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<SiFuh> farkuhar: So this machine has only one audio chip?
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<remiliascarlet> Totally nothing to see here guys!
<SiFuh> So I took the laptop into the shop for repair. I must pay a non-refundable fee. Then they email me before they even fix the laptop and say, it will cost this much and I _must_ pay it. Under their terms and agreement they say. "Repaired/Unclaimed item(s) for a period of 7 days or over shall be deemed as Highpoint's property and will be disposed of accordingly."
<SiFuh> So they wrote a rule that think allows them to steal your property?
<SiFuh> Love to see that in a court of law.
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<farkuhar> "Their house, their rules" as dlcusa might put it. If you don't like the terms offered by the repair shop, in theory you can "vote with your feet" and take your business elsewhere.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: They are breaking the law
<SiFuh> They cannot claim ownership of anyone's property. Paid for, unpaid, unclaimed. It is still by law mine and they have no standing if they say after 7 days it is theirs.
<SiFuh> This is a perfect example of what sellers and shops do here. Malaysia has some of the best consumer rights laws in the world. Second to Australia. Yet the difference between Malaysians and Australians is the Malaysian don't know and if they do know, they do nothing because it is too much trouble. Yet shops and sellers can get away with it. Chinese businesses take advatange of the Malays because they
<SiFuh> know nothing will happen and they can get away with it.
<farkuhar> So you would require the repair shop to provide free storage for an indefinite period of time? That clause in the contract seems intended to let them clear out space, in the event that a customer never comes back.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Nothing stops them charging storage fees
<farkuhar> I'm interpreting it charitably, rather than as a scheme to acquire new inventory the very instant the 7-day grace period expires.
<SiFuh> USPS charges (2004) 11 dollars a day, if you haven't picked up your undeliverable package.
<SiFuh> I cannot pick up my laptop for 7 days. I am not free to drive the 140 KM to their shop until the 25th
<farkuhar> Well, try to renegotiate the contract, then. Surely if you explained your situation they'd be willing to alter the terms, rather than lose your business entirely.
<SiFuh> They always post it back to me. This time they refused and said we don't offer that service at all. I pointed to the screen and said "What does that say?" Written on the screen it said they posted my laptop to me last time.
<SiFuh> I am. But it will be in writing because my lawyer will have a field day. ;-)
<SiFuh> farkuhar: The point is. THEY are breaking the law by putting that in the terms and conditions.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Seriously? After reading their ridiculous illegal terms and conditions, I ain't ever going back to them.
<SiFuh> My bank here has a no unsubscribe thing with their spam mail. This is the next one I am targetting.
<SiFuh> I don't even use it but they keep spamming me
<SiFuh> "Tell him about the twinkie" "What about the winkie?"
<farkuhar> fscking linux-pam. Apparently some distros are building the shadow suite so that chsh cannot be configured to work without a password (i.e. it ignores CHSH_AUTH in /etc/login.defs). On a shared system that uses only SSH public keys instead of passwords, this build of shadow necessitates superuser intervention for changing a user's shell.
<SiFuh> Fscking linux-pam!
<farkuhar> At least these distros are transparent about the effect, editing the chsh man-page to explain why login.defs will not be honored. Same version of shadow-utils (4.13) that we have on CRUX, but a slightly different man-page.
<farkuhar> Heh, maybe CRUX should change its man-page too. A quick experiment with "CHSH_AUTH no" in /etc/login.defs revealed that 'chsh' still prompts for a password.
<SiFuh> I am more curious as to why CRUX MUSL needs so many patches.
<SiFuh> You'd think MUSL would have been easily slotted in as a GLIBC replacement.
<farkuhar> it shouldn't be necessary to change the man-page on SiFuh and emmett1's fork. As I understand it, ignoring /etc/login.defs only happens when shadow utils are built against PAM.
<SiFuh> Attempting the final build to make sure it is as clean as it can ever be
<farkuhar> SiFuh: is there an OpenBSD counterpart to the firmware hosted at ? These files are all targeted at Linux, and fw_update(8) on OpenBSD did not download anything new, after I applied your patch to azalia.c and rebooted. Maybe there's a repo of problematically-licensed firmware that fw_update doesn't know about?
<SiFuh> <-- farkuhar Only here
<farkuhar> Oh well, if I can't get the internal soundcard to work under OpenBSD, I might just dedicate the machine to CRUX MUSL instead.
<SiFuh> I ask you again farkuhar. You only have one sound card?
<SiFuh> dmesg |grep azalia
<SiFuh> I don't even know if sound works on CRUX MUSL. I just built core and 31 packages from opt.
<SiFuh> Here are the patches and ports for musl
<SiFuh> Elon Musk wins court battle against Australia
<lavaball> hm?
<SiFuh> mh?
<lavaball> what did he win?
<SiFuh> Not being banned in Australia
<lavaball> oh.
<lavaball> i wouldn't want to go there anyway.
<lavaball> too many muslims.
<lavaball> we have had my fill of them right here. that's enough for 12 life times.
<SiFuh> I thought there are more in Jerry land than in Fuckedstralia
<lavaball> i saw the overthrow people demonstrating like 5 years ago.
<lavaball> they just stated doing that here.
<SiFuh> Australia and Austria are not the same country
<lavaball> no no, i meant australia.
<SiFuh> lavaball: The only thing I know that happened in AusHELLia was the BLM shit copied and pasted from the US
<farkuhar> SiFuh: on CRUX MUSL you just built core and 31 packages from opt? I thought you built the kernel too, which is how you discovered the dependency on bc. If the kernel builds fine, then any soundcard supported on another distro should also work on CRUX MUSL.
<lavaball> blm was way later.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: HAHAHA you can't have a bootable CD without a kernel dude.
