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<yitzi> Good luck with that.
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<pfdietz> :)
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<jjnkn> hi, i'm learning about methods and there is something i'd like to get advice on; i'm trying to generate methods with macros; in particular, my macro should be able to generate multiple methods that have the same parameter specializers; as far as i understand, the method system doesn't allow this; so how can i benefit from type specialisation in this case? is it possible to perform some compile-time
<jjnkn> magic here?
<beach> What would it mean to have more than one method with some particular specializers?
<jjnkn> i should provide more details, return values of my methods don't matter, their purpose is to perform validation, so they either raise a condition or don't; therefore, it would be enough to simply run them sequentially
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<beach> Well, that's not how the object system works.
<beach> You could have two methods with the same specializers if they have different qualifiers, but then you would need to define your own method combination.
<beach> And conditions are not "raised". They are "signaled".
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<beach> If defining a method with the same specializers as an existing method would result in the new method being added, then each time you load your system again, you would get more and more methods.
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<beach> And if you made a mistake in a method code and attempted to define it again, the incorrect method would not be removed.
<jjnkn> okay, how about this: in my macro i check if a method with given parameter specializers already exists, and if it does (call it 1st method) i "wrap" it into the 2nd method (the one being defined by the macro)
<jjnkn> that's where i think some compile-time magic should happen, as i know little about compile-time evaluation in Common Lisp
<beach> You can't call methods. You call generic functions, and the generic function selects which methods to call an in which order.
<_death> you could define a single method with a body that's built out of multiple forms.. or keep multiple functions around to call
<beach> You can stick your functions in a hash table and call each function in the hash table.
<jjnkn> i have already tried the hash table approach, but couldn't replicate type specialisation, since a key will correspond to a single type (i.e., functions keyed on 'string will not be found for (simple-array character)
<beach> Maybe if you tell us what you are trying to accomplish, we could suggest a solution that works.
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<_death> you could, again, define a single method with multiple forms for a particular class if needed, but have the GF use progn method combination so that methods defined for superclasses would also be called by the GF
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<_death> still it's now unclear why you're talking about types in general (and not classes)
<jjnkn> i'm trying to create a system to define classes with validation of their slots; validation takes place when a slot's value is being set; i want my validators to specialise on the type of value being set
<jjnkn> let me provide an example
<jjnkn> say we have a class ORDER which has a slot DATE
<_death> CLOS does not support dispatching on types in general, so if you wish to do that you'd have to write your own dispatching code
<jjnkn> i want to be able to set a DATE from a string (e.g, 2022-01-01) and from an integer (e.g., unix time)
<jjnkn> for both string and integer i want to provide validators
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<jjnkn> and, most importantly, i want to be able to have multiple validators for each type
<jjnkn> _death: what do you mean? am i misunderstanding the concept of method parameter specialization?
<beach> You can't use arbitrary types as specializers.
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<beach> Only classes and EQL specializers.
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<beach> So you can't say (defmethod foo ((bar (integer 1 3))) ...)
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<jjnkn> i'm confused... first of all, is (integer 1 3) a valid type?
<beach> Sure.
<phoe> but it is not a valid class
<_death> you could have something like (loop for validator in (slot-validators object 'date) when (validates-type-p validator object 'date new-value) do (validate object 'date validator new-value)) and have some fallback when there's no appropriate validator
<jjnkn> does it represent an integer that is either 1 or 3?
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<phoe> clhs integer
<beach> No, an interval.
<beach> ::clhs integer
<ixelp> CLHS: System Class INTEGER
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<phoe> it represents an integer between 1 and 3, inclusive
<_death> (validates-type-p should also take a validator; this snippet was for illustration purposes only)
<beach> jjnkn: To get either 1 or 3 you could use the type (member 1 3)
<jjnkn> well, in any case my validators don't require such intricate types
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<jjnkn> it is enough for them to use classes as type specializers
<jjnkn> _death: i am considering roughly the same approach as you proposed, but wanted to find out whether i could employ generic functions for my purposes
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<beach> jjnkn: If you insist on wanting several methods with the same specializers, I think the answer is no.
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<_death> is it important to define validators for a given slot separately and incrementally? if not, why not a simple (deftype order-date () '(or (and string (satisfies date-string-p)) (integer 0))) and have :type order-date for the slot? in fact to me it seems poor to have a slot contain multiple representations of a date after validation.. I would just pick a single representation and validate possible inputs elsewhere as part of translating
<_death> into that representation
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<jjnkn> _death: i'm not familiar with the DEFTYPE form but regarding the 2nd part of your message: a slot can contain a single, fundamental, representation, but can be set from different ones by means of translating inputs
<jjnkn> i'm still not certain whether it's a must to be able to define validators incrementally
<jjnkn> seeing that it's not a trivial task, i'm probably going to stick with a simpler non-incremental approach for now
<_death> so (defmethod (setf date) ((new-value string) order) (setf (date order) (convert-to-unix-time new-value))) ?
