jinja2,python3 www/py-qtwebengine,python3 x11/gtk+4,-guic x11/py-qt5,python3
<SiFuh> L-deps:
<farkuhar> SiFuh: the summary says it's a desktop installer "based on the suckless philosophy." That would explain the name.
<SiFuh> No, I think they are misleading you. I think the suck part is for qutebrowser
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Hahahahahahaha I have qt6 on my server. nfs$ cat /var/db/pkg/qt6-qtbase-6.6.1p3/+REQUIRED_BY
<SiFuh> qbittorrent-nox-4.6.3
<SiFuh> Why on earth does the non-gui version qBittorrent require qt6?
<farkuhar> But do you have qt6-webengine on your server? That would be more inexplicable.
<SiFuh> I am installing qutebrowser
<SiFuh> qutebrowser-3.1.0p0 > qtbase-5.15.12pl151p0
<SiFuh> qtdeclarative-5.15.12pl31
<zorz> SiFuh: one year i was with qute.... is amazing
<zorz> i like presing f and having all the linkcs
<SiFuh> It sucks
<zorz> i use firefox cause i need it to scrape with selenium,,, otherwise i was with lynx and netsurf.
<SiFuh> qttools-5.15.12pl4
<zorz> i hate qt applications,,, used to love them, used to run lxqt
<ppetrov^> qt apps can inhertig gtk2 themes very nicely, so i like qt4/5
<SiFuh> qtwebengine-5.15.16p3
<farkuhar> I just skimmed through the git log for contrib/qutebrowser, and there's no mention of a changed dependency other than python3-jinja2. If the git log isn't omitting such a relevant detail, then at least since December 2019 CRUX has been building qutebrowser against qt6, even though it works fine with qt5.
<zorz> when used qutebrowser only with qt5
<farkuhar> Wait a second ... the dependency python3-pyqt6-webengine was first imported to contrib in November 2021, almost two years after the first qutebrowser commit. Maybe it started out as a qt5 app, and then beerman silently switched to qt6 without mentioning it in the commit message.
<SiFuh> I remember it was on qt5
<farkuhar> Normally when a major dependency is changed like that, the commit message is prefaced with [notify], which triggers an announcement sent to the mailing list. I'm surprised beerman switched to qt6 without any such announcement.
<zorz> crux as sifuh says should be core opt by default | add extra | and live contrib for berrman :P
<zorz> hahahaha
<ppetrov^> and no pam in core
<zorz> yes!
<ppetrov^> there should be another category
<ppetrov^> pam
<zorz> ppetrov^: yes!
<ppetrov^> so: core, opt, xorg, pam, contrib
<zorz> something like that
<farkuhar> zorz: you forgot xorg. There are opt ports that depend on stuff in the xorg collection, despite what chinarulezzz likes to do on his headless machine.
<zorz> farkuhar: i forgot... i am not AI :)
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<zorz> but with slimed down core and opt xorg. 3 default. then one extra and contrib which crux devs are not responsible something like aur.
<zorz> and live beerman to put whatever he likes in contrib.
<zorz> leave.
<farkuhar> zorz: maybe it's been a while since you last installed CRUX, but you might recall that the contrib repo is not activated by default. We already populate /etc/ports with only three active repos: core, opt, xorg, leaving it up to the user to activate the others.
<zorz> yes is not... but you need to enable it... and it has so much shit in there... that is the extra use.
<zorz> plus without contrib ports -u will be faster.
<farkuhar> I like ppetrov^s idea, though: create a dedicated repo with linux-pam and all the ports that can be configured to use PAM. Anyone who wants that functionality can put the pam repo above core in /etc/prt-get.conf, thereby masking the (now PAM-less) core ports.
<zorz> yes yes
<zorz> then it will be advertised as systemd free + linux-pam free
<zorz> it will be the only distro.
