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<splittist> jmercouris: you might feel it is overkill, but cl-interpolate can be useful for dealing with 'c-like' strings https://edicl.github.io/cl-interpol/
<ixelp> CL-INTERPOL - String interpolation for Common Lisp
<splittist> (interpol, not interpolate, obnov)
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<tboros> Greetings. Am I correct in assuming that "create-prefix-dispatcher" is functionally a specialized form of "define-easy-handler" from hunchentoot API?
<tboros> I figured that both "create-prefix-dispatcher" and "define-easy-handler" dispatch handlers in response to requests, but the latter allows greater access to the request parts, while "create-prefix-dispatcher" only takes URI as input
<Shinmera> you can expand it to check your assumption with macroexpand-1
<Shinmera> Or look at the source
<tboros> Thanks. create-prefix-dispatcher defines a handler to be dispatched when request file-path part (script-name in hunchentoot) matches prefix, though after 3 days of looking at this I'm still not fully sure of all the parts of a HTTP request. define-easy-handler also defines a handler to be dispatched when using easy-acceptors
<tboros> I suppose I'm looking at a puzzle with large gaps, and waiting to gather enough pieces so that the picture starts to make sense and the rate at which the puzzle is being completed speeds up. source-code and documentations have been helpful :D
<pl> Anyone here using CLOG and on-line?
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<lagash> splittist: did someone say INTERPOL? :O
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<jjnkn> what is the correct way of using GENSYM in a macro? should the resulting symbol always be interned?
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<bike> you just use it as a variable name or whatever. you shouldn't intern them.
<bike> (let ((x (gensym))) `(let ((,x 4)) ,@body (print ,x))) now you know body can't refer to your variable.
<jjnkn> well, how about this: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3966
<jjnkn> oops, forgot the lambda list
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