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damn, my 4g modem is crasing, rebooting by itsrlf
it worked fine few weeks and now it has party
i see that isp updated firmware in fourth month but it's the same crap as it was new
heat or power
probably needs a heatsink and fan
* TRS-80
just queried PinePhone modem for cell tower info via ssh from desktop :)
my mind is exploding at the possibilities, it's so refreshing after Android
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[TheBug]: i've plugged beffy psu into it but it's not the lack of power, maybe overheating cause i haven't been inside of it
TRS-80: lucky you
maybe the isp is rebooting it
if they can update the firmware they can probably reboot it as well
i remember when i had adsl they could log into those and do what ever they wanted
better cover it in tinfoil, mate
it is covered at one side
to boost the signal
atta boy! :)
you still using OPi Zero (or whatever) as your main internet connection?
nope, it's old intel laptop now
pretty stable
only bad is that it doesn't want to pass the bios if something is plugged into usb3 port on cold start
so i have to unplug it from usb3 and then plug it after boot screen in in order to get to the os
after that if i boot to os and reboot the system it's ok
it doesn't halt
maybe it some usb settings for legacy bios or something like that
legacuy usb*
ufei crap and that stuff
uefi boot
TRS-80: hows piphone, read few weeks ago that linux sucked backthen
TRS-80: man... neeeeerd phone.. thast rad
manage your contacts with ansible
there a quite a few distros for it...
lol what if you ran asterisk ON your pinephone and bridged calls to it, and gave people voice menus
selfhosted voicemail on a mobile device is a long long dream of mine
one of these days ...
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you see, I am not the only one having nerdgasm at the possibilities, which are now endless :)
what could be better than running servers and radiating dick at the same time
oh my
server in pants
pants pocket server
stipa: For me it is getting very close to daily driver. But I must state strongly "YMMV" because I also read a lot of disappointed / upset people, but IMO they did not do their homework / know what they were getting.
phone calls (including VoLTE), SMS, and 4G data all work; MMS do not and camera is a potato (putting it mildly)
but a Linux computer in your pocket is cool
Oh yeah many things not adapted for mobile, either. Probably biggest hurdle.
But a few are. And I have been looking today at Gnome / Phosh app development, it seems like a piece of cake.
yeah, seems like lots of devs are trying to make it fully funcrional
yes, things are progressing quite rapidly
there is a lot of excitement, even though it's early days
being able to apt get install packages, or compile them from source, on a phone, is just ... amazing! :)
it is an amazing phone and affordable i hope it'll end well
I actually wrote whole long post about how I was a Librem 5 guy (still am) but PinePhone are actually shipping devices
the fact they are shipping so many devices (and their low cost) is creating a lot of excitement
but Purism to be fair have done all the heavy lifting of developing phosh, which many other distros are actually now using
yeah cool
the power of open source
cant wait for a release of the pinephone keyboard
I tried once or twice to give Android app development a play, but was totally put off by the IDE and Javashit
but here you can use almost any language you want, it's awesome
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buZz: Yeah one of my biggest pain points right now is no Swype-like keyboard, but I been wondering if this goes away with hardware keyboard they are working on.
esp since I am heavy emacs user
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I don't really need any other software on there (maybe phone dialer) lol
i didn't know there's pihone keboard
pinephone keyboard*
yep check it out, actually looks pretty cool; bringing back hardware keyboards baby! :)
stuff like that is why I have warmed up to Pine, you are just not seeing that from anyone else since years now
yeah, it has chunky keys
it's currently in development, but there are some pics and stuff on their blog
<NeonFetch> pinephone 2 based on rk3566 would be a massive win
<NeonFetch> that keyboard lookes great to me
NeonFetch has a case of the new shiny, methinks ;)
I actually appreciate their strategy of choosing an older and well supported (in Linux) SoC. Less risk for them. Many prior Linux on phone projects have failed. We need to build an entire ecosystem, almost from scratch (well, with GNU/Linux as a base, so not really). But against incumbents with many years and $millions of head start. A daunting task...
Choosing older less sexy hardware almost insure only die hards, hackers, enthusiasts buying them at first. We get them in our hands and build all the software, smooth out rough edges. Then a few years later that hardware gets mature, PinePhone 2 as you describe and things looking really good by then. That's how I see it playing out.
