jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<jcowan> Expanding type specifiers should be doable portably, no? They are all nailed down by the spec.
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<bike> there's no equivalent to macroexpand or macro-function
<jcowan> No. But type specifiers are a definite set of things: `vector` is the same as (array t (*)), e.g.
<jcowan> So you can expand them by pattern matching (or cond clauses)
<bike> deftype exists
<aeth> and in particular, the combination of type specifiers for arrays/vectors and numbers encourages complex deftypes
* jcowan nods
<jcowan> Yes, I was just looking at Henry Baker's paper
<aeth> a graphics library might represent single-float mathematical vectors as (deftype vec (length) `(simple-array single-float (,length)))
<aeth> and then from there do e.g. (deftype vec3 () `(vec 3))
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<phantomics> I just learned about the ISSR project (https://github.com/interactive-ssr/issr-server), does anyone know its status? Is it abandoned? It's a fascinating approach to web apps but there hasn't been work on it in over a year
<phantomics> There's a surprising lack of discussion about it
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<jcowan> Looks like it might be finished, heretical as htat idea is.
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<phantomics> A finished web framework is a bold proposition
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<patrix> it's like HTMX before HTMX was a thing.. I remember checking out ISSR some years ago and not getting it.. but now that I'm using HTMX everywhere, I get it...
<patrix> (well ok unlike htmx it uses websockets it seems, but close enough)
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<ecraven> hm.. but this has been archived, which looks more like stopped than finished :-/ https://github.com/interactive-ssr/hunchenissr
<ixelp> GitHub - interactive-ssr/hunchenissr: The ISSR backend for The Hunchentoot HTTP server.
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<NotThatRPG> Anyone know anything about the state of Roswell? I have a GitHub library (XMLS) that was using Roswell for regression testing, and recently the tests have gone completely haywire. Possible confound: am using 40ants/setup-lisp@v2 github action to install roswell, and I suppose the problem could be in some kind of inconsistency b/w roswell and setup-lisp
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<skin> NotThatRPG: What is your OS
<skin> and CL Implementation
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<NotThatRPG> skin: I'm on MacOS myself, but I'm using Roswell on a GitHub runner, which is Linux
<skin> Right. I did some digging on that, 40ant is pretty interesting stuff. It calls into a library called `40ant/ci`, got that far before I had to get back to work. `defworkflow` was used.
<skin> So you'd have to search that repo for how it sets up roswell. I've used roswell recently though, did okay. You using fiveam or rove?
<NotThatRPG> skin: 5AM. I got it to the point where the CI actions will work for SBCL, CCL, and ECL, but abcl, clisp, and cmu can't be installed via roswell.
<NotThatRPG> I need to see if there's some way to pass specific version arguments into roswell using 40ants/setup-lisp ...
<NotThatRPG> E.g., I'm not sure why setup-lisp is trying to install cmucl18e...
<NotThatRPG> There's also some confusion where Roswell mis-reports its version number. I filed an issue on the repo
<skin> k.
<skin> Do you use qlot
<skin> you can use a Djula templated qlot file, apparently
<skin> which means you can set which versions you want installed that way
<NotThatRPG> skin: Thanks! For now I'm trying to use LISP settings like cmu-bin/21e to see if that will work. Debugging with Github.com in the loop is ... not fast!
<NotThatRPG> I have to go now, but will be back later. Thanks for the advice!
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<nature> Hello, been out of the game for a while and about to resetup myself a dev environement, did lem become a serious contender, or should I stick with Emacs/Slime? Any recent ressources on how to get the most of a common lisp dev setup?
<nature> Probably gonna stick with sbcl as my implementation of choice btw
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<pkal> nature: There exists a fork of SLIME called Sly which might be worth checking out.
<pkal> I don't know how serious alternative implementations like for Vim or VSCode are
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<nature> I also saw slime-star does it come with a lot of benefits?
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<skin> I find vim to be good. No one else agrees with me :P but yeah, if you like vim hit me up.
<skin> also VS Code is pretty cromulent.
<pkal> nature: What is slime-star?
<ixelp> GitHub - mmontone/slime-star: SLIME configuration with some extensions pre-installed.
<nature> saw this in the awesome-cl list
<pkal> Eh, awesome-... lists are usually just for self-promotion
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<skin> I wish CL did more self-promotion then
<skin> most of the cool stuff in CL I've just found listening to this channel, most of it wasn't on awesome
<pkal> skin: Right, because the people working on that are working on their stuff, instead of chasing stars on GitHub
<skin> Nothing wrong with that, just kinda hard to find stuff as a newcomer
<skin> I get that though
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<nature> and thx skin but I switched to the emacs side a few years ago... I was mostly wondering between emacs and lem.
<nature> pkal: why would I want to use sly instead of slime?
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<pkal> nature: From what I understand, Sly has been developed more activly, also https://joaotavora.github.io/sly/#Stickers seems interesting
<ixelp> SLY User Manual, version 1.0.42
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