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<contrapunctus> phoe: Hey! I was just looking at the CLUS repos and they all seem to be empty - is this intentional? Also, http://phoe.tymoon.eu/clus/ redirects to https://novaspec.org/clus/ which is a 404... 🤔️
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<beach> contrapunctus: I think it should probably redirect to https://novaspec.org/cl/ and I think phoe decided that novaspec is CLUS "done right".
<ixelp> Common Lisp Nova Spec
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<contrapunctus> Thanks, I did see that in the chat logs before I asked 🙂
<beach> Oh, OK.
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<beach> Speaking of which, back in April, I brought up the possibility of a community project for creating a website with a Common Lisp language reference. And mfiano said that work had been done on the infrastructure for such a thing, but then I don't think anything more happened. Again, I would be willing to contribute to such a thing, but I am no good with web stuff so someone else would have to do the infrastructure.
<mfiano> Give me a week
<beach> I'll give you a year if you want. :)
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<beach> To clarify, a language reference manual is meant for the user of the language, and not for the language implementer. So compared to the standard, or any document derived from it, like the HyperSpec or the Novaspec, it contains many more examples, perhaps some alternative to the extended BNF used in the standard, perhaps expansion of language such as "Exceptional situations: none" or "A condition should be signaled".
<beach> And it would contain WSCL-like notes such as "It is not specified by the language standard what happens if ..., but most current language implementations do ..."
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<beach> Oh, and the standard does not mention threads, but the language reference would mention what most implementations do for thing like special variables, in the presence of threads.
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<edgar-rft> I think in Common Lisp there only can be conditional situations
<beach> The language reference would also contain a chapter on overall semantics, like what I have been calling "uniform reference semantics" elsewhere.
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<phoe> contrapunctus: oh snap
<phoe> Shinmera: can I ask you to fix the redirect? in particular, phoe.tymoon.eu/FOO should redirect to novaspec for all values of FOO
<phoe> contrapunctus: and, yes, novaspec is ultraspec except it's done right and working
<Shinmera> phoe: that is what's happening, dude.
<Shinmera> evidently your current and initial instructions on the redirect are wrong, though.
<phoe> err
<phoe> ...welp, I want to strip the FOO *after* the redirect
<phoe> so that phoe.tymoon.eu/FOO redirects to novaspec.org/ for all values of FOO
<Shinmera> ok.
<phoe> apologies for the confusion
<Shinmera> done.
<phoe> thanks
<rogersm> phoe, which library are you using for the search engine?
<phoe> rogersm: none, novaspec is not my project
<rogersm> oh!
<rogersm> will check the code :D
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<rogersm> it's a hardcoded array. cute
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<nature> When using clack and snooze, how can you add some http header to a response?
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<nature> I don't think there is any way to actually set custom headers with snooze, which is a shame cause it looks like a really helpful package for making a rest server
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<NotThatRPG> nature: Surely it must be possible to modify snooze to do this?
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<nature> It's strange...
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<nature> but I can't inspect or eval *resource*
<nature> from sly, it tells me the variables don't exist or are unbound
<nature> the break is in the multiple-value-bind body, so *resource* should be visible no?
<nature> maybe I don't understand how break works?
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<nature> Basically I am trying to understand what this "(apply *resource* verb matching-ct converted-arguments)" does, and for that I'd like to drop in interactively at that point and test things out
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<bike> the only way *resource* could be unbound there is if the function unbinds it, which seems unlikely and perverse
<nature> when I tried to inspect it from the sly debugger I made sure to have my cursor on the frame 0 before pressing "i"
<_death> probably need to eval-in-frame
<nature> I did both "i" and "e"
<bike> if you want to see what *resource* is you could also grab it where it's defined by parse-resourcd
<nature> and it did nothing, quit the debugger and showed a warning in the repl
<nature> maybe I don't understand what interactive debugger means :(
<_death> I don't use sly, but your expectation seems ok.. maybe try with slime (and it's always nice to compile with (debug 3) policy)
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<gilberth> It's a special variable and thus you need to use eval-in-frame. You are probably in the wrong package though. Try evaluating *resource* with a package prefix.
<gilberth> Like snooze-common::*resource* perhaps.
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<nature> Thanks so for the *resource* variable, what I was missing was a :: because it was not exported apparently, since I was not inside the package
<nature> also I patched snooze to do what I wanted, aka pass arbitrary http header to the response
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<nature> Should I try to create a PR to snooze with it?
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<nature> From what I see the latest merged PR was from 2 years ago tho...
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<mfiano> joao does programming very little on the side. he's actually a professional building architect. He is usually responsive and a good maintainer of CL software, though.
<nature> okok, I will try tomorrow to submit a PR with my suggestion
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