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Hmm so are there nightlies for 3A or have we even messed with it yet?
<lanefu> Probably need to build your own
<lanefu> But yeah no support at all currently in armbian builder
<Tonymac32> pando
<lanefu> I'm no pando
<Tonymac32> 😄
interesting and to note I thought it was RockPI 3A it is not, it is only named 'Rock 3A'
which seems weird to me
but ...
lol I didn't realize they don't even have in internal image yet
and 3.x kernels
<Tonymac32> that's not possible
supposedly slackware may have an image
hmm though their wiki took me to wrong page
okay thats better
<Tonymac32> lol
have inconsistent links on the page
they had another product called Rock
<Tonymac32> I ran into some issues on the Zero page as well
and they linked downloads for it instead of for rock 3
weird stuff
<lanefu> Do you smell what the Raxda is cookin
Tony: you may get a kick out of this, I had a 7x3TB raid5 go tits up on me this morning, when I got it reassembled it required a fsck before it would mount it -- it required 13.6GB ram be allocated (4GB Ram + 9.6GB swap file) and used aprox 13GB just to do the fsck on the array.
ahaha lanefu glad to know I am not the only one, how dumb is it that it is Radxa and not Raxda, I think the latter sounds better but .. nope its the first
I am sure Radxa means something different than Raxda in Chinese or something
<lanefu> Man I should totally buy that domain
LOL right
<Tonymac32> lolz
be careful though, it could mean like 'poop monster' or something weird in Chinese ;p
<lanefu> I would buy poopmonster.com
okay I am not this disconnected from things but wtf compresses to .zst?
<lanefu> Zip ties
<lanefu> Bug install binwalk
<Tonymac32> so hipboi needs to give me an RK3568 SOM w/ 8 GB for $55
Tonymac32: seriously one I play with this if you will build Armbian I will send you one of these, I have an 8GB and a 4GB I do not need to have both
then you can send back when your done playing
<lanefu> There is only 1 Tony
<Tonymac32> Nah that's alright, I have too much on the burners already, I just have... uses fora SoM that doesn't suck
<lanefu> And he's not a timeshare
s/seriously one I pla/seriously once I get done 'playing'
[TheBug] meant to say: Tonymac32: seriously once I get done 'playing'y with this if you will build Armbian I will send you one of these, I have an 8GB and a 4GB I do not need to have both
man.. what if it arrives with a 100$ bottle of whiskey?
<Tonymac32> :D:D:D:D
<lanefu> It's exhausting being visionaries
<Tonymac32> Well this "visionary" hasn't gone past 4 layers and really wide pitch BGA, or else he wouldn't be asking
<Tonymac32> 😄
I love everytime I ask that to piter75 he gives me cold sholder, at least Tonymac32 leads me on ;p
<Tonymac32> ain't nobody got time for that
<lanefu> Time to see another layer
<Tonymac32> I was thinking of doing a 6, but I need to work out BGA first
<Tonymac32> my home reflow setup is pretty good, but I'm not confident
<lanefu> Dev cost Is 10.000 for 3a
<Tonymac32> 50 hours seems a bit quick to get that worked out. Someone needs to send me a TRM too 😄
<Tonymac32> 😛
I wonder why the Rock 3A has a label that says 'Toybrick'
this isn't very reassuring of the quality
<Tonymac32> um
maybe that means something else in Chinese
<Tonymac32> so Lenovo + 96Boards+Toybrick is probably $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
<Tonymac32> Linaro* Brain short circuit
ohh yeah
its for more industrial / robotic
and they want corp not hobby
Tonymac32: " Number 5 is alive."
<Tonymac32> My career is spent making corps look stupid and then fixing their stupid. Although I guess quantum magnetic effects are a bit easy compared to some shitty C code
<Tonymac32> (To be honest usually I wind up fixing things involving simple shielding or chucking in a capacitor on the electrical side. Don't tell anyone)
<Tonymac32> OK, I have an idea: All the SBC vendors make their best SoM in response to a basic spec from me and Lanefu, and we judge them in a battle royale
<Tonymac32> Pine needs to make another one, their current one is already DoA for being pin compatible to that RPi thing
Tonymac32: you telling me you never watched the Short Circut movies? I thought surely you would get my reference, lol
<Tonymac32> (For the competiton, not in general)
<Tonymac32> [TheBug] NO DISASSEMBLE
"Jerk of the world: Turkey, idiot, pain in the ass."
I guess with Telsa making a Telsa bot we are getting closer and closer to Number 5 being real ;p
<Tonymac32> nah, it'll just roll into things and over cliffs without stopping
<Tonymac32> reminds me I need to get another welding bottle though
I have no idea how I am going to coll this thing
yuou cant even fit a 20mmx20mm heatsink I don't think
because of how they placed the mipi connector or whatever
wow I am seriously a bit stumped how they intended on sooling this
<Tonymac32> Yeah that mipi DSI connector made me 😦
<Tonymac32> or is that the CSI? I don't remember
<Tonymac32> 😄
<Tonymac32> but yeah, I don't see a good way to cool that if you're planning on beating on it
either wayt its in the wrong fucking place
<Tonymac32> that said it shouldn't make as much heat
thats actually hugely disappointing
how the fuck you supposed to fit a heatsink on this
<Tonymac32> thermal adhesive and some prayer
* [TheBug]
laughs out loud hysterically
you mean like the RockPi X
now I see your motives ;p
you want another Radxa board with torn memory don't you?
