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<beach> doulos05: Many of us have come to the conclusion that it is not such a great idea to define specific constructors, even though Keene's book recommends them.
<fosskers> beach: To clarify, you mean the `make-<structname>` functions that are auto-generated?
<beach> No, I mean the make-<mumble> that you create your self and that do (make-instance '<mumble>...)
<beach> *yourself
<beach> ... as doulos05 wrote before.
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<fosskers> Right, same thing just for structs/classes. What are the claimed benefits of custom constructors? Validation of input?
<beach> I don't remember all the details. It's in Keene's book. Input validation I think is one aspect. Do you want me to look it up?
<beach> Page 25...
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<beach> We recommend that you define constructor functions to be used by the clients to make instances. A constructor is a tailored way to make an instance of a given class; its name usually describes the kind of instance it creates.
<beach> A constructor provides a more abstract external interface than does make-instance, because its name describes its higher-level purpose (make a null lock) instead of its internal implementation (make an instance of the class null-lock).
<beach> Another advante is that a constructor can have reqired arguments. In constrast, all arguments to make-instance except for the first are optional. We might prefer to require that users initialize thae name of a lock.
<beach> *advantage. [there might be more mistakes]
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<aeth> the nice thing about make-<foo> is that it hides what you're returning
<aeth> could be anything
<aeth> the not-so-nice thing is, yes, inheritance
<beach> I also find that the class to instantiate is known only at run time.
<beach> ... is often known only at run time.
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<aeth> to me, the main downside of make-<foo> is that it encourages people to not export their class names
<aeth> which doesn't give you the option of make-instance, but it also doesn't give you the option of check-type
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<fosskers> beach: thanks for checking that
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<beach> Sure.
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<beach> Hmm, the result of typing (get-setf-expansion '(values x y)) to the SBCL REPL is very confusing.
<beach> Since the result has multiple values that are printed separately, the correspondence between variables in different values is not obvious at all.
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<splittist> It's not as confusing as asking for the expansion of (VALUES #:NEW1 #:NEW1) (:
<splittist> (the g-s- expansion, that is)
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<beach> I also tried (get-setf-expansion '(values (values x y) z)) which is also a bit more confusing.
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<beach> To see clearer, I wrapped the all in MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST.
<beach> *the call
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<mgl> beach: And MVL helps because *PRINT-CIRCLE* is true?
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<beach> Yes.
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<mgl> It may be reasonable behaviour for the REPL to print multiple values in a single logical group. No Lisp I tried does it though.
<beach> You think so? How would READ handle them then?
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<_death> READ wouldn't handle the uninterned symbols (or unreadable output) well anyway.. but I think this particular case just needs better names for the symbols.. for some reason sbcl's implementation binds *gensym-counter* to 1 for each list of "new values"
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<flip214> Can I get the FASL path from ASDF for an already-loaded system? Or the base directory of the FASLs? I need to know where libosicat.so gets built.
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<mgl> beach: Good point. That probably rules it out.
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<jmercouris> It seems to me that a big driver for adoption of languages is "C, but better"
<jmercouris> consider Rust, consider Zig
<jmercouris> great C interop + something they claim is better
<jmercouris> in that same vein, why not do something like that with CL?
<beach> Like what?
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<beach> Presenting Common Lisp as a better C, or proposing a "Common Lisp but better"?
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<Pixel_Outlaw> "We want the speed of C/++ but are scared to death of memory management" is the current trend.
<edgar-rft> we all know that only worse is better
<Pixel_Outlaw> One thing I'd caution about is people dragging baggage from other languages and writing unlispy frameworks in CL because of it. I feel that happened in Clojure with the JVM refugees.
<Pixel_Outlaw> Languages can become victims of popularity, but that's nothing new.
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<jmercouris> just a thought that I had
<jmercouris> I don't have any actionable ideas besides "Common Lisp as a better C"
<jmercouris> could be an interesting article, presenting CL as a systems language
<jmercouris> a lot of people misunderstand what CL is
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<bjorkint0sh> go on, jmercouris. What are the misunderstood parts of CL?
