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<nytpu> i've gotten very confused about the clhs entry for ARRAY-DISPLACEMENT, can anyone clarify?
<nytpu> in the description's first paragraph, it says "If the array is not a displaced array, nil and 0 are returned." but then in the second paragraph it directly contradicts that by saying "It is implementation-dependent whether array-displacement returns a non-nil primary value for [an array that is not displaced]."
<nytpu> ::clhs array-displacement
<mfiano> That's not how it reads to me
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<nytpu> mfiano: can you elaborate?
<mfiano> No I can't because now it does :)
<White_Flame> the implementation-dependent return includes for displaced arrays with a NIL :displaced-to value
<mfiano> Hmm?
<White_Flame> at least, literally
<mfiano> "If displaced-to is nil, the array is not a displaced array."
<mfiano> As per MAKE-ARRAY
<White_Flame> but yeah, needs a venn diagram ;)
<mfiano> It's odd that they chose that wording for the second paragraph
<mfiano> A verbose way to reinstate the previous paragraph, but with a conflicting constraint
<mfiano> I'll leave a language lawyer to it
<nytpu> yeah, that part of of MAKE-ARRAY (and ADJUST-ARRAY) is why i clarified the quote as "an array that is not displaced" rather than "an array with a NIL value given to :DISPLACED-TO", since the latter by definition means the former
<White_Flame> "if not A, then return nil and 0". "if A, return X, undefined for anything else", basically?
<nytpu> it almost reads like they had two different versions of the description and accidentally included both in the spec
<mfiano> It isn't a very widely used function, but still, I'm surprised not to see anything on https://www.cliki.net/ANSI%20Clarifications%20and%20Errata
<ixelp> CLiki: ANSI Clarifications and Errata
<White_Flame> sounds like something to add to WSCL if not there already
<mfiano> Definitely WSCL at the least should clarify this
<nytpu> okay so looking at the original issue writeup it makes more sense: http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Issues/iss132_w.htm
<nytpu> "Some implementations implicitly displace some arrays. (For example, adjustable arrays might be represented as displaced arrays.) Permitting ARRAY-DISPLACEMENT to return non-NIL for those arrays allows those implementations not to have to record some additional information in the array about whether an explicit :DISPLACED-TO was provided."
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<nytpu> the wording in the spec could still be a bit more clear though
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<fengshaun> how does one start dealing with binary data and endianness in cl?
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<fengshaun> just poking around
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<aeth> as well as some other bit-related operations on http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/c_number.htm
<ixelp> CLHS: Section The Numbers Dictionary
<fengshaun> aeth, thanks
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<aeth> to build something in a given endianness, you LOGIOR together integers that are shifted with ASH
<aeth> for instance (using fewer bits because it still applies), #b11 and #b10 can combine into #b1110 or #b1011 depending on which one you shift.
<aeth> because that will combine #b1100 with #b0010 or #bb0011 with #bb1000
<aeth> s/#bb/#b/
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<aeth> You can also multiply by powers of two and sum. Different orders of 8 bits will give you different endianness
<aeth> or (iirc) dpb
<fengshaun> dpb?
<fengshaun> aeth, thanks, I'll play around with it
<fengshaun> I'm evaluating cl for a project that I expect to last >10y
<fengshaun> other languages I'm looking at are either too cumbersome to use, too new, or too low level. I remember having a blast with cl.
<aeth> The other direction (parsing bytes of a certain endianness) is iirc ldb
<aeth> and a few other ways to do it
<fengshaun> awesome, thanks! I just saw ldb in the hyperspec
<aeth> (format nil "#b~8,'0b" (ldb (byte 8 0) #b1111111100000000)) => "#b00000000"
<aeth> (format nil "#b~8,'0b" (ldb (byte 8 8) #b1111111100000000)) => "#b11111111"
<aeth> without the format you'll get 0 and 255
<aeth> this just helps you see what's going on with the bits
<aeth> So you can write a function to convert endianness this way, by first using LDB to get the individual bytes and then by swapping the order in the function that puts them together with something like ASH and LOGAND
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<fengshaun> it's easier than I thought!
<fengshaun> thanks a ton!