Maybe by then it will be suitable device for normies, but not yet.
it's a good plan, even if hardware is old it's much better then having newest chips on the market and abandoned project
without support for the users
that is exactly what Purism did with Librem 5, much sexier, newer, (and open) SoC but then they spent 3 years paying iMX to write Linux support for it... and they are still not shipping...
TRS-80: congrats on your PP
sunshavi: thanks old Emacs fren :)
I am in the process of using the evil pkg now
oh yes don't you use both?
Yes. But separately. Now I am trying to integrate everything within emacs again
some rough edges yet
yes I tried a modal keybindings once, xah-fly-keys, but I couldn't get into it
I used that one in the past too
then i moved to dvorak
then to god-mode
but within SBC god-mode is too slow
then I went to vim
now evil-mode :)
yeah that's crazy
in a good way, I mean
I admire people who can retrain their brain to such extent, like people who use blank keyboards and move the keys around...
position of letters I mean
to more exotic layouts like those
blank keycaps rather
I thought about that too. But even now it is an issue When someone lend me a win machine with qwerty. That's a pain for me
and putting dvorak on win is not as simple as setxkbmap dvorak
are you in work environment where that happens often enough?
or using an external monitor on laptop with win is so difficult. When I have a oneliner on my bashrc for doing it in a blink
two of my children are win-users cos of the school
they prefer it. Cos it is easier for them playing games ;)
I am in process of moving whatever is not private into a public dotfiles repo so I can instantly become productive at any internet connected machine
sunshavi: provide them a box that boots to TTY only and tell them about startx and let them figure it out from there ;)
Yes. my bashrc is published on the web
the older one knows emacs. But still he prefers win
but still. sometimes i discover him watching videos from my elfeed session
plays myman remotely from putty
practice speed-typing from within emacs
he is on the path to greatness
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the last-one is a unix user (well the more common reincarnation produced but linus)
he is just 8 years old. But I think in the near future he is going to be win-user too. cos of the same. the games
<NeonFetch> indeed, but rk3566 is about making it useful and not just a toy
<NeonFetch> i am thinking on long road..
NeonFetch I can tell you that PinePhone is already quite useful! Hardly any noticeable lag in UI. Maybe while browsing (but "modern web" a shit).
ok. in the past I have tried ledger. But i think I need a touch interface on my phone for creating the ledger files when on the street doing the expense
remembering all the expenses at the end of the day is too cumbersome. and using an on-screen kbd on the business is too nerdy. even with a phone with a hw-kbd it is difficult
There is nice app in F-Droid called Beancount I think (for Beancount) and another one for Ledger for exactly such use case. But I only use that for cash. Mainly I always get receipt and photograph it immediately. Then I wrote some Emacs Lisp to work in Dired to quickly and easily select Vendor and other info and rename the file and also spit out a Beancount transaction. Easy peasy. Becasue
any friction will keep you from doing it.
In other words I tag and categorize the expense later (in comfort of Emacs). I also end up with nice phote of receipt this way. Which doesn't fade away a few months later...
nice. looks interesting. nokia n900 here
your workflow looks interesting. perhaps in the future i could try mimic Beancount-App on a gtk-App for n900
Why am I not surprised you have n900. :)
I missed the boat on that one. But I have a bunch of classic ThinkPads to make up for it.
x30 and x220 here
n900 is using Gtk? You will fit right in on PinePhone (well, with Phosh anyway). Just today I was watching videos and reading up on Gtk and it actually looks very easy and straightforward!
sunshavi: nice bookends for my T60s! Have we discussed this before?
TRS-80: n900 uses gtk. I have spent more time within n800 than on n900. When I moved to n900 I ported a couple of GTK apps to n900
n900 Also uses Qt. But I have not done Qt on n900
I never looked into Qt, but I read some criticism of it. From license standpoint of course but also usability. No direct experience though.
Yes. PP is one of my alternatives. But with maemo-leste
as a wxgtk user. I think Qt is better
license is not an issue nowadays
we have not had any discussion about thinkpads IMO
from little bits I read, seems like they shot themselves in the foot with that and people still think it and they probably lost a lot of mind share (and momentum?) because of it
well vlc used to be a wxwidgets app. for multi-platform support. now vlc used Qt
As regards PP, I read a really well researched article about a year ago which sort of convinced me that Phosh would be the horse to back so to speak. I bet you are more familiar with some of the history of past Linux on phone attempts, but let me dig it up.
s/vlc used Qt/vlc uses Qt/
sunshavi meant to say: well vlc used to be a wxwidgets app. for multi-platform support. now vlc uses Qt
I been following GNU/Linux phone scene pretty closely for a couple (few?) years now and it seems to me the more time goes on the more his predictions have been bourne out.
yes. sure probably phosh is the way to go lately.
