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<jobhdez> what intermediate language is being used for current common lisp compilers? such as sicl? or more established ones such as sbcl?
<beach> For SICL, we use first ASTs then something that I call HIR which is a pretty traditional flow graph.
<beach> HIR manipulates only Common Lisp objects. Then HIR is lowered to MIR which makes address manipulations explicit.
<beach> But there are still no physical registers involved.
<jobhdez> so you turn the parse tree into an ast and then how many times does this parse tree ast get transformed into other asts before you get to the graph
<jobhdez> ?
<beach> Currently, the AST is not transformed at all, but I am about to change that and introduce more transformations at the AST level.
<beach> So currently, all transformations are done at the HIR/MIR/LIR level.
<jobhdez> oh ok -- very interesting. so you turn the ast into a graph. are you using three address code for the low level ast or ssa?
<jobhdez> low level representation that is
<jobhdez> let me ask you something im wondering and cant find online by googling. ive tried but not sure yet. is ssa basically three address code but with unique variables?
<jobhdez> thats all?
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<beach> You can consider it to be a graph of three-address code in that most nodes have one or two inputs and one output.
<beach> SSA is a bit strange...
<jobhdez> why is it strange?
<beach> Every lexical variable is assigned to once in the graph, but the strange part is the "phi" node which merges control flow.
<beach> You can replace the phi node with an assignment on every incoming arc to it, but then you have more than one assignment to the variable in the phi node, and it is no longer SSA.
<beach> So, to me, phi nodes are a cheap trick to avoid multiple assignments, and they also ruin the property that the order of the predecessors of a node doesn't matter. In SSA it does.
<beach> And I have a theory (that I still need to investigate further) that very few transformations that use SSA actually depend on the core SSA property, namely that every variable is assigned to once in the graph. Instead they mostly depend on all values of a variable being preserved and can be reused.
<jobhdez> oh ok. so ssa is not necessarily the correct approach. im aware that llvm uses this ir. so youre using three-address code i'd imagine.  thats very cool. you should write a paper
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<jobhdez> maybe i should contribute to sicl
<beach> I am about to rework the bootstrapping procedure, so you should probably wait with SICL. However, we are also extracting more modules to separate repositories, and that is something that can be contributed to.
<beach> About papers, we published 15 or so papers from 2014.
<jobhdez> i will keep an eye on your project. i will look for those papers. thanks. how will SICL be different than sbcl? what are your goals for the project?
<ixelp> SICL documents
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<jobhdez> so your implementing tail call optimization? not sure if sbcl has this as default
<beach> The goal is to use more modern techniques that what is used in existing systems.
<jobhdez> oh very cool. i'd like to contribute to your prject
<beach> SBCL does tail-call optimization by default.
<jobhdez> project
<beach> We hang out in #sicl in case you want to know more.
<jobhdez> ok ill check out the project. a modern common lisp compiler would be great. thanks for your work
<beach> Sure.
<aeth> it would be nice to be able to force optimized tail-calls on
<jobhdez> beach what type of optimizations are you planning to implement?
<beach> Pretty much all the traditional ones, but I am particularly excited about call-site optimization as document in one of the papers. I think it will make a huge difference.
<beach> *as documented
<jobhdez> very cool. im very excited about a new modern common lisp compiler.
<beach> Great!
<beach> But the compiler is just one component. Call-site optimization is not directly part of the compiler.
<beach> Same with generic dispatch. It is an important part of the system, but not part of the compiler proper.
<jobhdez> im not familiar with call site optimization. im going to read your paper. this actually great to be honest. i have been wanting to read about research going into the common lisp language/compiler and i have just found this with sicl. thanks. so why is call site optimization a different component? wouldnt it be part of the optimizer?
<jobhdez> i just have an introductory understanding of compilers. i have built a few with common lisp but nothing too advanced
<beach> The compiler generates a very simple function call. The call-site optimizer gets involved when the callee is defined or modified.
<beach> But that's all in the paper, so I am not going to repeat the details here.