<aeth> you're welcome
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<jobhdez> hello beach - hope all is well. not sure if this is good question to ask but im curious as to how you design compilers? whats your take on this? thanks
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<beach> jobhdez: There is a lot of literature available, and it is hard to summarize all that material here. The main work of a compiler nowadays is to apply a bunch of optimizations. For that, I use the book by Muchnick.
<beach> "Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation"
<jobhdez> thanks! some say that we have come to the end of moores law. you think compilers will increase in importance?
<beach> Compiler technology (especially optimization) has been very important for quite some time. What is interesting to me is that most research has been done for C-like languages. And I guess LLVM is the current manifestation of that. But for dynamic languages like Common Lisp, there seems to be a lot to do still. We have done some, but I am sure there is more.
<hayley> Moore's law isn't dead, it just smells funny. The relevant law for compiler optimisations is more pessimistic though.
<beach> And, yes, Moore's law is not about speed, but about the number of transistors on a chip.
<hayley> "Proebsting's law" states the performance of generated code doubles every 18 years; https://zeux.io/2022/01/08/on-proebstings-law/ does a little test with different versions of LLVM and finds the law to be too optimistic.
<ixelp> zeux.io - On Proebsting's Law
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<beach> Heh!
<jobhdez> thats interesting that it would take that long. based on my linear algebra compiler papers i have read i get the impression that its really hard to generate efficient code thats as good as hand written kernels. also from ACM CC it seems like deep learning will improve optimization but im no expert so im not sure if this is true. so is building an
<jobhdez> optimizer for a compiler really hard?
<jobhdez> based n my reading of linear algebra papers***
<jobhdez> on*
<beach> jobhdez: It is not "hard" if you read the literature. You "just" have to implement the techniques that are documented. But, like I said, this is mainly true for static languages like C.
<jobhdez> what are the open problems for compilers for dynamic languages eg common lisp?
<beach> For some reason, relatively little research has been conducted to take advantage of the fact that, at any point in time, the Common Lisp image has access to the full code that is being used.
<beach> jobhdez: I don't know. If I did, I would work on some of them. But you can study the SICL-related papers to see what things we invented for the past 10 or so years: http://metamodular.com/SICL/
<ixelp> SICL documents
<jobhdez> oh interesting. thanks a lot
<beach> jobhdez: Also, it is not just about the compiler. It is about the full system, like generic dispatch, call-site optimization, etc. Those are not directly part of the compiler.
<hayley> Dealing with dynamic dispatch, divining types and overcoming the darn Von Neumann bottleneck strike me as important.
<jobhdez> beach: This is why you are separating these into their own repos right? I remember you saying something like this a while back. You were working on that I think.
<beach> I don't remember exactly what I said. We extract code to separate repositories when we estimate that the code can be written in an implementation-independent way without sacrificing performance.
<beach> Some parts of the compiler must collaborate with some parts of the garbage collector and the way the system represents objects.
<beach> So those can't be entirely separate.
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<jobhdez> oh ok. well that is cool
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<hayley> My recommendations are Urs Hölzle's PhD thesis (on Self, he then went to reimplement it for Strongtalk which became HotSpot for Java) <https://bibliography.selflanguage.org/_static/urs-thesis.pdf> and Cliff Click's sea of nodes IR <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9epgZ-e6DUU>.
<jobhdez> thanks hayley - any other good compiler papers you recommend?
<hayley> What I've read by Stefan Marr and Chris Seaton (RIP) on implementing Ruby tends to be really good.
<jobhdez> thanks
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<hayley> With regards to "divining types" - this is all about concrete types, not so much types at the language level. Java and C++ might do similar with dynamic dispatch, the ML family might specialise higher-order functions. Okay, Craig Chambers's thesis (also on Self) is also excellent <http://www.wolczko.com/tmp/ChambersThesis.pdf>
<jobhdez> hayley: thanks. hey, im curious. how did you go about building the garbage collector for sbcl? is such an enormous task. you did great work there
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<hayley> I did it roughly in this order: 1. fail to reimplement luis's parallel copying collector patch 2. write the allocator 3. write a non-generational mark-region collector 4. add generations 5. add parallelism (which was pretty easy; I designed with it in mind) 6. procrastinate on implementing compaction 7. procrastinate on it some more 8. implement compaction
<beach> jobhdez: Again, there is a vast amount of literature on garbage collection, for instance "The Garbage Collection Handbook" by Jones.
