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<Armbian-Discord> <b​r> Is there a short guide on how to set up snapper for btrfs with apt triggers?
<Armbian-Discord> <b​r> I built a btrfs volume setup
<Armbian-Discord> <b​r> I thought I knew what I was doing to set it up, but every time I ever tried to rollback I get “cannot detect ambit since default sub volume is unknown”
<Armbian-Discord> <b​r> I’ve tried btrfs subvolume set-default /
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<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> no idea, check btrfs manual
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<nekomancer[m]> br: apt install snapper; snapper config create /
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<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> snapper is a fish . why would you install it on a os ?
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> thaats just a fishy thing to do
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> lol jk
<Armbian-Discord> <k​prasadvnsi> BeagleV starlight just got nucked
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> there is a group working on a new one
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<Armbian-Discord> <k​prasadvnsi> New one but different SoC vendor?
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> no the starfive
<Armbian-Discord> <k​prasadvnsi> Why the sudden change?
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> the guy who headed the riscv board let bealeboard
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> let/left
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> he was the driving force
<nekomancer[m]> <Armbian-Discord> "<R​ichNeese> snapper is a fish ...." <- because it's good to have a hourly snapshots for your work, and snapshots for the last 1-2 system boots and before some last sytem updates.
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> nekromancer i was making a joke
<Armbian-Discord> <k​prasadvnsi> Drew?
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> on phone brb
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> The BeagleV™-Starlight prototype will not be going into mass production, but we are continuing to work on board designs with other RISC-V SoCs. BeagleBoard.org® and Seeed Studio hope to have a new BeagleV™ community board available early Q1.
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> it even says they will work on a new booard
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> but it will not be the same as this first one
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> I hope they hold to this
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> risc5 will be the next big boards right next to arm
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> kprasadvnsi I think Drew yes
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> but as it stands I have 1 of the BeagleV in hand its a nice board but needs better video
<Armbian-Discord> <k​prasadvnsi> I have one too
<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichNeese> ok move to offtopic channel
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> kprasadvnsi: you have been asking around opizero2? I got some small progress https://forum.armbian.com/topic/16170-orangepi-zero2-allwinner-h616/?do=findComment&comment=127376
<nekomancer[m]> <Armbian-Discord> "<R​ichNeese> nekromancer i was..." <- I am sorry.
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<nekomancer[m]> what backup software can you recommend for offline backup of sd or emmc of SBC?
<stipa> luckyBackup
<nekomancer[m]> <stipa> "luckyBackup" <- > note on development progress
<nekomancer[m]> Unfortunately the development of luckybackup is almost frozen.
<nekomancer[m]> > <@stipa:libera.chat> luckyBackup
<nekomancer[m]> Unfortunately the development of luckybackup is almost frozen.
<nekomancer[m]> * > note on development progress
<nekomancer[m]> and — will it care about uboot?
<nekomancer[m]> if don't mind u-boot — any backup software can be used. But u-boot need to be served.
<HerculeP> use dd then ;)
<nekomancer[m]> 🤮
<stipa> nekomancer[m]: i did a research and luckyBackup was best out there for a noob
<nekomancer[m]> dd older than I am.
<stipa> with best features
<nekomancer[m]> stipa: but what about u-boot?
<stipa> never dealt with that kind of a backup
<[TheBug]> nekomancer[m]: dd? dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 of=image.file.on.nfs.mount.img bs=50M status=progress
<stipa> luckyCharms is like ruglar stuff, for backuping files
<stipa> luckBackup*
<[TheBug]> or do it over ssh
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<[TheBug]> dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=50M status=progress | ssh "dd of=/file.for.image.on.remote.host.img bs=50M"
<nekomancer[m]> [TheBug]: to get 64 gb instead 1? no, thanks.
<[TheBug]> well then you didn't ask the right question as I read it
<[TheBug]> but maybe you meant contents of instead of the actual device
<[TheBug]> my understanding was you wanted an image of the device
<[TheBug]> by using back-up software you will not get uboot or anything at the beginning of the device backed up
<HerculeP> pishrink that.img worked for me
<HerculeP> (removes unused space)
<[TheBug]> nice tool HerculeP, I will have to remmeber that one
<[TheBug]> +1
<HerculeP> its fast too
<nekomancer[m]> google "herculep" not shows me backup software at first page
<HerculeP> lol
<HerculeP> 1st dd, then pishrink
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* nekomancer[m] running clonezilla. will see.
<[TheBug]> so gui ddd
<[TheBug]> dd*
<nekomancer[m]> it pretend to care about u-boot.
<nekomancer[m]> but I will test.
<[TheBug]> clonezilla is just gui dd + other tools ;)
<nekomancer[m]> other mean thing — will it unpack backup of 64 gb microsd (2 gb used) to 16 gb microsd.
<[TheBug]> yeah it just does exactly what HerculeP mention just does it for you :)
<[TheBug]> hehe
<[TheBug]> I get it
<[TheBug]> clonezilla is clutch
<nekomancer[m]> [TheBug]: if it will do all I want, and fast enough — I don't care what inside.
<nekomancer[m]> [TheBug]: no. it do `Run partclone: partclone.btrfs -z 10485760 -N -L /var/log/partclone.log -c -s /d ev/sda2 --output - | lz4 -c -1 | split -a 2 -b 4096MB - /home/partimag/2021-07-3 0-21-img/sda2.btrfs-ptcl-img.lz4. 2> /tmp/split_error.EReXfO`
<nekomancer[m]> and many other thinks before
<nekomancer[m]> and `dd if=/dev/sda of=/home/partimag/2021-07-30-21-img/sda-hidden-data-after-mbr ski p=1 bs=512 count=32767` for u-boot (I hope)
<nekomancer[m]> bad end: `This image was NOT saved correctly`
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<nekomancer[m]> "unix way", damn it.
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<nekomancer[m]> so many disk backup/clone oss programs — but most of them orphaned 😕
<nekomancer[m]> iso? boot on x86?
<nekomancer[m]> partiton magic?
<lanefu> Yes
<lanefu> Parted magic
<lanefu> Its just a purpose built live linux image
<lanefu> With lots of disk-related tools like clone zilla etc
<nekomancer[m]> it can backup disks?
<lanefu> Yes
<nekomancer[m]> I use it for resize partitions, but newer as backup|restore tool
<lanefu> Well it's still image oriented
<lanefu> If you want go backup files
<lanefu> Look at borg + borgmaric / vorta by borgbase
<lanefu> Or restic
<nekomancer[m]> I want to backup sdcards of SBC :)
<nekomancer[m]> * I want to backup and restore sdcards of SBC :)
<lanefu> Clons zilla can
<lanefu> If you use disk reader
<lanefu> I dunno honestly
<lanefu> Just doing it by hand with dd is probably easiest?
<nekomancer[m]> then I want it do: backup/restore u-boot; backup all partitions; restore it if target sdcard smaller that source (but have enough free space for data, sure)
<lanefu> Yeah clone zilla can do partition backups n stuff
<lanefu> But its not gonna deal with uboot
<nekomancer[m]> I can do it all by hand, but... meh... it's 2021 year, c'mon.
<nekomancer[m]> I did the same on windows with (forget, what tool was before acronis) at 2001.
<nekomancer[m]> clonezilla writes mbr and 16 mb after mbr. isn't it about u-boot?
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