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<beach> viaken: You write log entries to a file if you have one of those really dumb current operating systems that don't have automatic persistence.
<beach> viaken: Or just save your entire data structure from time to time.
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<mfiano> White_Flame: okay, edgar-rft
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<ldb> good morning
<beach> Hello ldb.
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<Josh_2> louis77: I had to use (defun timestamp-to-unix-nano (timestamp) (* (local-time:timestamp-to-unix timestamp) 1000000000)) in the end
<Josh_2> Not that this actually gives me the correct time :sob:
<Josh_2> but hey
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<Josh_2> Actually settled on the one you sent by * the result by 1000000
<Josh_2> That didn't work either. I'll shut my mouth until I get it right :joy:
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<Josh_2> Okay now I am pretty sure I have it right :joy:
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<Josh_2> Think I'm using dynamic variables appropriately for the first time :thinking:
<Josh_2> Stupid opentelemetry has context based tracing, gotta know a span id wherever you are in the callstack. Primitive version with special variables seems to work alright
<skin> I still have misgivings, I guess because I'm new to this. Still feels like using a global variable, in other languages a big no-no.
<Josh_2> I'll show you the code when its not hot steaming :poo: :joy:
<Josh_2> Also globals are not a no no in CL.
<skin> Right, I get that.
<louis77> Josh_2: 👍
<Josh_2> I could swap to using a global store for the traces but then I'd have to worry about making it thread safe :facepalm:
<Josh_2> I'm just trying to knock together a library to better integrate my lisp program into uptrace
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<White_Flame> yeah, that's a totally reasonable and responsible use for dynamic bindings
<White_Flame> I often have threadpools which immediately bind something contextual like that
<White_Flame> and database connections, current transactions, etc, are common to hold in specials
<White_Flame> skin: I guess you could call them scoped globals, and yeah they're threadlocal, too
<White_Flame> just look at the various *print-... specials and imagine if they weren't contextual but rather have to be passed around expicitly
<White_Flame> with a dynamic binding you can set up your own contexts in which your various configurations take effect, one option being global
<White_Flame> s/contexts/scopes/
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<Josh_2> I have a couple macros with the ugliest interfaces :sob:
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<|3b|> globals are about as bad in CL as they are in other languages, but dynamic bindings aren't global.
<|3b|> though "global is bad" is pretty much meaningless, since you can just shuffle names around
<|3b|> is a singleton a "global"? is the default value of an optional argument a "global"? are function bindings "globals"?
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<Josh_2> Is the priority for initargs from left to right? So if I have (apply #'make-instance :attributes <some custom> :values .. :attributes ..) it'll be the left value that is used?
<Josh_2> I tried to modify the initargs plist but sbcl complained that its a constant :sob:
<White_Flame> beach: probably for WSCL, the defstruct page lists a :type option as (vector <size>), while the section on :type says it's (vector <element-type>)
<Josh_2> it'll actually be more like (apply #'make-instance (list* :attributes <some screwwy> initargs))
<White_Flame> beach: not sure exactly if the scope of WSCL includes stuff like that
<Josh_2> o ffs
<Josh_2> I had my place and indicator arguments the wrong way
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<paulapatience> Josh_2: Yes, left to right, just like regular plists with getf
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<zest> henlo
<zest> how could I set a type for a methodable parameter?
<zest> i.e. how do I (declare (type something-that-my-method-uses val))
<zest> I can do for numbers such as (declare (type number val)) but I dont know how to assure that my value consumes my method...
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<jobhdez> do you all think that a common lisp to js compiler is needed in the common lisp community? what do you all think about this? im just curious since haskell and clojure have such compilers
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<|3b|> people apparently thought CL needed parenscript and jscl and ecl compiled to wasm, since they also more or less exist (not sure which sort of "common lisp to js" you mean)
* |3b| doubts /all/ of the 'you' here agree about anything in particular though, particularly things as specific as that
<jobhdez> i guess parenscript is what i had in mind. thats cool. ill try using it in my next project