<beach> jobhdez: The main difficulty is the very interaction I mentioned between the compiler and how objects are represented. And different techniques optimize different aspects, so there are tons of trade-offs.
<hayley> Much of what I borrowed was not in the Garbage Collection Handbook at the time. I have the new edition, which covers the last decade of garbage collector design.
<hayley> The parallel tracing algorithm by Ossia et al, Immix and the non-moving generational collector design by Boehm are in the first edition of the Handbook, but "Fast conservative garbage collection" and "Taking Off the Gloves with Reference Counting Immix" are not (as the Handbook predates those papers).
<beach> Right, books are good starting points, but to do real work, one often has to consult research papers that are more recent.
<hayley> beach: The difficulty mostly came from retrofitting a mostly non-moving collector onto SBCL, which is rather tightly coupled to a moving design.
<beach> Yes, having to deal with existing design decisions complicates things.
<jobhdez> good to know you all!
<hayley> Were that not the case, I might have used MMTk and called it a day. Instead the developers "just" gave me some good ideas for my own collector.
<beach> That's a big reason why I decided to create SICL rather than attempting to improve an existing implementation.
<hayley> beach: I should mention, your sliding GC is cited in the Handbook now.
<beach> Oh, nice!
<beach> I never sent the paper to Jones.
<ixelp> The Garbage Collection Handbook: The Art of Automatic Memory Managemen
<aeth> You could probably double the performance of programs compiled by SBCL twice, in less than 18 years. It would be much harder to double the performance of LLVM because that's closer to the cutting edge.
<beach> aeth: In my opinion, that's not the main reason. Like I said, most research has been done for C-like languages.
<hayley> aeth: I got a 70% speedup for one-more-re-nightmare in a few days. Extrapolate from that.
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<aeth> The first +100% (doubling) should be relatively easy if there was a large enough effort applied. The next +100% would be much harder.
<aeth> Or I guess it would be +200% to double again... bah.
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<jobhdez> hayley how did you get a 70% speedup?
<hayley> The compiler would put code which exits a loop "fall through" a conditional jump, when the code in the loop should fall through. I'm still not exactly sure why it mattered so much, honestly.
<hayley> Note that it was 70% for a very specific workload, though I heard of some 20% speedup in clintm's parsing code. Otherwise everything else was roughly unaffected.
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<jobhdez> interesting. so did you read the whole garbage collector handbook or just the parts that you needed?
<jobhdez> just curious
<hayley> Mostly just the parts I needed. Sometimes I'd idly read a random part, but it's a very broad book.
<jobhdez> im reading the intro right now and im thinking: why the hell do people program in C or C++, garbage collection is better
<jobhdez> its pretty impressive that llvm work as it does considering it was built with c++
<jobhdez> things like dangling pointers
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<hayley> One amusing reason, which doesn't cover all the cases, but covers an interesting amount is as follows:
<hayley> "A lot of developers, particularly young developers, imagine that languages like C++ represent "leveling up" in the game of development. These developers spend their days toiling in cesspools of Python and Javascript, converting XML to JSON to SQL to TOML to XML to SQL to protobuf to JSON, while simultaneously wrestling with Kubernetes Amazon Docker React Chef, and imagine that "real programmers" are
<hayley> having non-stop sex parties while slinging around manual memory management code and probably some cool inline assembly that's so fast that the CPU clocks actually run backwards."
<hayley> There are legit reasons, but a fair amount seems to be not very legit.
<beach> Nice quote! Where is it from?
<beach> For LLVM, I suspect they wanted to interface to be C++ so that more clients could be considered. Otherwise, if it were just a compiler, C++ would be a bad choice indeed.