<SiFuh> lavaball: I was in Australia in 2019. There was NOTHING. Then around 2020-2021 the negro communist march too place which was fine because you breath wouldn't hump other people's legs and give you a fake flu virus even though everyone was suppose to be at home wearing face condoms.
<SiFuh> lavaball: Wasn't there a towel head movement in Austria around that time because of the Vienna stabbings?
<SiFuh> This one
<SiFuh> And this one was the communist march in Australia
<lavaball> way before that.
<lavaball> yeah, 5 years sounds wrong. i remember warning the suicide girl not to go there.
<lavaball> and that was 8 years ago. i'll see if i can find it.
<SiFuh> Okay
<SiFuh> I was in AU 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
<SiFuh> There was a vegan thing though around then. But that didn't last long.
<SiFuh> Oh that one. That was years ago. And it was discovered to be a setup. A false flag.
<SiFuh> There was also another in 2022 but no riots. Where they tried to blame Christian Terrorists. Which failed as soon as they started talking about it.
<farkuhar> Heh, the shadow-4.13 source tree explicitly states that the pre-built man-pages might not be suitable, if you change the configure flags. But to generate customized man-pages based on the configure flags, you need to have xsltproc, docbook 4, docbook stylesheets, and itstool, which would then entail build-time dependencies outside core.
<SiFuh> It is all going to shit
<SiFuh> farkuhar: jaeger said he wasn't interested in musl but he said it is nice to have new options available for CRUX users.
<SiFuh> I told him that I wasn't interested in musl either but wanted it ready for those who were.
<farkuhar> Our port of shadow already ships with config files destined for $PKG/etc/pam.d, so why not bundle the customized man-pages too, and install them under $PKG/usr/share/man? Once you let `ls /usr/ports/core/shadow | wc -l` get bigger than 5, who cares whether the count is 14 or 27?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I can't see why a universal man page doesn't exist.
<SiFuh> If you compiled this, then....
<SiFuh> We have man pages in OpenBSD that are very well written. But we also have old manpages that are no longer needed but they still exist. I don't mind.
<SiFuh> Here is a perfect example. The command 'rename' is gone.
<SiFuh> But the manpage for rename still exists
<farkuhar> SiFuh: you asked for the output of `dmesg | grep azalia`. I already posted a more extensive snippet: . So yes, there's only one soundcard (unless I plug in a set of USB speakers).
<SiFuh> farkuhar: It wasn't but I saw only one option for azalia and it looks like a HDMI option which is very weird.
<SiFuh> I was wondering is this a NUC?
<farkuhar> No, it's a Chromebook (Dell 3110, to be specific)
<SiFuh> Oh yuck
<SiFuh> Did you pretend to be a 5 year old to get it?
<SiFuh> If you have an RCA audio port then you should actually have sound.
<farkuhar> That's what I thought too, but even on ParrotOS live CD it failed to initialize the soundcard, pointing me to the SOF project on github for extra firmware.
<SiFuh> SOF isn't that a kernel thing?
<SiFuh> Yeah it is..
<SiFuh> When I had my PCMCIA Linksys Wi-Fi. I needed firmware for it. OpenBSD had directed me to the CD where I can extract it and copy it into /etc/firmware. This is before firmware was really a big thing. So maybe if you can find the firmware, there may be a way where we can get the kernel to slot it in.
<SiFuh> I did notice though in OpenBSD some of the firmware is in the kernel and poached from Linux.
<farkuhar> 'rename' is a Perl builtin (and possibly a builtin on other systems languages), so it's excusable to retain a man-page for it, in the same way that /usr/share/man/man1p is filled with pages from the "POSIX Programmer's Manual"
<SiFuh> Well, I care not. I do all my massive file renames with emacs ;-)
<farkuhar> So after a little trial and error, I found the PAM counterpart to 'CHSH_AUTH no' in /etc/login.defs. Apparently you can add the line 'auth sufficient' to /etc/pam.d/chsh, and then the user doesn't need to enter a password to change their login shell.
<farkuhar> Good to know if you administer a server whose users login by SSH public key (without any entries in /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow), and you cannot be bothered to recompile the shadow utils.
<SiFuh> I don't have the problem. I don't use PAM
<farkuhar> I don't administer such a server myself, I'm just investigating on behalf of the people who do.
<SiFuh> I don't have the problem. I don't use PAM
<farkuhar> Well, official CRUX still ships with shadow built against linux-pam, yet the man-pages are not customized to reflect that configuration. We should open a Gitea issue asking for the customized man-pages to be bundled with the port, in the same way that entries destined for $PKG/etc/pam.d are bundled.
<SiFuh> I don't have the problem. I don't use PAM
<farkuhar> You're willing to burden the users of official CRUX with erroneous man-pages? It's simple enough for the port maintainer to generate the customized man-pages in a separate VM (one that has xsltproc, docbook, docbook-stylesheets, and itstool installed), and then copy the resulting files to the port directory.
<SiFuh> People don't get burdoned by extra manpages. If they are, they are probably mentally retarded
<SiFuh> farkuhar: You know, like Christians that never read the bible ;-)
<farkuhar> The pre-built man-pages that come with the shadow tarball are not "extra", they're simply aimed at a configuration that doesn't match the official CRUX port. If you don't customize them, then users might be encouraged to insert into /etc/login.defs some lines that have no effect. A better solution is to append a section at the end of login.defs showing all the settings that have been obviated by linux-pam.
<SiFuh> I don't have the problem. I don't use PAM
<farkuhar> Here's how Ubuntu modified login.defs to prevent such misguided tweaking:
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<SiFuh> farkuhar: An Ubuntu link? You trying to infect us all?
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