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<_death> and order should probably be specialized as well
<jjnkn> yes, something like that
<_death> it's kind of weird to set date to something and then get it back and it's a different object, so I'm not sure I would use such methods for that (although it should return new-value)
<_death> *use setf methods for that.. I'd maybe have a set-date GF that takes a "date designator"
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<jjnkn> my system will also allow to read slot values in different representations
<jjnkn> in fact, a representation is allowed only if it has a mapping function from the fundamental type (for setting the slot) and a corresponding inverse function (for reading the slot)
<jjnkn> i meant a mapping function that maps NEW-VALUE to a value of the fundamental type
<jjnkn> and an inverse that does the opposite
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<_death> so that's another reason not to use the accessor.. you'd want to provide the desired representation type as an argument, like (get-date order 'iso8601-with-fries)
<jjnkn> that's exactly how i'm designing it
<jjnkn> it will not be a reader function defined by DEFCLASS but my own
<jjnkn> there are also performance considerations: for example, if the inverse mapping function is computationally expensive
<_death> anyway, if you want validate or translate from multiple representations having the same class, you need to handle that yourself in a single method
<jjnkn> yeah, that's what i'm going to do for now, thanks for the input
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<Posterdati> cffi is still broken on netbsd and openbsd
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<didi> Is this expected? I have the following file https://paste.debian.net/hidden/00bb7521 . I then eval in another package (defvar *bar* foo:*foo*) and (eq *bar* foo:*foo*) => t. All is good. But, if I compile the file in SLIME using C-c C-k, (eq *bar* foo:*foo*) => nil. I'm using SBCL.
<ixelp> Debian Pastezone
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<gilberth> It is. When you compile and load that file foo:*foo* is set again with DEFPARAMETER to a new (3 . 4) different from the previous one that *BAR* still has.
<didi> oic
<didi> gilberth: Thank you.
<didi> So I need to think of another way of setting a sentinel that I can test using EQ and that will survive recompilations.
<gilberth> s/defparameter/defvar/ does the trick.
<gilberth> DEFVAR only sets the variable when it has no value yet, while DEFPARAMETER always sets the variable.
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<didi> gilberth: Ah, so that's it. Thank you.
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<Posterdati> gsll is broken again on openbsd :)
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<Josh_2> Wish there was a minimal version of clog
<Josh_2> adding it as dependency broke my build pipeline because it depends on sqlite... :sob:
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<Josh_2> Version of clog without gui, without sqlite, only websocket!!
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<Josh_2> Time to rewrite clog :skull:
<Josh_2> I am going to :man: :gun:
<Josh_2> Why is cl-isaac like this
<Posterdati> :(
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<Josh_2> All these stupid CI pipelines do not aid rapid development
<semarie> Posterdati: could you define "broken" a bit more ? which lisp implementation ? which error ? etc...
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<semarie> here, gsll passed 3480 on 3588 assertions (openbsd 7.4-beta, sbcl-2.3.8~, x86-64)
<semarie> and same question for cffi
<Posterdati> openbsd 7.3 amd64
<Posterdati> I fixed gsll and cffi to work on openbsd long ago...
<semarie> you are using sbcl from ports ? (it is an old version)
<Posterdati> no
<semarie> good :)
<Posterdati> sbcl-2.2.5-threads
<semarie> ah. still an old version
<Posterdati> but it worked
<Josh_2> computers :angry:
<Josh_2> can't I just be left alone with my lisp image and me :sob:
<Josh_2> Why must I communicate with the outside world!!!
<dlowe> so your program can have a test load
<dlowe> it's like fuzzing except you get paid for it
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<Josh_2> :skull:
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<Josh_2> Had to grab upstream cl-isaac to fix lack :skull:
<Josh_2> Had an old commit of lack because of broken cl-isaac :skull:
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<ecraven> elephant is not developed any longer, right?
<Josh_2> Right
<ecraven> is there a generic database library, that can do sql queries to different database backends?
<Josh_2> Yes
<ecraven> could you tell me what it's called?
<ixelp> GitHub - fukamachi/cl-dbi: Database independent interface for Common Lisp
<Josh_2> There might be a few
<Josh_2> Personally I just use Postgres
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<jjnkn> when i tried cl-dbi i encountered an issue with executing multiple sql statements at once; i wanted to run an sql script, so i just read the whole file and tried to execute its contents but cl-dbi signaled an error
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<Posterdati> fixed!
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<Josh_2> Some choices with CLOG annoy me :skull:
<Josh_2> I wish I could specify the listening URL :skull:
<Josh_2> It is omnificent :sunglasses:
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<gendl__> Hi, is it true that Bordeaux-threads doesn't have shared read-locks and write-locks, where multiple readers can hold the lock at the same time as long as no writer holds the lock? You'd have to implement those yourself?
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<gendl__> (i know there's a pretty formulaic way to build readlocks/writelocks given basic mutexes and condition variables)
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<bike> gendl__: as you can see here https://sionescu.github.io/bordeaux-threads/locks/
<ixelp> Locks dictionary - Bordeaux-Threads
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<fe[nl]ix> gendl__: that's correct. there's a feature request open: https://github.com/sionescu/bordeaux-threads/issues/77
<ixelp> Add Reader/Writer locks · Issue #77 · sionescu/bordeaux-threads · GitHub
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<fe[nl]ix> I hope to address it before the release of 1.0
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<Josh_2> There is book Little Book of Semaphores
<Josh_2> Might come in handy
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