<jobhdez> If youre writing a kernel then c/c++ is probably fine but as beach says, it seems a bad choice for a compiler. For me the best languages are probably common lisp, standard ml/ocaml, and haskell. but im not familiar with how lazyness affects compiler development but based on conversations with robert smith you kind of do need static guarantees when
<jobhdez> building a compiler but the interactivity of common lisp makes it a good candidate as well. so i think coalton is a good thing
<jobhdez> that was a good quote
<hayley> Another issue is that tracing garbage collection tends to be poor at reusing a small address space quickly, which does not work well with cache.
<jobhdez> ah ok. so that the more legit reason for choosing c++
<hayley> I'd prefer not to write a kernel in C - empirically I can't not say that it's possible, but it's quite easy to make errors, and the cost of an error could be quite high.
<hayley> (I turned down a job working on web browsers in C++ for that reason.)
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<jobhdez> yeah writing in c++ just seems painful. dangling pointers and memory leaks just sounds awful. instead of thinking about the problem itself youre debugging memory errors. as someone said in a blog- when you write in c++ youre the programmer and the janitor.
<aeth> I think the thing about C++ is that there's a lot of libraries out there in C++
<aeth> the ones in C can be used from almost any language, but not all of the ones in C++ can easily be used in other languages
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<aeth> this creates a network effect
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<jcowan> hayley: in addition to the langs you mention, Scheme and Smalltalk have been the subjects of a good deal of compiler research over time
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<jcowan> I think another reason for favoring C/C++ is that if you want a job at FAANG you need the extra 1% or 0.1% performance gain. When I was working at GOogle it was said that a job running on a thousand servers was a small job
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<beach> I can't figure out from the documentation of Parachute how to compare the result of evaluating two forms so that the number of values and each of the values are equal.
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<beach> I mean, I can always call multiple-value-list on both forms, but I would think this kind of comparison is common.
<beach> I see that there are classes MULTIPLE-VALUE-RESULT and MULTIPLE-VALUE-COMPARISON-RESULT, but I don't see how these classes can be put to work.
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<beach> I'll just define a macro that expands to IS and MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST I guess.
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<mgl> Maybe write something like Try's MATCH-VALUES? https://melisgl.github.io/mgl-pax-world/try-manual.html#TRY:MATCH-VALUES%20MGL-PAX:MACRO
<ixelp> Try Manual
<beach> mgl: Thanks. I ended up doing something similar. Not too hard, just a few lines of code.
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<Josh_2> https://github.com/qitab/ace.core anyone used any of the tools here?
<ixelp> GitHub - qitab/ace.core
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<fitzsim> borodust: thanks for taking a look; yeah, I had org.borodust.org installed; replied in detail on the github issue; feel free to close "wontfix" if you're not interested in ppc64 support ever (or see alternative suggestion in the issue)
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<mfiano> Is it portable and conforming to #'compile a new function object, in the environment of the same-named function of the global environment (as a memoization technique)?
<bike> compile doesn't accept an environment anyway, so i'm not sure what you mean
<beach> I don't understand what "in the environment of the same-named function of the global environment" means.
<mfiano> I just mean to compile a new function into the toplevel environment (so no environment is fine), inside a function of the same name that also exists in the toplevel environment
<Inline> for making an image ?
<mfiano> So that the next time it is called, it is 'optimized' in some regard
<beach> mfiano: You don't compile into an environment. The name is associated with the function as a result of (SETF FDEFINITION), not COMPILE.
<bike> compile does essentially do setf fdefinition, but as an afterthought
<mfiano> Right, I just mean (defun foo (..) ... (compile 'foo `(lambda (...) ...)) ...)
<bike> that's sort of okay, but keep in mind that the semantic restrictions in compile-file mean you can't technically redefine individual functions
<mfiano> Hmm
<beach> Of course, we do that all the time in SLIME.
<mfiano> Ok, thanks!
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<Shinmera> aeth: wrong, on clisp array-total-size-limit is > most-positive-fixnum
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<Shinmera> it's weird that that's the case, but c'mon man, don't just post a straight falsehood after I post proof of that being a falsehood.
