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<nij-> Having two lisps X and Y. How do I make all things printed to Y's *standard-output* to be printed to X's *standard-output*?
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<jeosol> nij-: if you don't mind sending them separately, I am thinking a simpler solution could be with swank? A more complex solution will be using queues, but that is not probably what you need and is an overkill
<jeosol> Good morning all!
<nij-> I can use swank. But.. how should I use it?
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<Josh_2> What about just writing to a common file?
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<Josh_2> output *standard-output* of X into file Foo and have Y periodically read Foo?
<aeth> can you launch one Lisp from uiop:run-program inside of the other?
<nij-> aeth yes
<aeth> or I think it might be launch-program
<nij-> oh you're asking me for my question
<nij-> hmm no.
<nij-> in fact, one lisp is in a remote server
<Josh_2> :skull:
<nij-> I have portforwards the remote slynk server to my localhost, so I can `M-x sly-connect` to it.
<nij-> However, all logs in the remote lisp doesn't get to be printed in my local lisp.
<Josh_2> Can't you just read the logs from systemd etc?
<Josh_2> You could just use http server and poll for the logs :shrug:
<nij-> I can read the log there, yeah. Just wondering if there's an easier option.
<aeth> swank-over-ssh (if possible?) might be the correct, general way to do it
<aeth> remote is the important thing
<aeth> if you want to get creative, though, you could e.g. use an IRC library
<aeth> it's just TCP how hard can it be
<jeosol> nij-: one way I have done this using swank, I was trying to do a poor man's CI/CD when once I update the code on the remote server, I send an instruction to (ql:quickload "some-system")
<jeosol> as aeth said, I think best is probably using swank and or related derivative system
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<nij-> Does swank support what I want already?
<nij-> If not, then I'll have to make a stream that goes to my local machine..
<nij-> Oh actually no! I should be able to do as follows: create a swank server in the remote lisp, get the *standard-output* of that output stream, concatenate that with the remote standard output stream, and set the remote standard output stream to be the concatenated one.
<nij-> Lemme try it now. Thanks :)
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<zest> is there anyway to make method dispatching happen at compile time? i.e. instead of searching for the method and executing it at runtime it happens at compile-time for better performance...
<zest> reading from the CL-COOKBOOK, there is through INLINED-GENERIC-FUNCTION (package) but what one cannot modify the generic method...
<contrapunctus> zest: not sure I understand the issue, but maybe https://github.com/alex-gutev/static-dispatch ?
<ixelp> GitHub - alex-gutev/static-dispatch: Static generic function dispatch for Common Lisp
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<zest> contrapunctus: I implemented TRIVIAL-GRAY-STREAM:STREAM-READ-CHAR but the performance is abysmal between the function and method. 20ms for normal function and 150ms for method
<zest> The code is literally copy pasted and I have the optimize flags as needed
<zest> contrapunctus: I tried that one with the added SPACE and STATIC-DISPATCH-TYPE but nothing changed; still 150 ms
<beach> 150ms for reading one character sounds way off.
<beach> As does 20ms.
<zest> sorry, it is not for reading one character but like 1 million
<beach> That sounds more realistic. So how is 150ms out of the question for reading 1 million characters?
<zest> beach: because that same method when defined as a function does 20ms
<beach> That's not my question, though.
<zest> beach: well, using an SSD and having a good enough pc makes me believe I could go for less.
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<gilberth> zest: Your problem is that you read a character at a time. When you're after speed use READ-SEQUENCE with a buffer. Calling a function (generic or otherwise) per character will never get you anywhere near what your SSD can deliver.
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<zest> gilberth: I implemented a custom stream that does exactly that(internal buffer and read-sequence). The issue is still the same, there seems to be a trade off for using methods versus functions that is substantial
<zest> even after stripping down much of the custom stream's functionality, using a faux stream that has an internal string buffer, the difference is twice the milliseconds for the same operation
<gilberth> How could that be substantial when you call a function (generic or not) every say 8KB. Heh, the system call with probably have a higher overhead than any generic function dispatch.
<beach> zest: That doesn't sound right. The more characters you read in a single function call, the less the generic dispatch should play a role.
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<beach> I see no call to READ-SEQUENCE.
<zest> gilberth: Yes, that is correct. But, in my isolated testing streams, there aren't any syscalls just ELT from a string.
<zest> beach: Yes, this is intended to test how fast would a function run versus a method with the same variables.
<beach> zest: But you told us that already. What gilberth is suggesting is that you not read individual characters.
<beach> zest: So you define a method on STREAM-READ-SEQUENCE, and then you use READ-SEQUENCE instead of READ-CHAR.
<beach> zest: But maybe you are just interested in generic dispatch in general, and not in this particular application?
<zest> Oh, right. I had the silly assumption that READ-SEQUENCE will only work with OCTET-VECTOR.
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<zest> beach: Not anymore since I could use STREAM-READ-SEQUENCE for an internal 4KB sequence.
<zest> Thanks you gilberth and beach!
<beach> Pleasure.
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<beach> zest: By the way, you are not calling a method, you are calling a generic function.
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<zest> beach: how so?
<zest> I am guessing because it is not a class?
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<beach> Because DEFMETHOD adds a method to a generic function (and perhaps creates that generic function if it doesn't exist). A call always goes through the generic function, and generic dispatch determines which method(s) are applicable.
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<Josh_2> :trumpet:
<Josh_2> Its nice and sunny for once :joy:
<Josh_2> Perfect day for sitting inside and writing CL
<nij-> :)
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<Josh_2> same problem with CLOG that I had yesterday :sob:
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<Josh_2> dbotton: :skull:
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<Josh_2> Will have to work around it :sob:
<Josh_2> Think I will make issue on github
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<ixelp> set-on-click is repeating data · Issue #305 · rabbibotton/clog · GitHub
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<Josh_2> :skull: I restart my program still have problem
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<fitzsim> borodust: Hi, I filed https://github.com/borodust/claw/issues/12 because (ql:quickload :trivial-gamekit) fails with "Failed to find the TRUENAME of [...]/bodge-glfw/bindings/powerpc64le-pc-linux-gnu.lisp"
<ixelp> Add ppc64 and ppc64le support · Issue #12 · borodust/claw · GitHub
<fitzsim> borodust: I can do a patch, but what branches should I work on, if I want the result to end up in quicklisp?
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<borodust> fitzsim: claw doesn't support powerpc
<borodust> and there are no plans to add it
<borodust> also gamekit uses special quicklisp dist, so it won't appear in quicklisp main dist even if you would manage to patch it for ppc support
<borodust> i expect claw version you encountered is here: https://github.com/borodust/claw-legacy
<ixelp> GitHub - borodust/claw-legacy: Autowrapper for Common Lisp
<borodust> this project is EOL
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