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<lanefu> im heerer
<lanefu> where u at
"im heerer" sounds like a dutch?
<lanefu> lol
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im here now seem though your stuck over there on the dark side
<kprasadvnsi> Anybody used ODROID-GO?
its great
<kprasadvnsi> Does it uses GPU? What kind of OS it's running?
i've got the go super but using emuelec on it
<NicoD> Also got the super. I run debian on it. Haven't checked how gpu drivers are in linux since I game with ubuntu with gamestation.
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<kprasadvnsi> How this all work? Do they ship games or we have to download it from elsewhere?
<NicoD> You put on an eyepatch and become a pirate by downloading games yourself. They're easy to find. I mostly play SEGA Master System and Megadrive. Also PSX. Runs well. I should try other gaming images since N64 ain't running well on the ubuntu gamestation.
<NicoD> I've also used it or watching movies and youtube. Also works well even without vpu drivers.
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good morning
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I'm curious to find out if its possible to modify the firmware on my device to be able to boot wirelessly
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<kprasadvnsi> which version of armbian have VPU enabled for orange pi 4?
good morning
Could it be that a reboot with an nvme connected fails?
It works with a not-detectable m2 ssd (sata).
kprashdvnsi: current and edge
rockchip64 and nvme ... well, can't tell. could be a bug
ok, I will connect UART the next time and see what it throws in the console
although - this will take time, since I need another pcie m2
that is not a problem. nobody will look into it
I could make a bug report then but no one will check that?
hm... I would get an unsupported image failure because I use the armbian kernel on archlinux
even though, it's pretty sure a kernel issue
that's why I hate this way of bug reporting
<Werner> Retry with official armbian image and report then. Armbian has no resources to look into issues of 3rd party/custom OS.
hm... yes, I guess I have to do that. I use my rockchip device more or less productive (gitea, grafana, postgres backup...), so I have to time that good
why use armbian kern on arch just use manjaro kern
I am kinda against manjaro because of their recent past
but this would be way too offtopic to discuss
<kprasadvnsi> I am going nowhere with this rk3399 VPU. anybody tell me how to test it in userspace.
<lanefu> Oh you mean one of the newer models. I have the original go that's an esp32 😁
<kprasadvnsi> yah, the newer model with rk3326 chip.
I wanted to test any gpu driver and possibilities of using gpu accelerated processing on my rk3399 too someday
although, I have problems for now with a dkms module...
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possibly stupid question - are there any usecases for the a "fallback"-initrd on embedded devices?
Alex[m]1 meant to say: possibly stupid question - are re any usecases for the a "fallback"-initrd on embedded devices?
wtf, it has edited my sentence wrong :D
<IgorPec> no, we didn't develop such feature
ok, then it's some archlinux stuff leftover
another thing - on an aarch64/arm64 armbian, could someone show me the output of:
I fear that there is another archlinux thing going wrong
(missing a compiled fixdep)
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Hello All, I have some questions about the kernel patches, such as the ones in patch/kernel/sunxi-edge. In what order do these get applied? How would I ensure that a patch gets applied after another one?
<IgorPec> by adding numbers in front
With that idea you can generally power any kind of embedded lan device
so not your off the shelf poe ;)
poe has actually (afaik) 48V or some kind of dynamic change - I wouldn't try that on such a device
roasted beef!
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IgorPec: Thanks, there's also other patches prefixed with board and enable. How best to handle ordering with those?
<IgorPec> don't understand what is your intention - patches are applied on alphabetic / numeric order
<IgorPec> this is the rule behind.
<IgorPec> patch content is not affecting on order in any way
I'm hoping to create a patch that might be different depending on whether an enable patch was applied before/after to the same file. It's not part of the same feature as the enable patch, so I feel it should be kept separate from it.
Maybe my approach should be different?
