jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<kathe> hello. :)
<beach> Hello kathe.
<kathe> ah ha, beach! cool. how have you been old man. ;)
<beach> Pretty much as usual. You?
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<kathe> beach, sorry for the delay, got stuck while reponding to a legal matter.
<beach> I see. No problem.
<kathe> beach, i am well. though, now, with every passing day, it seems like i will be quiting computer programming, even as a hobby.
<beach> Hmm. Is that good or bad?
<kathe> it is both, at the same time.
<beach> I see, sort of.
<kathe> bad, because my heart is deep into it, enough to have been at it for 33 years.
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<kathe> good, because, i will no more be participating in the rape of mother nature due to the production, operation and disposal methods of that medium (hardware).
<beach> I understand.
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<jcowan> I think it is Dijkstra who says that "computer science" would be exactly the same if computers had never existed.
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<bjorkintosh> jcowan, would it really? I think it's a bit hyperbolic.
<jcowan> Yes, in the sense that mathematics is universal; no, in the sense that we probably wouldn't think of these things if we had no toys to reify them.
<jcowan> What mathematicians work on in any given period of time is kind of random and influenced by fashion anyway.
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<mfiano> Dijkstra also said that computer science will always be an unsolved problem if we cannot move on from calling 'errors', 'bugs'.
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<yitzi> Dijkstra said a lot of things, to be fair.
<bjorkintosh> mfiano, Dijkstra's motivation came from the fact that he was a physicist before he was a computer anything.
<bjorkintosh> he needed theoretically sound foundations to work with. not silly neologisms.
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<Demosthenex> and lots of stroopwafel
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<NotThatRPG> I'm trying to connect to a remote slynk server and failing. All I see in emacs messages is "Lisp connection closed unexpectedly: connection broken by remote peer" which ... really doesn't help me troubleshoot. Anyone know how I could tell what's going wrong?
<NotThatRPG> If it helps, I can use `nc` to verify that the slynk connection is listening. I just can't connect.
<mfiano> You should not be looking in *Messages*
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<mfiano> There is a buffer specifically for the inferior lisp process, and also one that logs protocol commands
<NotThatRPG> It's not version skew -- the remote and local are both 1.0.43
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<NotThatRPG> mfiano: I looked in *sly-events* but didn't find anything
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<NotThatRPG> Or rather, just found (:emacs-rex (slynk:connection-info) nil t 1) -- no response messages
<mfiano> If it is empty then nothing was received. But there is another buffer I hinted at too
<NotThatRPG> mfiano: I don't see any other buffer whose name starts with `*sly-`
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<mfiano> It wouldn't. It's an emacs thing
<mfiano> Oh well maybe it does
<mfiano> My emacs is very different these days
<mfiano> it would have "inferior-lisp" in the buffer-name
<NotThatRPG> mfiano: This is a remote lisp, so it doesn't have an inferior-lisp buffer AFAICT
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<mfiano> Ok, if there is no client in Emacs, and no client message received in the server, you will have to debug the client output or the wire
<etimmons> The remote may be listening only on I forget how to check/change that off the top of my head, though.
<NotThatRPG> In the ssh console I see listening port 4005 for hercules port 4005, connect from port 63298 to port 4005, nchannels 4 -- so at least the message from the client is getting there. But the slynk server doesn't seem to see it
<NotThatRPG> etimmons: That message from ssh seems to suggest that the server would see the message as coming from localhost -- "connect from port 63298 to port 4005,"
<etimmons> yeah, I agree
<NotThatRPG> I don't know if there's something to look at in the server that might indicate what's going wrong.
<NotThatRPG> Like is there a function that should be invoked in serving requests or forming a connection that I could trace?
<mfiano> As a non-solution, I heard unix domain sockets are supported, and this is localhost, so...
<mfiano> It might give some insight
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<NotThatRPG> Slynk is loaded in the server.... Looks like it should be logging to *standard-output* but I don't see any output when I try to connect.
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<NotThatRPG> When I try to connect sly sends a request to execute (slynk:connection-info). If I trace that function, I don't see anything when trying to connect.
<NotThatRPG> slynk::*event-history* is empty
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<NotThatRPG> OK what's happening for some reason is that my network connection to the slynk server opens, but then closes and does not accept connections.
<NotThatRPG> No error message in the lisp console for the slynk server, and nothing written to the slynk log. Just a pile of WTF
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<jcowan> Demosthenex: I don't know, is stroopwafel a Frisian thing?
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<bjorkintosh> a stroopwafel is hopefully a thing that eats stroustrups.
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