<zorz> SiFuh: this nload thing is coollll :)))
<farkuhar> zorz: it's an exaggeration to call the result "linux-pam free" if the dedicated pam repo is still controlled by the same core maintainers as the other official repos. And I'm not sure they'd appreciate the extra work maintaining two copies of each affected port: one that enables PAM, and another that disables PAM.
<zorz> why you do not gather up, and decide if you need pam or not. if not take it out..
<farkuhar> at best you could advertise it as "systemd free + linux-pam disabled by default", but that's not the same as "linux-pam free"
<SiFuh> CRUX "systemd coming soon"
<farkuhar> zorz: check the logs for jaeger's reply to SiFuh, regarding why the decision was made that way in 2019.
<SiFuh> Because beerman will need it for his gayland.
<zorz> HAHA SiFuh
<zorz> beerman can always have his personal ports. community does not like pam. vote!
<SiFuh> Community has turned into pansy SJWs now
<zorz> all users nowdays they do not know from where to get cover. with all this vulnerabilities in the wild.... systemd+pam free is an asset for you guys.
<zorz> also beerman instead of pam, can use seatd.
<zorz> in wayland.
<farkuhar> The last time I tried doing anything non-trivial with linux-pam was to set up an encrypted home directory. After authenticating successfully, PAM would load a module for decrypting the home directory, and then spawn the login shell or the desktop environment. I'm sure it can be done without linux-pam, but those alternatives weren't documented as well at that time.
<farkuhar> Easier these days just to set up whole-disk encryption. But if you only want your home directory encrypted (for performance reasons?), then the procedure is well-documented with linux-pam.
<zorz> iam reading this all this packages have pam hard dependancy ?
<zorz> linux is doomed
<farkuhar> zorz: keep in mind that Arch is a binary distro. All the packages are built and distributed with the most common configuration, even if for many of them it would be trivial to disable linux-pam.
<zorz> yes
<zorz> cyrus-sasl i do not have linux-pam in openbsd.
<remiliascarlet> Let's just all move to OpenBSD. Clearly the "modern" Linux community hates us. Which is obvious, because the woke is a culture of pure hate.
<remiliascarlet> Only a matter of time before they start requiring you to take the oath to Marx's manifesto while chopping off your dick or tits and taking hormones of the opposite gender.
<remiliascarlet> Just to use Linux.
<farkuhar> one of the few hits for "OpenBSD encrypted home directory" is this one: ... But these instructions seem to be mounting the encrypted volume at system boot, not when the user logs in. If you want decryption to happen only upon successful login, the search results all point to
<SiFuh> Or add extra parts
<remiliascarlet> The worst part is, this guy predicted this:
<SiFuh> farkuhar: You can make scripts to mount on login but
<zorz> when i say nginx is russian tech is russian tech 444 response
<zorz> xiixixii
<zorz> 444 for the 666 nomber of the beast:)
<remiliascarlet> Xii...Jing Ping?
<remiliascarlet> In many Asian languages, word for the number 4 has the same or similar pronunciation to as the word for death.
<zorz> ooohhh really even better :)
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: this guy needs a lesson English presntation
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: this guy needs a lesson in English presentation skills
<remiliascarlet> I think it's fine. I actually prefer the format of *camera on* rant *camera off* over the format of "HEY GUYS, this is (NAME HERE), give me a like, subscribe, and click that notification bell" *summarize what the video is all about* ", but first a quick word from our today's sponsor, NordVPN!" *waste 3 minutes on talking about a shady as fuck VPN provider* "To understand why this is, first let
<remiliascarlet> me tell you the history about it." *wastes 20 minutes talking unnecessary bullshit* *finally get to the point for 2 minutes* *waste another 10 minutes on telling everyone how awesome the YouTuber is to express their own ego* "I hope you enjoy it, leave a comment, like, subscribe, and click that notification bell. And donate me on Patreon, follow me on social media, buy my t-shirts, get
<remiliascarlet> NordVPN, and blah blah blah".
<zorz> nordvpn sucks
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You shorten that video by 5 minutes if you remove all the umms, ahhhs and errrs
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, let's all just use text to speech to rant in videos.
