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<Pixel_Outlaw> Do the &key forms generate an implicit let/let* inside the function's body? "Asking for a friend" :)
<bike> you can use previous parameters in default forms, if that's what you mean.
<Pixel_Outlaw> Well I was thinking about implementing it in another dialect of Lisp "for funsies" and wondering how to best capture the idea.
<Pixel_Outlaw> I very *very* much like Common Lisp's notion of keys with default values.
<Pixel_Outlaw> We use Clojure at work and I was considering writing a macro to add it.
<hayley> The full form looks like &key (foo default foo-supplied-p); if you write a parser which can compute FOO and FOO-SUPPLIED-P, you can then desugar all DEFAULTs into a LET* form.
<Pixel_Outlaw> Excellent.
<bike> the problem with doing it literally as a let is mostly declaration scope stuff, which makes it nontrivial
<Pixel_Outlaw> I had a hunch it was like that. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't some secret "pocket" that technically they're stored in.
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<Pixel_Outlaw> &aux sure is a funny thing too.
<Pixel_Outlaw> But that is probably a remnant from the parent Lisps.
<bike> &aux is pretty straightforwardly let*, though there's still the declarations thing
<bike> i think jcowan mentioned working on some kind of &key type extension dealie for scheme, so maybe he can help?
<jcowan> hmm?
<jcowan> what can I do you for?
<bike> i could be wrong
<Pixel_Outlaw> I might have to ask about the notion of "declaration scope"
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<Pixel_Outlaw> jcowan, ^ I was toying with the idea of adding &key support to Clojure further up. bike mentioned you were working in Scheme to similar effect.
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<bike> declaration scope like, if you have (lambda (x &key y) (declare (cons x) (integer y)) ...), you have to separate out the declarations for an inner let*
<jcowan> https://github.com/ashinn/chibi-scheme/blob/master/lib/chibi/optional.scm provides portable support for let-optionals and let-keywords macros
<jcowan> all the macros are define-syntax (i.e. template macros)
<Pixel_Outlaw> Ah that's right. Thanks bike
<Pixel_Outlaw> jcowan, looking
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Cool, thanks!
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<scymtym> keyword parameter specifiers can express one more bit of information in addition to the ones hayley mentioned: the keyword name and the variable can be different as in ((:keyword variable)) or ((:keyword variable) default supplied-p)
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<nature> Hello, I am not getting any completions in the slime REPL and I am not sure why this is the case
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<edgar-rft> nature: what's the value of the Elisp `slime-complete-symbol-function' variable?
<nature> it's nil
<nature> it's also telling me "Obsolete. Use ‘slime-completion-at-point-functions’ instead."
<edgar-rft> then my slime configuration is outdated :-)
<nature> and for the latter the value is "(slime-c-p-c-completion-at-point slime-filename-completion slime-simple-completion-at-point)"
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<edgar-rft> even worse: I don't even have a `slime-completion-at-point-functions' variable
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<nature> I am using emacs 29, maybe that's why?
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<nature> The thing is that I am sure it was working before, but I can't remember at which point it started to not work anymore...
<edgar-rft> emacs 27 with a probably outdated slime here
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<nature> Maybe there is a bug in slime?
<nature> I really have no idea, currently exploring slime.el but things seems fine there
<pkal> nature: But you do have completion in a regular cl buffer?
<nature> let me test that
<nature> nope, no completeion in a regular cl buffer either
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<edgar-rft> what happens if you do M-: (setq slime-complete-symbol-function 'slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol)
<edgar-rft> that's what I'm doing in my slime config
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<nature> I'll give it a shot, I just tried sly, and there I have completions without issues
<nature> let me just reset my emacs to remove sly
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<nature> ok I just tried setting the slime-complete-symbol-function
<nature> and it doesn't work
<edgar-rft> that's bad :-(
<edgar-rft> While you were away I've noticed that I have a `slime-completion-at-point-functions' variable, too, with the same value as in your emacs
<nature> if I can't figure this out, I might just consider switching to sly
<nature> but it's a bit frustrating that it doesn't work as expected :/
<nature> thank you for helping out
<nature> if you have any other idea I'll take it
<edgar-rft> I'm just trying to find out which function gets called when I press the TAB key at the Slime REPL but all I get is `indent-for-tab-command' from the Emacs global map :-(
<nature> if you do C-h k and then press TAB in the slime repl, that's what you get?
<edgar-rft> yes
<edgar-rft> no matter if directly at the prompt or e.g. (set<TAB>, in both cases I only get `indent-for-tab-command' :-(
<nature> does C-M-i works for completion in your repl?
<edgar-rft> but funnily the completion *works* here
<nature> weird :/
<edgar-rft> C-M-i gets swallowed by the window manager, it doesn't even reach emacs
<nature> What about C-c TAB?
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<edgar-rft> CL-USER> (setC-c TAB shows me the buffer with possible completions
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<edgar-rft> ah, C-h k C-c TAB -> "runs the command `completion-at-point ' found in slime-editing-map :-)
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<semz> edgar-rft: C-M-i can also be signalled via ESC C-i fwiw
<beach> And with C-[ C-i which I think is the fastest for a single invocation.
<beach> At least on a US keyboard.
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<ebrasca> Shinmera: Hi!
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<Shinmera> ... ?