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<jmercouris> bjorkint0sh: people think it is a functional only language, suitable for scripts
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<bjorkint0sh> They look at the reference manual and think it's a FP language instead of the multi-paradigm magnificent beast that it is?
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<White_Flame> IMO the only big advantage of C that you don't get in other languages is to load or mmap files and directly view those bytes as datastructures
<White_Flame> in terms of practical applications
<White_Flame> but I think that still probably falls in the category of optimization
<White_Flame> and of course can be quite brittle
<jmercouris> It isn't about *your* opinion, it is about the prevailing "wisdom" and opinion
<White_Flame> and of course the biggest misunderstanding about lisp is that people think it's "LISP" ;)
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<bjorkint0sh> well it started out as LISP didn't it? and then a tl;dr followed and the impression remained lists.
<White_Flame> basically
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<Pixel_Outlaw> The biggest misconception I commonly see around work is that it's "Slow because it's interpreted".
<Pixel_Outlaw> Meanwhile SBCL spitting out ASM like it's nothing.
<Pixel_Outlaw> They see languages like Python or Ruby and it gets thought of as something in that area. They also mistake it for being weakly typed.
<Pixel_Outlaw> SO they assume it's a slow weakly typed langauge with "bad syntax".
<Pixel_Outlaw> Now, Rust at el made the whole "systems language" a thing so unless something has a 1 pass compiler they write it off as slow.
<Pixel_Outlaw> *et al
<Pixel_Outlaw> When I gave my demo at work I made sure to demonstrate "disassemble" as well as some "time" tests so show them I was really redefining code which was as fast as it was expressive.
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Well not a 1 pass compiler, maybe I used the wrong term there. But hopefully you get what I mean. The whole 1 shot compilation.
<Pixel_Outlaw> For me the angle was "You think compilation is cool eh? How about always be compiling. At the functional level."
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<fourier> Biggest problem for me always was "if yoo leave, nobody would understand your code"
<fourier> No language or ecosystem advantages could help it
<bjorkint0sh> fourier, tell them it's self documenting.
<attila_lendvai> fourier, that's always the case. you can just pick whether it's because of a niche language, or because of the unnecessarily bloated size of the codebase
<fourier> Somehow the feel like massively templated "self-documented" c++ code written by a dedicated batch of core developers is better :(
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<fourier> the=they
<Pixel_Outlaw> heh that was the sell for COBOL. "The Self Documenting language!" (big pile of trash)
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<Pixel_Outlaw> However, as CL supports documentation and docstrings it can be very self documenting. :)
<bjorkint0sh> Pixel_Outlaw, oy! don't knock it till you exceed it's installed base :-)
<bjorkint0sh> it worked!
<Pixel_Outlaw> I managed an IBM COBOL/RPG shop. ;)
<bjorkint0sh> there are very difficult works of fiction afterall.
<Pixel_Outlaw> Insurance :)
<Pixel_Outlaw> The important thing is that your developers are happy and producing good code and documentation I guess. That's what gets your products out.
<attila_lendvai> Pixel_Outlaw, what makes a language self-documenting is properly named abstractions that capture the model and intent very closely. i.e. you never run out of language when you try to capture the abstractions that you manage to identify as a programmer. documentation then is only a bird's eye view, putting the source into context.
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Yeah, SICP is a good case study of careful naming and binding actions to meaning rather than just reusing "the language" primitives without naming.
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<aeth> White_Flame: So the only big advantage of C is the ability to sidestep security for performance and immediately execute arbitrary bytes because you can trust all of the input you're given? Doesn't really seem to work on (inter)networked machines.
<aeth> But I'd also add very low RAM usage and very fast start time. Most alternative languages don't have one or both. And if you optimize for low RAM usage, you're probably replacing a fast compiler (like SBCL's) with a slow interpreter (like CLISP's)
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<bjorkint0sh> C: Computing like the PDP-7 has just come out.