<Tonymac32> so you have that connector, the PoE pins, and another 2-pin I don't know what it is right off the corner
I have a heatsink that will 'fit'
but its in no way big enough as it looks to me
<Tonymac32> and if that crystal next to the USB3 is a bit tall it will be in the way too
<Tonymac32> Well, it's clear we're at the end of the line for the Raspberry Pi nonsense form factor
<Tonymac32> Remember Rockchip thought sticking an RK3288 on top of the "miniarm" was an awesome idea too 😄 I cut a 25x40x10 to clear a couple inductors and glued it down with a fan to keep that SOB cool
Command sent by Tonymac32
...only to have USB failing because the micro USB feeding it was just a terrible idea
<Tonymac32> anyway that board had a lot wrong but actually worked really well
<Tonymac32> maybe this will follow
<Tonymac32> filling out the paperwork
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<Tonymac32> When the mini-ITX-ish one is released ship me one
<hipboi> > <[TheBug]> I wonder why the Rock 3A has a label that says 'Toybrick' Same cooperation like lenovo
<hipboi> lenovo x toybrick
<hipboi> radxa x toybrick
well I got the 8Gb one booted running Ubuntu
got xfce4 installed
sounds works
<hipboi> how about the m.2?
video playback is poo but that is expected with no accel at all
I haven't populated m.2 am using emmc
but man you gave very small space for heatsink
<hipboi> any ax200?
I had to use heatsink from old videos card
ohh I don't have wifi m.2 actually
<hipboi> but you can attach a fan
I didn't get cause I have a bucket full of usb dongles
<hipboi> limited space
yeah I guess but no convient way to attach
<hipboi> the 3A is very very compact
I had to use thermal glue on the SOC which is not my favorite...
* [TheBug]
has flash backs to RockPi X
but this time not on memory
so hopefully won't be an issue if I ever had to remove
actually suprised how quickly got base Xwindows up
expected it to be a little more time consuming but it zips right along
tested firefox, YT can't do above 360p or so atm but will take some time to improve that I guess
Thanks for sending that on, also, finally got a Penta Hat
so time to give it a test too, lol
do you guys have pcie working already in your images?
anyways will be testing it over next week or so
maybe will post to my blog for it ;)
<hipboi> yes, penta works
<hipboi> but i requires a rescan after booting
<hipboi> need to update the penta firmware
<hipboi> the SPI flash to solve it
lol don't know if you see what I told Tonymac earlier about having to fsck raid on RockPi 4c :Z I had to use 10GB swap file to fsck a 3TBx7 drive array
that was some fun
luckily recovered it after had drive failure
hm so penta hat will require some new firmware to work on 3A is what you are saying
got it.
I will also test regular sata card on it as well as time allows and report performance
some are saying will be a toss up
will have to find out
pretty snappy though overall so far
liking the 3A
hipboi: why Rock 3A and not RockPi 3A? didn't notice that before but curious to know the reasoning
I see, so you are talking about fan with PWM then
where pwm module can manage temps
got it
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<Tonymac32> forget the "Pi" sauce
man, nothing like using vendor releases to make you wish for Armbian
Would love to have Budgie
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<hipboi> > <[TheBug]> @hipboi why Rock 3A and not RockPi 3A? didn't notice that before but curious to know the reasoning just drop the Pi name
<hipboi> to follow you can not surpass
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<lanefu> What video connection is that
<lanefu> You've been trying to make this work for a while right?
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<kprasadvnsi> Yup, it's been few months on/off, now got enough time to complete.
<kprasadvnsi> mipi dsi
that's great! congratulations on beating it
> Tony: you may get a kick out of this, I had a 7x3TB raid5 go tits up on me this morning, when I got it reassembled it required a fsck before it would mount it -- it required 13.6GB ram be allocated (4GB Ram + 9.6GB swap file) and used aprox 13GB just to do the fsck on the array.
what filesystem?
> <lanefu> I hope rockchip just does a straight up 4000
just to match a phrase "it's over 9000"
bug still lives in EXT4 land
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<IgorPec> good morning
<kprasadvnsi> Good morning
<kprasadvnsi> How can I use Phosh mobile UI with Armbian?
<kprasadvnsi> I have compiled and install it on armbian ubuntu 21.04 server image.
<kprasadvnsi> I couldn't get it to start.
why compiled and not the packaged versions?
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<kprasadvnsi> I don't know. The post on the Armbian forum recommend compiling from source so that what I did.
<kprasadvnsi> Just tried the phosh package version. It too failed to start.
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<kprasadvnsi> Works on Debian bullseye
It failed to start doesn't mean anything
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<kprasadvnsi> It works on Debian so all fine. I will investigate the problem later with ubuntu.
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<kprasadvnsi> It was something like unable to open DRM device.
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<lanefu> Good job anyway aguapi
i gotta say, i'm kinda impressed at the performance of 0ad on the pbp
<NeonFetch> well, it's a 2.1 opengl only game
<NeonFetch> should be better with a gles render or a vulkan one (once we get a vulkan driver working)
yeah but the performance of it on... most systems has been hilariously bad
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<lanefu> steev what's 0ad?
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<NeonFetch> a game
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<NeonFetch> I compiled it on rpi3 with 1 core (due ram limitations)!! whooping 15GB folder after compiling hahhaa it was my biggest compilation on rpi3
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