<jobhdez> very cool. thanks. so theres no point in trying to look at the github issues right now until you solve the problem youre working on?
<beach> Correct. A better idea is to work on some extracted module, or to extract a new one.
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<jobhdez> ok sounds good. thanks. but yeah your compiler is going to be a great addition to the community. thanks a lot
<beach> Sure.
<beach> jobhdez: You may also want to talk to bike in #sicl (or here). He has done some work for Clasp that is based on the SICL compiler, and he has improved many things.
<jobhdez> ok sounds good. thanks a lot. i know hayley is big lisper as well. i see shes also a contributor to sicl
<beach> Correct. And hayley also hangs out in #sicl.
<beach> For example, hayley wrote the register allocator for x86 in the SICL compiler.
<hayley> beach: Mind that a "phi" node is the more polite name for what was originally called a "phony" node.
<beach> I didn't know that, but that seems appropriate.
<hayley> I'm reminded of what Cliff Click once said about handling multiple outputs in the sea-of-nodes. In his compiler(s) he has "project" nodes which extract values from tuples; the reasoning is that you only need to project when a node has multiple outputs, which is uncommon.
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<hayley> But you could also just have multiple outputs, as Cleavir (the compiler framework used in SICL and Clasp) does. I think a similar argument holds for the existence of phi nodes; it's more of an implementation concern than a theoretical concern.
<beach> Sounds right.
<jobhdez> so ssa is not the "modern" way of doing things? i remember someone criticized the dragon book second edition because it didnt cover ssa but only three address code. but im seeing thats not true
<hayley> My toy SSA/sea-of-nodes compiler doesn't depend on "the property that the order of the predecessors of a node [matters]", by the way.
<beach> jobhdez: Oh, SSA is modern alright. Just like Unix.
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<beach> jobhdez: Many techniques depend on the property that old values are preserved.
<hayley> From my colleagues I hear that the Dragon book is mostly only good for parsing.
<beach> jobhdez: And those techniques all claim that they need SSA. But they don't really need the fact that SSA has the static-single-assignment property.
<hayley> I also recall that the "static few assignments" conversion pass I wrote could be made to generate SSA instead, by generating phi nodes instead of assignment instructions and locations.
<beach> hayley: That used to be the case. But I understand new editions of the book cover more stuff.
<jobhdez> yeah the second edition of the dragon book is better. cmu uses it for an optimizing compiler course
<jobhdez> you can just skip the parsing part
<hayley> beach: From memory I was not impressed by the second edition. I was wondering how to implement loop unrolling; it suggested that one turns a loop like "while P do B" into "while P do B; B; B; B" or somesuch.
<hayley> Which I assume would be great, if you were somehow optimising on an AST.
<beach> I see.
<beach> jobhdez: I use Muchnick's book as an overview of techniques. But the algorithmic language he uses is really bad, so for details I go back to the source. Luckily, the book contains all the references.
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<hayley> Still, I think you overstate the differences between static single assignment and your static few assignments.
<beach> Unfortunately, most work has been done for C-like languages, so there are big holes when it comes to languages like Common Lisp.
<beach> hayley: I have only one problem with it, namely "S.S.A" which is not essential.
<beach> ... or rather, my theory is that the fact that SSA has the S.S.A property is not essential for the work that claims to need SSA.
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<jobhdez> beach thanks a lot. ill check the book out. im also interested in compilers the lower deep learning models to x86 or something. i have a lot to study
<jobhdez> *that
<beach> Good luck!
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<ebrasca> Hi
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<beach> Hello ebrasca.
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<mfiano> Hi ebrasca, long time
<ebrasca> I started to make a game in CL!
<mfiano> Oh, that's great!
<mfiano> Just try not to get bogged down in making another general-purpose engine that will never be finished. In the end your 'game' will just amount to a glorified screensaver :)
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<edgar-rft> screensavers are the only general-purpose games that ever succeeded :-)
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<varjag> something blows the stack off in our app on the newest armccl
<varjag> invalid frames in backtrace
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