jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<varjag> so the system tree walker i needed the other day
<varjag> found out i already wrote it 3 years ago and it was in the projects' tree…
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<beach> Stuff like that happens to me all the time.
<beach> Sometimes I Google some research topic and I find some article that is right on topic, and it turns out I am the author.
<beach> ... but I realize that only after having read a significant part of it.
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<varjag> heh
<varjag> think i'll add tarballing all found dependencies and release it as own system
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<varjag> …there we go https://github.com/varjagg/deptree
<ixelp> GitHub - varjagg/deptree: System dependency listing and archiving tool for Common Lisp
<splittist> varjag: cool! You have a "dependenies’" in the README
<varjag> oh thanks
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<Shinmera> I've launched a patreon. If you'd like to help me continue to develop Lisp libraries full-time, please consider backing my work: https://www.patreon.com/Shinmera
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<beach> Good idea!
<Shinmera> I've been meaning to do it for years, heh
<beach> Can donors have an opinion on what you should be working on? :)
<Shinmera> I considered putting something like that in as a reward, but for now the best you can do is leave comments. There's no guarantees, however.
<Shinmera> I feel like managing the conflicting directions people would want to pull me in is a headache I'm not yet ready for
<beach> Got it.
<beach> I fully understand.
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<Shinmera> That said, I might pivot further to splitting my dev work to part time and part time freelancing, in which case I could be hired to work on specific things.
<Shinmera> That would be significantly more expensive than a patreon pledge though, I'm afraid :)
<beach> Sure.
<beach> I have said many times that in the past that the lack of money is not what makes progress slow with Common Lisp, but the lack of people that are both qualified and available. Now, there is at least one person that is both qualified (at least for some tasks) and available.
<Shinmera> Hmmm, well, it's a bit of an intertwined issue, no? I'm sure plenty of folks would pivot back to doing lisp work if it paid *well enough*
<beach> They would, but not many of them are qualified.
<Shinmera> I don't know that I'm in a position to really judge that :)
<beach> ... at least for the kind of stuff that I would like to see done.
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<jcowan> beach: I will add that the same problem applies to all the Lisps.
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<McParen> does anyone know if slime or emacs support the #| |# comments, for example to comment out a region, defun, or to just insert the comment delimiters?
<edgar-rft> just tested with Slime, this works as expected: (print #| ignore this |# "Hello World!") prints and returns the string "Hello World!")
<fitzsim> but M-; only prefixes with ;;
<fitzsim> not sure if that's configurable; it'd be neat if C-u M-; would do #| |# on the region
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<gilberth> Not really. #| |# is for comments within a line not for commenting out whole lines. And actually when you look at existing Lisp code, you find that #| |# isn't used much.
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<McParen> i mostly need it to quickly comment out code, not for real comments.
<gilberth> Then use #+(or) That's quicker.
<McParen> not for a single defun, just for random parts of code.
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<edgar-rft> Emacs *Help* says: You can configure ‘comment-style’ to change the way regions are commented.
<McParen> i am actually quite surprised that there already isnt a binding for this in slime, manually adding those two delimiters is quick enough, so i assumend everybody is using them the same way
<edgar-rft> There *might* be such a thing in Slime but I never used it, therefore I don't know :-(
<gilberth> idk. It's rare that I want to comment a random piece and not just a form somewhere. I mean, after all even when commented out things need to be balanced, right? And when lazy and I'm in procedural land, I at times also just place a single quote <'> in front of a form that should do anything.
<bike> i usually use #+(or) for code since that's more natural with the sexp layout. like if i have (defun foo () ... (bar)) and i want to comment out the call, #+(or) is better since it preserves the ) at the end of the defun
<bike> keybinding for it might be nice, though
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<yottabyte> I've been curious about writing an emulator and saw some guides out there, including this one: https://www.inspiredpython.com/course/game-boy-emulator/let-s-write-a-game-boy-emulator-in-python, I was thinking about following it and doing it in lisp. I was curious about what I should look into for the rendering part
<ixelp> Let’s Write a Game Boy Emulator in Python • Inspired Python
<yottabyte> like I saw https://github.com/vydd/sketch, but maybe that's overkill?
<ixelp> GitHub - vydd/sketch: A Common Lisp framework for the creation of electronic art, visual design, game prototyping, game [...]
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<Pixel_Outlaw> @yottabyte, I recall sketch being very slow, it relies on Processing if memory serves which is already slow.
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<Pixel_Outlaw> If you want an emultor in Common Lisp you might ask on #Lispgames for other options. Ideally something that supports OpenGL
<Pixel_Outlaw> I've been using the Allegro wrapper but I don't know how fast it truly is for rendering. https://github.com/resttime/cl-liballegro
<ixelp> GitHub - resttime/cl-liballegro: Common Lisp bindings and interface to the Allegro 5 game programming library
<Pixel_Outlaw> borodust also has some cool libraries but I've not seen his work in a while
<yottabyte> thanks, I recalled there being a channel for lisp game dev, I just forgot the name
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<aeth> #lispgames
<aeth> oh, it was said but I didn't parse it because it was written as #Lispgames
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<aeth> borodust's library is https://github.com/borodust/trivial-gamekit
<ixelp> GitHub - borodust/trivial-gamekit: Simple framework for making 2D games
<ixelp> trivial-gamekit · Pavel Korolev
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