<ebrasca> Shinmera: Can I ask you something?
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<ixelp> Don't ask to ask, just ask
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<ebrasca> Shinmera: I start making a game for now I have good part of the rollback netcode done. Is it hard to integrate steam support in common lisp?
<ixelp> GitHub - Shinmera/cl-steamworks: A bindings library for the Valve SteamWorks API.
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<ebrasca> What do you think about priori collision detection?
<Shinmera> ?
<Shinmera> I don't know what that means
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<ebrasca> You calculate when the collision is going to happen instead of testing if a collision did happen after moving the objects!
<Shinmera> oh, you mean swept collision checks.
<Shinmera> my thoughts are "they're cool"
<ebrasca> Thanks, does your engine have any syncronization / multiplayer fuctionality?
<Shinmera> no
<ebrasca> I am not sure how your code is structured but if I have the time I will add rollback netcode to it!
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<Shinmera> cool!
<ebrasca> Shinmera: What is your opinion about cepl?
<Shinmera> My opinion is, I wish baggers had the energy to work on it.
<Shinmera> but also it's unlikely I'll ever use it.
<ebrasca> Is cepl abandoned?
<Shinmera> pretty much
<ebrasca> I was making a game with it...
<ebrasca> Do you recommend Trial for making 2D games?
<Shinmera> :shrug: that's what I've done with it.
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<ebrasca> Shinmera: Is it hard to learn?
<Shinmera> How should I know
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<Pixel_Outlaw> That steamworks stuff looks like it was a major chore to wrap. Kudos Shinmera.
<Shinmera> It was yes. And it's not fully tested, so there's probably still plenty of breakage in the stuff I haven't actually used.
<Pixel_Outlaw> That's a major service to the guys who want to follow and publish Steam games. Thank you.
<Shinmera> We'll see if there's ever gonna be anyone but me.
<ebrasca> Shinmera: What do you think about vulkan?
<Shinmera> what is the purpose of these questions
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<Shinmera> what's it matter what I think about these things?
<Shinmera> I'm not some oracle on computer graphics
<ebrasca> I was thinking in respect to your engine
<ebrasca> Thank you for your time Shinmera !
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<Shinmera> I'm not gonna switch to vulkan if that's what you're asking.
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Building log cabins out of sawdust and glue IMHO. It's cool but kind of a PITA.
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<aeth> cl-vulkan is afaik not active, and idk if there's another effort
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<aeth> So even if Vulkan were as easy as OpenGL (it's not), it would be more work to use in CL at the moment
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<aeth> cl-opengl works
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<ebrasca> aeth: The last I used is VK https://github.com/JolifantoBambla/vk
<ixelp> GitHub - JolifantoBambla/vk: Common Lisp/CFFI bindings for the Vulkan API.
<aeth> ooh, vk
<aeth> I actually just thought that maybe I should have searched for "vk" in addition to "vulkan"
<aeth> it does look like there is a vk package in QL
<aeth> seems like it might be too high level, making it annoying to use, in the style of cl-sdl2 (here's a magical incompletely documented somewhat high level SDL2 wrapper... good luck)
<aeth> while with cl-opengl you can basically use OpenGL documentation nearly verbatim with the low-level %GL package and often even the main GL package
<mfiano> Like cl-opengl, cl-sdl2 also has low level bindings, and additionally, an intermediary medium-level that doesn't mess with threads
<aeth> no, cl-sdl2 does not have complete low level bindings
<aeth> I had to reverse engineer the layout of the SDL2 structs as (automatically!!!) wrapped by cl-sdl2 in order to use the low level bindings in cl-sdl2
<mfiano> shrug. I maintain it and use them just fine following the SDL documentation.
<aeth> so they might as well not exist unless that has been refactored considerably
<mfiano> If you don't like something, submit an issue or PR and I'll see about it
<mfiano> It has worked for many, just folowing the SDL documentation because the high level bindings are admittedly too much
<mfiano> (I am not alone here)
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<ebrasca> VK seems fine to me!
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<aeth> I was going to find some specific examples, but I got sidetracked.
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<aeth> GitLab.com predictably took the opportunity of its post-IPO life to become really, really bad. Plenty of bugs still unfixed, such as bad CL language detection, bad CL syntax highlighting, an infinite loop (at least in Firefox) when showing last commit / last update in my main zombie-raptor repo, etc... And I bet "snippets" (their equivalent of "gists") are still broken by having a "smart" editor that
<aeth> isn't CL indentation aware and no regular editor, making it unusable for CL as it poorly attempts to reindent any code you paste into it.
<aeth> But they did manage to turn large parts of the page into ads to try to upsell for premium, which piles on a lot of irrelevant-for-99%-of-repos features to try to appeal to the enterprise.
<aeth> I guess I'm going to have to move git hosts.
<aeth> I've also been told on IRC when I've linked to it in recent years that it's unusable without JS, which is a position I have sympathy with even though it's a battle that was lost nearly a decade ago.
<aeth> I'm not sure I should provide a link that (1) infinite looped me with that infinite loop bug (I could hear my CPU fan) while I typed this and (2) has annoyingly broken CL syntax highlighting (erroneously marking large parts of the file as part of a string, which is perhaps the most common syntax highlighting bug with poorly supported syntax highlighting)
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