<SiFuh> Yuck
<SiFuh> "You know the rule? If you don't know how to tie a knot. Then tie a lot"
<SiFuh> Heh
<farkuhar> Tony Kornheiser is very quotable in "A Slice of Wife", especially with gems like this: "I certainly hope the reattachment surgery goes well. You wouldn't think a whole lot of people specialize in that particular procedure. Apparently, the first was performed in Japan, home of the Ginzu knife."
<farkuhar> Also: "Calling this [incident] domestic difficulty is like saying Jeffrey Dahmer had an eating disorder."
<zorz> SiFuh: moment i am lost in regex
<zorz> SiFuh: Harmonica
<zorz> its nice!
<farkuhar> zorz found some interesting visitors in his nginx logs, which reminds me of this:
<farkuhar> a rather dated music video, but still relevant, considering that the US House just reauthorized warrantless surveillance by its spy agencies.
<zorz> let me watch
<SiFuh> is always stalked by the CIA, DHS, FBI, and other agencies as well many in the far left, trying to find excuses to sew
<remiliascarlet> I saw FBI trying to plant literal child porn on loli and shota drawing sharing boards just to get it taken down by that same FBI.
<remiliascarlet> Luckily, the sysadmin caught them redhanded, so their conspiracy failed.
<SiFuh> Such amateurs. Easier to get a warrant and arrest them and say they found it but not show the evidence
<SiFuh> Hehehe
<SiFuh> What If The Home Improvement Intro Theme Was Metal?
<farkuhar> What If The Home Directory immediately becomes unintelligible randomness as soon as the user logs out? That's how I remember it working when was involved, yet the rest of the system kept humming along. So you wouldn't have to power off the whole computer to protect your sensitive data, if you heard the FBI banging on your door.
<SiFuh> We don't use
<farkuhar> On the other hand, I wonder how an encrypted home directory would get along with logging in remotely via SSH public key. If ~/.ssh/authorized_keys is not cleartext until after a successful login, then you need another place to verify the public keys. (or just keep your user logged in when you step away from the computer and go on the road)
<SiFuh> I'd make a .logout script and put it in my .profile. trap '. $HOME/.logout; exit' 0
<SiFuh> And that .logout script would umount my encrypted drive
<zorz> farkuhar: if you heard the FBI highlight banging on your door is allready to late ::-D
<SiFuh> If I heard the FBI banging on my door, I'd use the microwave
<zorz> yes!
<SiFuh> Unfortunately, I'd have the take unplug the notebook, run downstairs. Open the storeroom. Grab the microwave from the top shelf. Then find a place to plug it in and forcefully push the notebook into the microwave and then turn it on.
<SiFuh> Hahah
<zorz> hahahahahahahahahahha
<zorz> some people would run on the roof :)
<zorz> at least you run downstairs.
<zorz> farkuhar: for encrypted home dir without pam.... why do not use eCryptfs ??? soome people use this.
<zorz> all linux distro have a port of it, unless crux.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: It's quite easy to make a script that once you login in will then mount a home directory encrypted and then when you logout, will unmount it.
<SiFuh> In fact, I might work on that. I like that idea
<SiFuh> Will be an awesome feature for the laptop
<zorz> SiFuh: did you fix laptop 7.5 ?
<SiFuh> No
<zorz> okay.
<SiFuh> I should install 7.5 on the microwave
<zorz> cook food with AI recipies!
<SiFuh> If only it was possible
<SiFuh> Fuck this fake AI shit.
<zorz> fuck in 20 minutes 6% down btc
<zorz> feel sorry for the Long guys!
<SiFuh> Cool, you going to sell you house?
<zorz> i checked it before 20 min so 67k now forgot the page open, now is 62k
<SiFuh> Stock Market song for you
<zorz> can you open it ?
<SiFuh> No
<zorz> nice pussy singing :)
<zorz> right now plays commercials
<SiFuh> Song about Tax
<zorz> i used to love this town
<SiFuh> zorz: You said you like Chapagne?
