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<nij-> Ah, shell interopt does the trick easily
<nij-> (mapcar #'probe-file (cl-ppcre:split "\\n" (with-output-to-string (s) (uiop:run-program "find . -name \"*\" " :output s :error-output *standard-output*))))
<|3b|> -print0 might give you more reliable splitting (if it doesn't confuse your external format)
<|3b|> and you should probably get in the habit of using list form of run-program if available (i think it is in uiop?) for similar reasons
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<nij-> What is "list form of" run-program?
<|3b|> (run-program (list "find" "." "-name" "*") ...) or whatever the syntax is
<|3b|> arguments in separate strings instead of 1 string that the shell or whatever can fail to split the way you intended
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<nij-> Oh good tip! I didn't know uiop:run-program supports that. Thanks 3b :)
<nij-> Hmm.. but then env var doesn't work.. e.g. "find $HOME -name \"*\" " works, but
<nij-> `("find" "$HOME" "-name" "*") doesn't cuz it doesn't expand HOME.
<|3b|> single string might make it go through shell. i think there is an option to tell it to use shell always that might make it work again, or you could query the env var yourself
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<jcowan> I'm wondering why floor is the integer version and ffloor is the float version, as if the integer version were more basic. I also wonder if floor uses rational arithmetic; the spec is silent on that.
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<beach> Does the phrase "The remainder is an integer if both x and y are integers, is a rational if both x and y are rationals, and is a float if either x or y is a float" not provide that information?
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<jcowan> beach: No, it dictates only the result, not the method by which it is attained.
<jcowan> I created a very big bignum (500 digits), multiplied it by 3/2, and tested it with ffloor (overflow) and floor (no overflow). So that strongly suggests it is using rational arithmetic.
<bike> it's a rational computation, so it's not allowed to overflow (
<jcowan> True, although not all bignum packages support bignums as big as memory (e.g. if the bigit-count is "only" 32 bits)
<jcowan> When I interview people for programming jobs, I ask them for a method of computing the running median of a stream of 32-bit integers, so that you call a procedure passing it the next number and get back the median of all numbers already seen, to execute in O(1) time and space per call.
<gilberth> This doesn't make sense. Neither when FFLOOR first converts to floats, nor when it first does the computation using rationals here and then converts. It might overflow in both cases. There are bignums that are not representable as floats like ,(float (expt 10 500))
<ixelp> (float[...]) ERROR: FLOATING-POINT-OVERFLOW detected ↩ performing FLOAT on (1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [...]
<jcowan> Is that sbcl? I don't have it installed on this POS laptop.
<mfiano> ,(lisp-implementation-type)
<ixelp> (lisp-implementation-type) => "Clozure Common Lisp"
<gilberth> ,(lisp-implementation-type)
<ixelp> (lisp-implementation-type) => "Clozure Common Lisp"
<gilberth> Raced.
<jcowan> Anyhow, this is a call on float, not ffloat, and float can use rational arithmetic.
<jcowan> Anyone care to think about the "running median" problem before I do the big reveal?
* jcowan counts down from $fixnum
<gilberth> jcowan: FFLOOR should return a float, no?
<jcowan> Yes, but my concern is the behavior of FLOAT
<gilberth> What's your trouble with FLOAT?
<jcowan> Whether it is allowed to report floating-point overflow. beach says no (and I agree), but evidently CCL does.
<jcowan> s/FLOAT/FLOOR/, stupid me
<gilberth> What should it return instead? PI? A random number?
<gilberth> I mean, you ask for the floor of some 333-and-a-bit-digit number [bignum] represented as a float, don't you? When such a float doesn't exist, what should it do?
<jcowan> FFLOOR should signal overflow, but FLOOR should not. However, this is not actually prescribed.
<jcowan> i.e. FLOOR can be implemented by using FFLOOR and converting to a rational representation at the last minute.
<mfiano> Floating point numbers are not mandated to be fixed IEEE sizes either. CCL for example has arbitrary-precision floats.
<gilberth> FLOOR of course works. ,(floor (* 2/3 (expt 10 500)))
<ixelp> (floor[...]) => 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666[...]
<mfiano> Or follow IEEE semantics
<gilberth> CLISP has that arbitrary precision floats. CCL has single and double floats, that's it.
<mfiano> I'm sorry, yes.
<gilberth> Question is what happens with ,(ffloor (expt 10 500) (expt 10 499))) ?