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<aeth> To be fair, that was 1965 and they had a whole 18 bits back then... and even as late as 1994, computing had vastly expanded, but most computers were probably on 16-bit OSes, which is actually 2 fewer bits.
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<aeth> Even 32-bits is kind of tight for something like CL (the impact of tagged fixnums matters way more when you remove a few bits from 32 bits instead of when you remove a few bits from 64...)
<aeth> So decades of very weak hardware unless you paid a lot of money probably kept things on C and C++.
<bjorkint0sh> it's apocryphal but the idea is the same: https://papersourceonline.com/roman-horses-butts-designed-space-shuttles/
<ixelp> A Horse's Ass Designed The Space Shuttle | Paper Source Online
<aeth> On tagged fixnums, I mean, you're at best case dividing by 4 for the max (signed and with one bit tag) so that's 4294967295 vs 1073741823 and those are numbers you can actually expect to hit in day-to-day stuff sometimes. And that's best case... 32-bit SBCL doesn't use 1 tag bit on x86-32 (unlike SBCL on x86-64) and idk if any implementation does.
<aeth> bjorkint0sh: Yeah, basically. We're all just using IBM PCs... even if we're using ARM instead of the 64-bit Intel/AMD architecture!
<aeth> All the cool stuff in the 80s at a minimum required 32-bit computers and approximately nobody remembers them while almost everyone could've gotten a microcomputer.
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<bjorkint0sh> worse is better. true for software, true for elected officials.
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<jcowan> fourier, Pixel_Outlaw: I wrote a finger client for the PDP-10 once
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<jcowan> my manager insisted that I wrote it in Cobol because he had Cobol maintenance programmers but none for PDP-10 assembly language (the obvious option then).
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<jcowan> So I learned enough Cobol to write it, but I was petty enough to use a lot of Cobol's standard abbreviated keywords.
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<bjorkint0sh> jcowan, what OS was the PDP-10 running?
<jcowan> TOPS-10
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<Pixel_Outlaw> jcowan, interesting... :)
<Pixel_Outlaw> Yeah the english based math phrases suck, I recall some compute directive.
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Or similar.
<bjorkint0sh> whahahahat?
<Pixel_Outlaw> jcowan, did your place have the habit of creating entire columns of nothing but whitspace in the DB so you can shove an entire row into a PIC?
<jcowan> No, it wasn't a Cobol shop as such, it was a university computing center.
<Pixel_Outlaw> Ah. :) Yeah at my old gig they literally wrote whitespace columns so they could shove them into a PIC and have the fields populate. Very poor programmers.
<bjorkint0sh> why wasn't lisp used for data processing? it's about as old as COBOL.
<Pixel_Outlaw> Speed probably.
<jcowan> We did hire a consultant at one time. He declared an array with 500 elements. Guess what the next 500 statements were.
<Pixel_Outlaw> I WISH IBM had continued with Lisp. But they implemented a lot of languages and they all died as people kept purchasing the RPG and COBOL compilers.
<jcowan> He was gone the next day
<Pixel_Outlaw> :P
<jcowan> IBM never had a Lisp product; their only Lisp never made it out of Yorktown Heights (= IBM research)
<aeth> bjorkint0sh: Lisps work best with very advanced features such as autoindentation and automatic parenthesis management (where, at a very minimum, typing the character #\( also produces a #\) to close it)
<aeth> (keeps it balanced)
<aeth> the advanced feature called syntax highlighting also helps a lot to distinguish e.g. most built-in macros
<Pixel_Outlaw> oh hell
<Pixel_Outlaw> SEU doesn't have that.
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<Pixel_Outlaw> THat's the IBM text editor for midrange. It blows.
<aeth> I remember when syntax highlighting was one of the distinguishing features that made XEmacs (RIP) better than GNU Emacs
<aeth> XEmacs hasn't really been active in 15 years
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<jcowan> Syntax highlighting is fine if you don't write macros yourself, but people do.
<jcowan> Personally I think parenthesis matching (not supplying) is the only really important feature (I just drop from ex-mode into vi-mode and bounce on the % key)
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