I remeber back then Purism were getting a lot of criticism for writing a new framework instead of using one of existing ones
TRS-80 But. having maemo-leste would let me use anything as it is on my n900 from 2009. I want to preserve that
sunshavi: More power to you, mate! I am jumping in to a clean slate.
s/I/I, on the other hand,/
TRS-80 meant to say: sunshavi: More power to you, mate! I, on the other hand, am jumping in to a clean slate.
I do wonder some times about some of other options. There is a multi boot sd card image that I should probably try some time. Even though I am Debian guy and already pretty much made up my mind on Mobian with Phosh...
TRS-80 battery life on n900 used to be of 4d. I think nothing from today is going to beat that
sunshavi: Nope. But the hardware keyboard Pine64 are working on also include a huge additional battery. :)
Which is nice mitigation, IMO, given the circumstances
I have heard many tales of the legendary device. And other PDAs from back then which could do things you still cannot in Android to this day.
TRS-80 Right. for watching videos on n900 from utu.be I need to convert them which is an additional step
that's true. I was a palm user too
I was having trouble with some video. So I apt install mpv and feed it the url on the command line and it actually worked! And well! I was amazed! :)
on n900 not mpv (not invented on 2009). Just old mplayer
mplayer-2009 does have the latest codecs
It's cool device but I fear the passage of time will eventually overtake you. I feel that way about my ThinkPads as well, but I am still hanging on to those, too...
PinePhone is one of very few "modern" devices I give any crap about.
TRS-80 But in the past I thought tui is a lot better than web and both of them could serve the same purpose. But TUI gives You a cleaner interfase without ads. I think that is still true
modern web a shit
browser complexity like OS, even huge multinationals like M$ and Google decide it's too much to develop by themselves, unbelievable
TRS-80 r You eww|w3m user?
No because most websites don't even work without JavaShit nowadays, unfortunately
TRS-80 I am launching a browser on opi+2e is a painful experience.
I have been following Nyxt (sp?) with interest, however
yeah I bet lol
TRS-80 Yes Nyxt is interesting. But I would need more space on opi+2e
there is no good browser solution right now IMO, and Firefox is still probably the least bad option (and believe me, I keep looking!)
lol it's probably tiny compared to FF though XD
there is no other alternative than FF
unix users should use FF and no other browser
seeing the state of current Mozilla is depressing
but think about BSD's without FF
even FF slipping in bullshit these days, to my understanding
but there is nothing else unfortunatelyt
Mozilla kept on life support by Google money just as a hedge against an anti trust proceeding, terrible state of affairs
Yes. But think for a moment what would happen if mozilla gets out of business
Perhaps gopher on cli the only alternative
maybe Chrome gets broken up and we see actual competition again
ok missus coming, time for bed :)
nice chatting as always
lol. 'dreaming has no cost'
cheers mate
Same to You. rest
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where is the WiFi/BT firmware files in an Armbian image.
* where is the WiFi/BT firmware files in an Armbian image?
I'd say in /lib/firmware
somewhere around there
after that it is per vendor
like brcm is for braodcom fw
er broadcom
ok, there are a lot of files in here. which one the system is loading?
depends entirely on your chip
<Tonymac32> oof caps
<Tonymac32> sorry
<IgorPec> by default only a small selection of firmware is provided. to get them all you need to apt get armbian-firmware-full
<IgorPec> good morning 😉
<Tonymac32> good morning Igor
Good morning Igor
I am trying to get WiFi/BT working for OPi Zero2. I know this board is WIP but trying to understand how they load WiFI firmware in vendor Image.
<IgorPec> that's a long shot. i am not sure there is a driver for this weirdo chip in mainline kernel
They used AW859A which i can't find any info on the internet
<IgorPec> as expected
<IgorPec> its only used here and perhaps on some tv box and was never used before
allwinner is also keeping every useful bit of actually useful info to themselves
I will de-cap the shielding as a last resort to know what chipset they actually using in this weird module
their own
<IgorPec> yes, this this their second one
it is really that chip the AW859a thing
<IgorPec> after infamous XR819
<Tonymac32> ugh
I suspect it is as every bit as crappy, then
one of my friend is actually lucky with that crap xr819, he's been listening to some web radio with it all day long and its been fine
I do not know how he managed to beat the chip and driver into submition
the first time I got it running, my board took 15 minutes to fully lock up, starting with the serial console first
progressive lockups are so much fun
<Tonymac32> I had luck with the one in the original NanoPi Duo actually
<Tonymac32> but
<Tonymac32> still
maybe there are worst chips than other lol
Ok, found something. What the hell is this wcnmodem.bin file?
