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<jcowan> There's nothing JSON-specific about REST.
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<Josh_2> Hi :sunglasses:
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<jmercouris> Can someone please explain this?
<ixelp> dpaste: 2WMU2EQ93
<jmercouris> I don't understand why it is showing me just 1 on the first invokation and then 1 and 2
<jmercouris> the plot thickens even more: http://dpaste.com/DDA7SKJXP
<ixelp> dpaste: DDA7SKJXP
<jmercouris> :linux is *NOT* in the list of features, and *YET*, it is part of the list
<jmercouris> how do you explain that?
<Josh_2> Magic
<jmercouris> seriously, what is going on?
<jmercouris> is there something I am strongly misunderstanding about these macros?
<beach> jmercouris: The #+ is interpreted by the reader.
<beach> In the first case, the entire form is read before anything is evaluated.
<jmercouris> and why is not being re-read?
<jmercouris> that's why I don't understand I am in the REPL
<gilberth> Would you expect that .(let ((*read-base* 8)) 10) evaluates to 8?
<jmercouris> should it not be REREADING?
<jmercouris> oh I am being a silly tomato
<jmercouris> I see it now
<gilberth> The form is first read and then evaluated. It's not evaluated as it is read.
<jmercouris> yes, I was being a huge dumb dumb
<edgar-rft> the R (read) in REPL comes *before* the E (evaluation)
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<jmercouris> Is there a way to recursively list the dependencies of a ASDF system?
<jmercouris> like for example, if I have a project which depends on A, which depends on B, which depends on C
<jmercouris> and I am looking at A, can I get it to tell me B, C?
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<bike> i think that gets a bit complicated because asdf has a complicated notion of dependencies; e.g. you can have loading a system have different dependencies than compiling it
<bike> however it looks like you might be able to rig something up for the usual case
<jmercouris> bike: how does QL figure out what it needs to fetch?
<bike> if I do (asdf:component-depends-on 'asdf:prepare-op system-name-here) i get a fairly normal list of dependent systems in the result. then you could recurse through that.
<jmercouris> let me try that
<jmercouris> thanks bike
<bike> what quicklisp actually does is it tries to load a system, and then if asdf complains that it can't find something, quicklisp intercepts the error and tries quickloading the missing system.
<bike> asdf is... very complicated.
<jmercouris> that is an interesting strategy
<jmercouris> I bet it is
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<jmercouris> what were people using before ASDF?
<bike> mk-defsystem, i think
<bike> it doesn't seem great.
<jmercouris> well, this is a hard problem
<jmercouris> and I don't think a lot of people are really interested in it
<bike> i am seeing that some of the dependent systems can be a little complex, e.g. for the system i tried it on there's a dependency on PARSER.COMMON-RULES, but also one on (:VERSION ESRAP "0.15")
<bike> there are a few asdf... alternative? things? but i haven't checked them out enough to say anything coherent. library dependency resolution is too hard for a simple country compiler dev like myself
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<jmercouris> lmao
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<jmercouris> I always have such a difficult time with recursion
<jmercouris> probably because I avoid it
<jmercouris> I ended up creating several infinite loops trying to solve this simple problem...
<jmercouris> this is my best attempt so far: http://dpaste.com/9469RTK9U
<ixelp> dpaste: 9469RTK9U
<jmercouris> what am I missing?
<jmercouris> I think I have a base case, when there are no more components, don't recurse again
<bike> this function calls itself on the same system
<bike> like, you do (components :foo) or whatever, and then on line 3 it calls (components :foo)
<jmercouris> bike: what do you mean?
<jmercouris> Ah I see
<jmercouris> the when clause...
<jmercouris> I have to check withanother function
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<jmercouris> I've updated
<ixelp> dpaste: 2CPVTKS4U
<jmercouris> still seems to infinite loop
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<jmercouris> there is so much wrong with my function
<jmercouris> I can see it by stepping through it mentally
<jmercouris> I just don't know how to think of it correctly
<jmercouris> for example, consider Alexandria which has no dependencies
<bike> well, you're still having it call itself again
<jmercouris> Alexandria would not be added to the list...
<jmercouris> bike: how so? isn't a recursive function supposed to call itself?
<bike> what is this supposed to return, exactly? are you trying to accumulate to a list to return, or are you trying to change a slot in the system?
<jmercouris> I am trying to basically implement a DFS on a tree
<jmercouris> I am trying to accumulate a list to return
<bike> i mean, again, you have (components system) calling (components system)
<jmercouris> well, I was trying to do it recursively to get all of the recursive dependencies of a system
<bike> yeah but then you should be calling it on the dependency
<bike> not the same system you came in with.
<jmercouris> ah...
<jmercouris> components component
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<bike> if you just call it on the same system repeatedly you just have an infinite loop
<bike> maybe instead of the collect line you just want "append (components component)"
<bike> and the when line shouldn't be needed, since if (rest etc) is empty the loop will just terminate immediately and return nil, like you want
<ixelp> dpaste: 257XNNXJD
<jmercouris> doesn't return anything now
<jmercouris> don't we need to collect?
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<jmercouris> I finally figured it out
<jmercouris> that was both trivial for most people, but complex for me :-(
<ixelp> dpaste: DWUY36QLB
<jmercouris> for those curious
<jmercouris> and it makes a nice little tree
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<Josh_2> I have an odd problem
<Josh_2> I load my lisp image, and until I go back and manually compile a certain file, I run into a no applicable method error
<Josh_2> So I (ql:quickload <my project>) -> run a test -> test fails -> go to file X -> highlight all and C-c C-c compile -> run a test -> test doesn't fail
<Josh_2> I tried wrapping areas of that file in eval-when
<Josh_2> The file in question is listed in my asd file :thinking:
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<Josh_2> :skull:
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<Josh_2> I hate my code :man: :gun:
<Josh_2> I spent ages writing this code and I hate it
<Josh_2> A dsl would be better
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<Josh_2> I want to write a mini programming language to solve the primary problem in my system, but I dont know where to start
<Josh_2> or even how to do that :skull:
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<Josh_2> Okay I think I fixed that problem
<Josh_2> :skull:
<Josh_2> Better macrology was the solution
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<NotThatRPG> Josh_2: Were you generating methods from your macros?
<Josh_2> Yes but that wasn't the problem
<Josh_2> It was to do with symbols
<Josh_2> I'm still confused but it seems to be working
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