<ixelp> (ffloor (expt 10 500) (expt 10 499)) => 10.0; 0
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<bike> floor could only be implmeented with ffloor if floats had infinite precision. the standard definitely says floor can't signal overflow on rationals.
<bike> because then it's doing a rational computation, and rational computations never overflow
<jcowan> Anyway, CLISP's arbitrary-precision floats are really variable-precision floats. You can change EXT:LONG-FLOAT-DIGITS to get different precisions, but the precision doesn't vary during a computation. (If it did, such floats would be equivalent to rationals.)
<jcowan> There's an interesting remark in the CLISP docs:
<jcowan> Since the exponent of a LONG-FLOAT is a signed 32-bits integer, MOST-POSITIVE-LONG-FLOAT is about 2^2^31, which is much larger that the largest representable BIGNUM, which is less than 2^2^21. This, obviously, means that ROUND, TRUNCATE, FLOOR and CEILING SIGNALs an ERROR on large LONG-FLOATs. Less obviously, this means that (FORMAT NIL "~E" MOST-POSITIVE-LONG-FLOAT) also fails.
<jcowan> This is a legitimate situation, but it isn't what we tend to expect.
<mfiano> I don't like this area of CLISP as an example, because it is questionably non-conforming
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<mfiano> Mostly because a "constant variable" like PI no longer adheres to the standard glossary definition (despite PI being an 'implementation-dependent long float'
<mfiano> )
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<mfiano> The definition of 'constant form' fully cements this due to
<mfiano> (a variable is also a form)
<mfiano> So while implementations can provide any precision for floats, they cannot be dynamic in a way that would affect the environment of other objects.
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<jcowan> Well, a aprogram referring to EXT:LONG-FLOAT-PRECISION is no longer strictly conforming. You are tweaking your implementation.
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<mfiano> That is fair, indeed. Have at it: (= pi (progn <set precision> pi)) (or across some dynamic scope, heh)
* mfiano shudders from library code error thoughts
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<jcowan> It's a curious (implicit) fact of SQL that its NUMBER type has to have a definite range and precision, though the standard does not say what it must be. Bignums are are not a legitimate SQL numeric type.
<jcowan> Unfortunately I forget the proof of this.
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<fitzsim> mfiano: I'm thinking lispgames should maybe fork cl-autowrap
<fitzsim> separately, I'm having trouble testing (ql:quickload :sdl2)
<mfiano> If you are willing to fork c2ffi and make it work for the frequent newer clang/llvm combinations, then sure
<fitzsim> mfiano: OK, I'll think about it
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<fitzsim> I have a version of SDL2.powerpc64le-pc-linux-gnu.spec that works perfectly with lem-sdl2
<fitzsim> but I don't remember how I generated it!
<fitzsim> I think I generated it by hand somehow
<fitzsim> but it seems like cl-autowrap autogenerates a bad one, which results in various issues loading :sdl2
<fitzsim> I don't even know how to "start clean" though
<mfiano> cl-autowrap and c2ffi are bad (the idea in general, imho)
<fitzsim> I guess create a new home directory
<fitzsim> then install quicklisp
<fitzsim> then link local-projects/cl-autowrap to mine
<fitzsim> then ql:quickload :sdl2
<fitzsim> that should then auto-generate SDL2.powerpc64le-pc-linux-gnu.spec under the cl-sdl2-2022...-git/src/specs directory
<fitzsim> the working SDL2.powerpc64le-pc-linux-gnu.spec from May is 3.5M
<fitzsim> the failing one that I'm generating today is only 1.8M
<fitzsim> I don't really know how to compare two .spec files; in particular c2ffi doesn't put a comment in there about what the command line invocation was
<fitzsim> maybe I should just forget all this, and petition lem to use the lower-level SDL2 bindings you mentioned before
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<fitzsim> c2ffi/cl-autowrap seem really fragile, IME so far
<fitzsim> anyway, enough for now, ttyl
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<jcowan> Autowrapping is inherently very problematic, because the input isn't even necessarily valid C
<mfiano> It's less viable when the autowrapping tools were devised by someone years ago who no longer even uses Common Lisp (actually, they moved to the other side of the wrapping; C++)
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<mfiano> I still stand by my suggestion to use the lower-level SDL2 bindings if you require foreign SDL2. There is one not very useful API that requires pass-by-value structs or something, that would need libffi to handle iirc
<mfiano> But you are unlikely to even need it
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<jcowan> https://github.com/CastXML is a pretty good tool that leverages the clang API to produce a generic representation.
<ixelp> CastXML · GitHub
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