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<Shinmera> And another library from me today: https://shirakumo.github.io/glfw/ (support me on patreon https://patreon.com/shinmera )
<ixelp> Glfw
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<beach> Congratulations!
<Shinmera> I feel a bit silly adding another glfw bindings library to the pile, but the others are mostly unmaintained.
<Shinmera> I'd like to do a pure-lisp version of the same (akin to cl-gamepad, cl-mixed, etc.) some day, but that would be quite a big effort for somewhat minimal gain.
<beach> I don't know much about the domain, but I was under the impression that some APIs are basically defined by the C library that accesses the hardware. Not this one?
<random-nick> glfw is a utility library similar to sdl iirc
<random-nick> it wraps OS-specific APIs
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<Shinmera> beach: you are correct, and this is one of those cases
<Shinmera> however, I meant eliminating the "middle man" library like GLFW/SDL/etc.
<Shinmera> cl-gamepad and cl-mixed directly talk to the various OS APIs via CFFI
<Shinmera> which is often better than using a middle man, because you do get more control over memory management and can better handle failures and such.
<Shinmera> in the case of GLFW though it has been so rock solid that in all the years of using it it has not once been the cause of any memory corruption or other such silly business.
<Shinmera> so my incentive to lispify it has been very much diminished
<Shinmera> oh, and if you do it in lisp you don't need to ship a dll/so/dylib and have it precompiled for whatever platform and OS combination.
<Shinmera> so deployment is easier
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<beach> I see.
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