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Can anyone with a helios64 with emmc messed up make a dd image of their emmc and share it with me
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guess its gonna be a quiet night
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<Tonymac32> Could be
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<NicoD> Share it on all your social medias. I don't have a smartphone. So no access to most of those apps. I use Twitter, Reddit, FB and Youtube. Please spam the others full 😆 👍
<lanefu> There are other social medias? Lol
<lanefu> @IgorPec based on video comments so far at least 1 person thinks you're very aweome
<NicoD> And one thought you were a porna actor 🙂 After 1 minute online I already had porn links. Deleted them.
<NicoD> Going well, it beat Werners video in one hour.
<NicoD> That looks awesome. We don't have that hear nearby. I've got to go to the other half of Belgium for caves. Must be nice when it's hot to chill down.
<NicoD> The video seems very well likes and it's the best viewed of my last 10 videos. More than 10% like rate which is very high.
we have been to the nearby hill, so we went there, nice experience
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<kprasadvnsi> Is there a way to just build u-boot?
<Armbian-Discord> "<NicoD> Here the video of the..." <- very, very useful!
<Armbian-Discord> "<kprasadvnsi> Is there a way to..." <- yes. set "kernel-only=yes"
and "repository_install="kernel,armbian-config,armbian-firmware"
<kprasadvnsi> I am having a strange issue. I compile the u-boot and install it via chroot into sd card. The kernel package is updating fine but u-boot package seem to get updated but I can't see anything changes on boot.
<kprasadvnsi> Don't judge my shell script I suck at it😅
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<Werner> Updating the u boot package does not automatically update the boot loader itself. It just installs the needed files for manual update which can be done via armbian-config
<kprasadvnsi> Oh, that explains the issue.