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Has anyone here managed to enable audio jack on rock64? I plan on using it as headless music server
i tried almost everything i saw on the internet forums but no luck, no audio would ever play
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<Tonymac32> Hmmm I have not. After the mess of the Rock64 V2 we moved it from supported to CSC, so it doesn't get any attention really from the devs unless there is spare time/interest. Audio was only recently sorted out on the SoC if memory serves.
<Tonymac32> I can't remember if Renegade (another RK3328 board) has analog audio working or not.
<Xen> What was the mess of the Rock64 V2?
<Tonymac32> I believe it was poorly spec'd RAM
<Tonymac32> Many wouldn't boot without VERY special adjustments like declocking them to 300 MHz or so on the RAM (again, number from memory)
<Tonymac32> Pine also made a couple other changes there and then again on the V3 making them not quite compatible with each other, so instead of trying to explain how to do different device trees or try to filter support to not mess with the V2 we just cut it
<Tonymac32> The V1 and V3 have been quite stable for me, but the V2 was a disaster
Are you sure it isn't enabled but audio level is so low you can't hear it
I remember playing with one of those boards and you had to jack audio up like 300%
and then you got half distorted audio
<Xen> cool. thanks for the backstory
but you got something
matija: you would regardless get better sound quality by just buying a cheap USB DAC and plugging it into that board
<Tonymac32> [TheBug] I'm going to be honest and say probably not. Yuo'd need to spend $20 or $30 minimum, I have a collection of the cheap ones and they are trash
Yeah but if I recall correctly it was either Rock64 or RockPi 4c or both
the audio output is super trash
like I don't know if its drive or the actual dac used
but like you had to jack sound up 300% just to get audio out and it was distorted
<Tonymac32> I bet it's I2C issues actually
<Tonymac32> But theb300% doesn't make sense
too bad I can't remember which specifically but I want to say it was Rock64 cause I was trying out Android on it
<Tonymac32> I2S. Dont mind me I've only had one coffee
like I had to manually adjust it from command line with a hack
just to get sound out
<Tonymac32> Hmmm. Yeah I had the Renegade (rk3328 from Libre Computer/Firefly) singing without issue a while back. I'll try it again I guess
well maybe I am really thinking of RockPi 4c I honestly can't remember this morning
just when he said Rock64 it conjured up a feeling that it was the one
but I don't think analog out on RockPI 4c is that good either
Maybe if it bothers me enough I will pull both out and test later
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<Tonymac32> The Rockchip I2S driver has issues, so that is likely part of it, and incomplete codec drivers on top of that
I'm listening to music right now using a rock64 v2 thru the analog port.
although there is still no mixer when using alsamixer. but this can be controlled with commands `amixer -D pulse sset Master 5%-`
Or I guess you could install pulsemixer through pip3?
tony is right it needs a custom uboot to work right
I'm just using mainline
regardless of audio issues
me too its a nas now here (v2)
Nothing custom about the uboot I'm using is what I'm saying.
* archetech
is building Gnome 41q.0 on N2+ ;)
Kool. Just built this rock64 test img on my N2+.
Wanted to make sure before I verified it does work.
So yeah its not out of ones reach. I even have it set to work as a bluetooth audio receiver. https://pastebin.com/nd92EBA4
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<Tonymac32> c0rnelius I am curious if updates to U-boot/etc have taken that board rev into account. It's possible the ATF works out of box too and trains the link speed properly. Not having one of the V2's to mess with I haven't played around with it
Well thats what I'm using is ATF and Mainline. Only patch I apply is the rockchip-common, which just tells it to check sd before mmc. Which I now believe is in the master branch of uboot, so hopefully next release that won't be needed.
I don't own the v1 or v3 of this board so this is my only test subject :) The dreaded v2.
<Tonymac32> Glad to hear it's working for you, there are a ton of those out there
and many in the garbage dump
I got it for $9 dollars on Amazon :) Those crazy people whom were selling them with the little display and whatever else? I can't remember? I just bought it because the price was to good to not do so.
Most of the time it just sits in a case with the Renegade. Honestly not a big fan of the Rk3328.
where is that kernel? will it become available in armbian-config's kernel list?
thats a hc4 odrid link
what link? that forum post is about the hc2
<Tonymac32> it's the exynos based boards, the XU4 and related
<Tonymac32> So yeah hc2
hc2 w/e its not a fix for mem on rk3288 v2
<Tonymac32> Fizikz has a different issue, unrelated
<Tonymac32> The XU4 memory is going super slow
Get tobetter on the case, he'll figure it out.
archetech: yeah, sorry it wasn't clear. the hc2 has a big memory ~3X performance regression on the latest kernel. it came up a year ago and was patched, but now popped up again
i c
any idea when/where the kernel 5.4.149-231 update becomes available?
<Tonymac32> I don't know unfortunately. I'm stuck in Rockchip-land with a sprinkling of Amlogic.
fizikz: check nightly builds, but they are untested
AR-337 [Bug] "Odroid XU4 Memcopy Slow on all Kernel 5.x 80MB/sec instead of 370+MB/sec" reported by Lane Jennison at 2020-06-30. Status: Done
mmaybe that would provide some information on what has changed
it also shows there was some work around previously merged for that issue
TheBug: i'm not on jira but yes that is exactly it and the workaround in that issue fixed it until now
you don't have to be on it to view the page
only to update it
if your intending to build your own you may be able to check the work around and fix it in your own build
then possibly let us know the fix here and we can update that AR for next build and hopefully they can fix
i was the one who reported that issue in the first place back then and lanefu opened that issue and issued a workaround. for some reason something reverted in the latest kernels
Well we are currently in a state where we have more work than people to complete it. So if you are able to spend the time and fix and build and submit your fix it would be helpful.
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i wish i could be more helpful. i'm not familiar with the problem area or making builds