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<samebchase> Found https://www.endatabas.com/ recently. A new database written in CL+Rust what do you all think about this
<ixelp> endatabas | SQL Document Database with Full History
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<Shinmera> I think "I'm just gonna continue to use postgres"
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<tyson2> took alphapapa's advice and installed 29.1 (build 2) in place of 30.x
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<nij-> How to pass the signal conditioned to the next step? (handler-case (fail!) (error (e) (do-something e) (PASS-TO-THE-NEXT-HANDLER e))) ?
<mfiano> signal
<nij-> Hmm seems right half.. but when I do https://bpa.st/UYVIC
<ixelp> View paste UYVIC
<nij-> The error didn't invoke the debugger.
<nij-> While I think it should, because it was signaled the second time without being handled.
<bike> signal doesn't invoke the debugger
<bike> you can call error again for that
<bike> but if you do want the debugger, i'd recommend using handler-bind instead of handler-case
<yitzi> handler-bind would probably be better since it doesn't unwind the state
<bike> (handler-bind ((error #'do-something)) (fail!))
<yitzi> as bike said
<nij-> If handler-bind is "so great", and it seems that syntactically it is as minimal as handler-case,
<bike> it's not
<nij-> why would anyone wants to use handler-case? (a separate question)
<bike> and it's pretty common to want to handle an error by stopping right there rather than continuing on to further handlers, in which case handler-case is convenient
<yitzi> handler-case is built on top of bind. Like restart-case on restart-bind.
<bike> for example (ignore-errors form) is (handler-case form (error (condition) (values nil condition))). with handler-bind you'd have to do (block #:gensym (handler-bind ((error (lambda (e) (return-from #:gensym (values nil e))))) form))
<nij-> Oh I see.. handler-bind only processes that condition, and let the condition signaling flow to be passed on.
<nij-> FInally I understand it =_
<nij-> Thanks
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<fengshaun> I just found this on the interwebs: https://www.timmons.dev/posts/static-executables-with-sbcl-v2.html
<ixelp> Eric Timmons
<fengshaun> iirc with sbcl I was able to get an image, but needed sbcl on the deploy machine. Has that changed? can I get a self-contained binary and just deploy it on a minimal machine with nothing on it?
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<hayley> Here is a little guide to the parallel GC, with how to build it and how to tell if it's working <https://applied-langua.ge/~hayley/pmrgc.html>
<ixelp> Please test the parallel mark-region collector for SBCL
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