<zorz> ofcourse
<zorz> they liquid everybody at 63k
<SiFuh> "I won't see her pretty face at all, because the prison is nowhere near the mall" Hahaha
<zorz> i like the tracteur
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> Bitcoin falls close to 10% following Iranian attack on Israel
<zorz> what ?
<zorz> did they hit ?
<SiFuh> Iran launched a drone swarm toward Israel that’s expected to reach the country overnight, an Israeli official confirmed.
<zorz> i read now.
<zorz> Axios, is not so trustworthy concerning btc news. they mess up for profit.
<SiFuh> You crypto is mention as well in my link
<zorz> ok
<zorz> on this usa will start a war
<zorz> ok... lucky for taiwan.
<zorz> Berlin called all german citizens to depart from Iran
<SiFuh> Didn't REM do a song about this?
<zorz> that me in cthe corner ?
<zorz> loosing my leligion
<zorz> no another one.
<SiFuh> No
<zorz> and was reading a few days ago, that Saudis stopped all works on the new NEO city... and I said the war is near.
<SiFuh> Tom Lehrer did a heaps ebtter song for WW3
<zorz> Iran has nukes, Israel has nukes... fuck sake
<SiFuh> Israel should have Iran's nukes
<zorz> 32 are enough.... but who cares for israel, usa.
<zorz> they gonna bomb them.
<SiFuh> 9 hours?
<SiFuh> How slow do they fly?
<zorz> most probalbly will shoot them down....
<zorz> they are planes not missles
<SiFuh> I doubt they will succeed
<SiFuh> Because they want the war with Iran
<zorz> yes they try to find an excuse to start war with iran
<SiFuh> They started it
<zorz> they will split fast ukraine
<zorz> and move to war in Iran.
<zorz> BTC is dropping like Iran is attacking bitcoin mining centers. HAHAHA
<zorz> Multiple drones were launched at my portfolio today.. HAHA
<SiFuh> Hope the precious metals go down too
<SiFuh> I can buy beer cans and sell them at higher prices when it levels back out
<zorz> most probably will go up
<zorz> 23:41:28 : #openbsd : avemestr : works as well - OpenBSD runs fine on their cloudy things (both AMD64 and arm64).
<zorz> interesting... for octomber.
<SiFuh> Octomber?
<zorz> October*
<zorz> thank you.
<zorz> SiFuh: when in crux, if xterm ssh connection to hetzner idle connection lost.
<zorz> in openbsd never lost.
<zorz> yesterday and today checking nginx.conf ... left it idle for 2 hours.
<zorz> connection not lost.... super wooouuwwooo OS
<SiFuh> WW3 Alert! Iran Threatens to Directly Attack Israel In Next 48 Hours! - Alex Jones
<SiFuh> Apr 13, 2024
<zorz> Apr 13, 2024
<SiFuh> Maybe April 12
<SiFuh> April 13 my time
<zorz> the fall of btc happend from major players selling before halving....... something will happen
<zorz> April 12, 1978
<zorz> hahahah
<SiFuh> When Satan was born and the Earth was cursed?
<zorz> misinformation
<zorz> Frederic Cambus (fcambus@) wrote a blogpost about running OpenBSD on the arm64-based cloudservers provided by Hetzner. For now, only -current will work,
<zorz> because the new viogpu(4)
<zorz> Posted on September 21, 2023 by Michael G
<zorz> cool 7.5 runs fine.
<SiFuh> Iran confirms launching ‘extensive’ strike against Israel
<zorz> Ce la vie
<zorz> SiFuh: i think with the same money i can create an openbsd server
<zorz> never looked to that shit.
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<farkuhar> The umms, ahhhs and errrs in the Luke Smith video are actually not the most distracting part. Around 3:40 the background structure and trees are visibly shaking, probably as the camera tries to compensate for an unsteady grip. It looks as if Luke is floating in space while the world around him experiences an earthquake.
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