<Tonymac32> Lanefu tinker-2 branch has GPU and type-C USB working now. Was a snafu building the device tree using the 4.4 as reference 🤣
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<kprasadvnsi> The AW859A is made by CDTech. www.cdtech.cn
<kprasadvnsi> It can do 5GHz WiFi as well
<kprasadvnsi> The chipset used in this module is UWE5622
plz share links to khadas edge nightly build images and other khadas boards
random question, trying to get nfs working on custom distro here, but any of you ever encountered an error where mounting a nfs share results in it saying
rpc prog. not avail
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Trying to set up a wi-fi hotspot on my OPi0+ led me to this thread; does the conclusion hold true and I should just not bother, or has there been any process in the years since?
I tried but ran into problems, looking those up is what led me to the thread
any problems with actual errors?
“deauthenticated due to local deauth request”
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(after launching hostapd and trying to connect anything to it)
I've yet to try everything I read here and there though, like disabling NetworkManager before launching hostapd, or having a dhcp server run in the background already
have you tried WPA2-TKIP instead of WPA2-AES?
of course you'd have to disable networkmanager yeah
and hostapd also isnt a dhcp server
<IgorPec> or without authentication, different hostapd
I know, that's a separate thing
<IgorPec> i think AP should work, but its bereliy usable
either way 'local deauth request' smells like config, not hardware
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<IgorPec> or related to changes in kernel. those dirty drivers were never updated
Smells like config but I'm using the default one that ships with Armbian (in /etc/hostapd.conf)
and the searching around I've done for the error brought up all kinds of random non-answers
nothing consistent
<IgorPec> i have seen this problem before, but can't make any assisication
yeah wifi is near magic :P
For some users the problem had to do with generating sufficient entropy (doesn't seem to be it, because the values on my machine are well above what ultimately solved it for them), sometimes the problem wasn't solved at all, or the user was using a different software stack
I'm going to keep searching and try different things as I find the time; will report back if I come across a solution
never had i expected to go >100mbps over wifi, back when 802.11b got introduced, lol
<IgorPec> it is an offence attaching so crap wifi to Mirotik 😉
<IgorPec> yeah, wifi improved a lot in past years
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PPA: try to put static adress on the client
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IgorPec it's crap but it's stable probably
buZz: yeah, i remember wifi b in adhoc mode, it worked great with multiplayer games of that time
back then something like hostapd was a dream on linux
there was like on card that supported ap mode and worked on linux
one card*
and it was very expensive
stipa: sure, until >5 people in your neighbourhood had wifi hw ;)
prism2 ?
yeah, that's it
that chipset was really quite well supported by hostapd
i still have a pile of em around
even a prism2 on a 8bit(!!!!) PCMCIA card
well 16bit i guess
the pre-PCI ones, so not cardbus
right, very hi tech stuff of that time
@tonymac32 when do w want to merge tinker-2 branch?
<Tonymac32> If we wait until the end of the week I can get some more stuff wrapped up. It's functional now but missing some parts. I need to find the wifi firmware for that card as well
<Tonymac32> I think Asus sent it to me, I'll check my files
> another (big) problem is VoLTE
LineageOS will not support it,
ask in #lineagoOS ?
or #android-root perhaps
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is usb3 on opi 3 working ?
which one is opi3
Hmm I actually don't know the answer to that.. one of the few alwinners I don't have
cause its the bastardized implementation of pcie and such.. in the Allwinner way
mine on pi lite 2 doesn't work without ussb3 attached to it
but opi 3 has probably hub chip on board
you mean you are using it for power?
it doesn't work
works only with usb3 hub plugged into it
ohh yeah
same with ESPRESSOBin
means they didn't do power delivery correctly
and it fails to supply correct power needed for anything above USB 2 standard
so yeah you will need a powered USB hub that will provide the correct power rating needed for the device
yep, EBin is like that and made me pull out all my hair to figure out
spent a week tracking that down trying to get a 4 port usb dock to connect to it with usb3
er 4 port USB SATA dock
nah, it works without powered hub too on opi lite 2
it has only one usb3 port
and it's dead without hub
yeah its dead without hub because power isn't being delivered to spec
I assume you use a powered hub?