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I guess a separate patch for this would make sense
<Tonymac32> newton688 what are you patching? I need to propose documentation for our patch naming, but I've spent a lot of time untangling and cleaning Rockchip64 and Meson64 (Meson64 is still a mess though, more to do)
<Tonymac32> What Igor recommended is the easiest. If the patch you are needing to follow is named differently though (say "board_thing_add_stuff.patch"), then I would change it to board_thing_00_add stuff.patchband make the new patch "01"
<Tonymac32> That shouldn't disrupt the existing "order"
<Tonymac32> And make sure the new patch is after the old patch
what's the thing about discord, anyway?
what's everyone position on stability of odroid C4?
mine sits in the rack and i don't recall it ever hanged
unless on reboot
but i think that is also fixed in recent kernel / u-boot
Tonymac32: Thank you for the suggestion. I'll give that a try and see what everyone thinks in the pull request.
This is a annoying little thing with the pinecube where the enable/disable of the LED's is inverted. Currently, it's 1=off and 0=on, which is very counter-intuitive. The NixOS people have made the one-line change to make it more reasonable.
I'm hoping to bring the two distros closer to being inline while things take their time to get mainlined.
newton688: is that just setting active_low 0 or vice-versa for the pin?
newton688: armbian has a concept of board optimizations where little tweaks are applied at startup
not everything has to be a device tree patch
lanefu: Yes, exactly. Where's the documentation on the board optimizations? I'll check it out and think about whether it makes more sense to do device tree patch or use this approach.
newton688: if Device tre change.. probably want to just ship as an overlay
rather than further diverging from the patch set we're following
:) Fair enough.
I'm not familiar with these concepts. So, what's the best way to learn about them? Any examples I could look at?
so armbian-config recently addeda tool to help make custom device tree overlays.. i hvaen't really used it... I _think_ there's some stuff either in the documentation or at least some good forum posts on usin git
sorry that isn't more helpful
* lanefu
is prone to being a middle-man only offering breadcrumbs
"DTO" / Device Tree Overlay
actually i thikn DTO is not a device tree overlay
i cant mremnber
* lanefu
stops talking
sadly I don't really know where the rockchip64 kernel sources are (totally confusing), otherwise I would've looked there
Ok, thanks, I'll see what I can find. I'm kind of leaning towards patching the device tree at this moment. I think that it doesn't really make sense to anyone to have 0=on and 1=off. lol
yeah i mean i assume it's a hardware design that's causing the behavior to seem inverted
Every day, I find more cool stuff I can do with armbian-config. What a great tool. Thanks so much all for it. :)
but yeah.. its describing state of gpio pin, vs leogical state of led i guess
armbian-config is powerful, but also in desperaete need of refactoring
there'sa lot of forum conversation about it
and feel free to check out its issue on its github repo as well if you're interested
I plan to use it as my provisioning tool so that I can make a base SD card image for all my cameras and then use it to set hostname, timezone, wifi, etc.
newton688: cool.. have you trying using armbian.com/build to make your own image?
there's customizaition hooks etc
that you might be interseted in
also see `/boot/armbian_first_run.txt.template`
Yes, I managed to get it working with Docker last week. Super cool way to test out my patches and such.
i really need to do some vids or docs on using the tool for customing
Oh, sorry, it can build the entire SD card image. That's sweet.
yeah i usually just build custom images
Thanks, I might check that out.
and use ROOTFS_TYPE=btrfs :P
I'm going to make a set of instructions on how to make the pinecube a USB webcam that involve some device tree customizations that probably don't make sense for everyone.
yeah see teh build_otpions section and the customization section of our docs
I'm planning on starting with just some documentation on how to use armbian-config to edit the device tree and then look at better automation. Perhaps I could even publish some images automatically someday.
ha... well the more you script the less you have to instruct :)
Automation will be great. :)
yeah def play witjh the builder tool. it's very powerful... just takes some time to understand its quirks and features
Thanks again for your help and support lanefu and everyone.
<lanefu> Thanks for choosing armbian
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<lanefu> "and use ROOTFS_TYPE=btrfs :P" <- same
hm... it looks like some kernel versions have issues for building modules
<lanefu> what are you building, where and how
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/lib/modules/5.10.59-rockchip64/updates/rtw_core.ko: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), BuildID[sha1]=2546dae684a2a975458eba10689ef4be5262ae2d, not stripped
/lib/modules/5.10.59-rockchip64/updates/rtw_core.ko: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), BuildID[sha1]=2546dae684a2a975458eba10689ef4be5262ae2d, not stripped