<jcowan> Shinmera: a-t,-s-l is said to be a fixnum
<jcowan> Ergo<
<jcowan> < max pod
<jcowan> Pod fixnum
<Shinmera> oh wait, did I misread my own output
<Shinmera> I did indeed
<Shinmera> many apologies, I am indeed very stupid
<jcowan> Nash
<jcowan> Moral:format with commas
<Shinmera> Anyway, I often do something like (deftype array-index () `(integer 0 ,(1- ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE-LIMIT))) so I can easily bound values
<Shinmera> without having to rely on FIXNUM as a kludge
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<aeth> Shinmera: Come on, this is #commonlisp, where we read the HyperSpec as our main source of truth. I looked up ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE-LIMIT in the HyperSpec before making my remark. http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/v_ar_tot.htm
<ixelp> CLHS: Constant Variable ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE-LIMIT
<aeth> > A positive fixnum, the exact magnitude of which is implementation-dependent, but which is not less than 1024.
<aeth> If an implementation did violate it, it would be violating it, for whatever that's worth.
<Shinmera> yea see I did know that, but thought "well, that's another weird clisp-ism to add to the list"
<aeth> Alexandria has an array-index type
<aeth> it uses (1- array-dimension-limit) as the default value
<aeth> i.e. the max size each dimension can go, which may or may not be the same as array-total-size-limit.
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<aeth> should in theory be (<= array-dimension-limit array-total-size-limit most-positive-fixnum) but there is no restriction there.
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<aeth> something which holds in SBCL, ECL, and CLISP, which are the only three I have installed (I'm pretty sure I tested my earlier line in CLISP, too, but I can't guarantee that I did)
<aeth> For completeness, what's really all over the place is array-rank-limit. Way too low standard minimum of 8. And implementations are much lower than you think (64 ECL, 4096 CLISP, 129 recent SBCLs) because you quickly run out of memory.
<Shinmera> I don't remember when I last used even a 2D array, so I'm not particularly bothered by that :v
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<aeth> 2D seem to be very useful as matrices (at least ones that aren't sparse), except that most people who use matrices are doing graphics and so probably use 1D arrays and might use something like the static-vectors library for OpenGL.
<aeth> 3D might have uses, too. I think an image library uses it for x position, y position, and (r,g,b,a) iirc. Beyond that, it quickly loses practicality. 0D can be used as a "box", but that's rare.
<aeth> I think I use 2D to make an "array" of (x, y, z) vecs, not too unlike what the image library does with (r,g,b,a) in 3 dimensions. You do sacrifice the ability to use the sequence functions when you do this, though.
<aeth> (You probably don't care and this might all be old information to you, but someone reading the logs might want to know where 2D/3D arrays are used.)
<Pixel_Outlaw> aeth, are you cataloging your findings between dialects? This'd be handy for somebody wanting to write portable code.
<Pixel_Outlaw> Sorry between implementations.
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<aeth> It would have to be more systematic because versions differ and architectures differ (especially when the architectures are 32-bit vs 64-bit). (I assume that) the whole reason the standard minimums are too low in the first place is because they allow for 16-bit CL implementations.
<Pixel_Outlaw> Probably "big enough" for 1993 :P
<aeth> if you wanted 16-bit support, yes
<Pixel_Outlaw> Or whenever the second standard was released.
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<aeth> The only thing that would be very hard and very useful in this project would be finding out all of the upgraded-array-element-type types.
<aeth> It's easy to go through the types you think of and see if they're T or the type.
<aeth> But you probably wouldn't think of (upgraded-array-element-type '(complex double-float))
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<aeth> Also, [un]signed-byte is a bit more complicated because they're not just T or the type and they could round to an unusual size, such as a fixnum (or positive fixnum!) size. e.g. (upgraded-array-element-type '(unsigned-byte 48)) => (UNSIGNED-BYTE 62) ; but probably only on my current 64-bit SBCL install and not outside of SBCL
<aeth> To further complicate things, there's a chance that such things might round to the size that the implementation uses for their 32-bit fixnum (or positive fixnum), despite that not existing inside of the 64-bit implementation in any other detectable sense.
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<jcowan> Higher-order tensors are the obvious application of n-dimensional arrays
<aeth> are they sparse or not?
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<jcowan> Usually not.
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