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<phantomics> A question: can anyone think of a good way to differentiate plists from simple lists of keywords in a form I plan to convert to JSON?
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<phantomics> For example, a form like (:item 1 :classes (:header :form :ui) :meta (:data1 "Hello" :data2 "Test"))
<mfiano> a plist is pretty general. for example, an alist is also a plist. it depends on content.
<phantomics> In this form, the :meta property is supposed to be a plist itself, but the :classes property is just a list of keywords, not supposed to be a plist
<mfiano> can also be a plist*
<phantomics> In an alist, each individual member is a pair of key and value, whereas the items in a plist alternate between key and value... is that not the case?
<beach> phantomics: If your values are not keywords in the plist, you can check for that.
<phantomics> In some plists, the values will be keywords
<beach> Then there is no way that I can see.
<mfiano> plist keys need not be keywords or symbols. similarly alist values need not be atoms.
<mfiano> '((a . (1 2)) (b . (3 4))) is also a plist with a list key and a list value
<phantomics> Ok, I see
<phantomics> I was thinking of doing something like initializing every non-plist keyword list with a symbol like :-, but that seems so clunky
<beach> phantomics: Maybe you should use something more appropriate like instances of standard classes.
<phantomics> I was aiming for something more freeform than that, but I could just use alists instead of plists for the main structure
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<beach> Well, what you do is you hide the "freeform" data structure in a slot in the instance of a standard class.
<beach> Then the standard class determines what the slot contains, plist or ordinary list.
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<phantomics> beach: That may require many standard classes to express the different types of components in these data structures
<beach> Not really. You have one standard class that reflects the fact that the slot contains a plist and another that reflects the fact that it contains an ordinary list.
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<phantomics> Ok, so this is a more simple, universal class use case
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<phantomics> Seems like the :- approach to start an ordinary list is simpler, because you just test whether that's the first item rather than using classes
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<phantomics> I'll try the alist approach for now
<beach> I thought you said that idea was clunky.
<phantomics> Less so that needing to do stuff like make a macro that expands to (make-instance 'plist-class :members (list :a 1 ...))
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