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<nij-> Hello folks :) How do you review your lisp code change? The default diff algorithm used by git is not s-expr aware. Prefixing an operator to a bunch of line introduces many lines of change (unnecessary!)..
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<Demosthenex> nij-: great question, i'd love to know
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<char[m]> nij-: You can review it just like any other language. Git is not aware of any programing language construct. For example, if you wrap some code in a loop in C language, the code inside will get indented even if it didn't change. Some git diff viewers (Emacs), will show individual character changes and can ignore whitespace changes which might make it a bit better.
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<ixelp> FOSDEM 2021 - Semantically meaningful S-expression diff
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<char[m]> Demosthenex: Very cool. I can't seem to find a repository. It is especially difficult since there is already a different unix tool called sdiff.
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<mfiano> There are some CLI tools that are somewhat sexp-aware: https://img.mfiano.net/VrRFwA.png
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<mfiano> I think this is pretty good, and what I have come to expect for a while. (I had to search this channel log from over a year ago when I took this screenshot).
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<jcowan> char[m]: However, the code must be textual; nobody has specialized diff-ers for images
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<semz> nij-: Fwiw many diffs already have an "ignore whitespace" option which gets rid of the most egregious noise. This might be useful as a bandaid.
<semz> e.g. git diff has the -b switch
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<semz> oh, this was already mentioned, sorry. turns out I was the egregious noise all along.
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<nij-> Thanks for mentioning that again! This is very helpful :)
<nij-> I wonder if we can make this default on github, gitlab, and bitbucket.
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<semz> I think Github already tries to highlight non-whitespace changes to make them stand out more.
<semz> Ignoring whitespace by default is tricky because it might be relevant in languages like Python.
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<Gleefre> Is it ok for implementation to read #.(values) as NIL ?
<Gleefre> Seems to be a bug (ECL / CLISP do that currently)
<semz> clhs
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<semz> Reading this I'd actually expect it to be NIL
<Gleefre> What about clhs 2.2 step 4?
<ixelp> CLHS: Section
<Gleefre> > If one value is returned, then that value is returned as the result of the read operation; the algorithm is done. If zero values are returned, then step 1 is re-entered
<semz> Ah, good point.
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<bike> is nonspecific, but it can be taken to mean that the compiler macro returns the primary value of the form
<bike> since after all #.(values 1 2 3) is just 1 instead of some weird reader error
<bike> (probably)
<bike> that the reader macro returns*
<Gleefre> Well, CCL throws a weird error on #.(values 1 2 3) :/
<mfiano> Gleefre: I would think that is a bug after reading, but I'm not sure. Does (read-from-string "#.(VALUES)") signal END-OF-FILE, and does (read-from-string "#.(VALUES)42") work?
<mfiano> read signals an error of type end-of-file, regardless of eof-error-p, if the file ends in the middle of an object representation.
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<mfiano> As per the entry for READ. #. is an object representation.
<mfiano> It never consumed anything, and it has nothing else, so it should error, no?
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<bike> Gleefre: i got nothing, then.
<Gleefre> So... (read-from-string "#.(values)") Errors on: sbcl, cmucl, ccl, acl, clasp, abcl, lispworks ;; Returns nil: ecl, clisp
<Gleefre> (read-from-string "#.(values)42") returns 42 on: sbcl, cmucl, ccl, acl, clasp, abcl, lispworks;; rturns nil on: ecl, clisp
<mfiano> Umm
<mfiano> "If a file ends in a symbol or a number immediately followed by an end of file[1], read reads the symbol or number successfully"
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<mfiano> Sounds like multiple bugs
<Gleefre> bike: I mean, that probably is a bug in CCL :/
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<viaken> With tree-sitter starting to catch on, I'm hoping someone will make a VCS (or git plugin) that's syntax-aware.
<jcowan> Do you need to set an optimize level to make sbcl emit compile-time warnings about manifest or inferred type conflicts like (car 1)?
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<bike> jcowan: i think it'll do that one in basically any setting
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