i have both
both behave the same
they work some time and crash
effectively on EBIn if you don't have a powered USB 3 hub you can't link anything at above USB 2 cause power output won't be to spec so will never link above USB 2
I had to get a powered usb hub and plug a 5v2A adapter into it
opi lite 2 detects usb3 devices in hub
inside of hub
in either case, only usb2 port is useful
and it's like that for a long time
very few (none?) mfrs / devices have implemented proper USB-PD (is that proper term/acronym?) profiles, it seems like to me
there's something that it likes and start to work when usb3 hub is plugged into it
OTG port also sux
something it setects something not
OTG port for some reason loves ethernet nics
those are not American ideals. Maybe "modern" America. Which is not very American, either.
America was a nation of explorers, settlers, makers, now becoming domesticated and financialized. Don't worry, it will all fall apart soon enough.
and then new dark ages will fall
for some I guess
the rest of us will be setting up independent networks using our SBCs :)
PinePhone is working on all these alternative satellite comms and LoRa stuff, in fact. Not sure what to make of it but the premise is intriguing, if not a bit far fetched (to ma anyway)
but they actually ship hardware, so who knows
Pine64, rather
s/to ma/to me/
TRS-80 meant to say: PinePhone is working on all these alternative satellite comms and LoRa stuff, in fact. Not sure what to meke of it but the premise is intriguing, if not a bit far fetched (to ma anyway)
<IgorPec> do you really buy this pine BS?
sattelite stuff is a bit far fetched to me (to put it mildly) but they have a lot of other interesting and compelling products (for people like us) that they are already shipping that I like
who has more money wins
all modern hardware and software depends on backbone networks. there no hw for mesh nets
<IgorPec> pine is producing spins to sell hardware
ROCKPro64 have a real PCIe slotm for example, physical, on the board. All other RK3399 require unique adapter or fiddling about. But my ROCKPro64 I just insert standard PCIe to SATA and bam ZFS NAS
IgorPec: I used to think exactly the same in fact
all mass-produced radios are underpowered
especially their $5 to each project gimmick
or whatever
<IgorPec> and this is exactly waht pine is
but the fact remains they are producing interesting hardware at an attractive price point
I don't think they are exactly getting over on their margins but what do I know
IgorPec: aren't they all
<IgorPec> whch they can because they invest close to nothing in most expensive part
I am well aware of it
and certainly understand your perspective
your (our?)
<IgorPec> even crooks are not all the same size 😉
well I am (very!) glad to have a (working!) phone (in my hand!) that is not Android nor iOS
running real, no bee ess GNU/Linux
where else can you get that today?
probably what made me come around the most, that fact
<IgorPec> a64 with closed radio in 2021 is a dream device
even though I am well aware that Purism did all the heavy lifting developing (and upstreaming!) phosh and phoc, etc.
not sure if srs? all radios are closed?
<IgorPec> ofc they are
so were you being serious or sarcastic?
<IgorPec> they are not lying, they just don't tell everythjing
<IgorPec> i am dead serious
not even Librem 5 which is FSF RyF device is blob free
<IgorPec> probably too, yes
it just isolate the modem which is about as good as it gets right now
<IgorPec> they all fak it until possible
Pine are not even that open, but otoh they are actually shipping devices
I view it like AllWinner, they are notorious GPL violators, but what are some of best supported SoC by now?
due to efforts of community, in spite of them, not because of
but they sell so many for so cheap that it happens anyway
wifi is closed tech
<IgorPec> and still make huge profits. this junk is dirt cheaop
both Purism and Pine64 are moving state of Linux phones forward (in different ways) and that is all I care about
so relevant question becomes how do we present ourselves to get some fair part of it
<IgorPec> forward where? i don't understand what you gain if you have linux, but you are hooked to a network
surely you jest. you gain actual control of your device
wifi is closed, all cellular nets are closed
it is a massive improvement from where we are now with Android for example
are we moving the gfoal poast now?
remember when Windows was relevant? lol give it some time
<IgorPec> massive improvement is pine sales pitch. what is reality ?
reality is I am making phone calls on a real GNU Linux phone
with VoLTE even
and 5G data
4G soprry
I guess I am just so disgusted with Android by now, been getting worse and worse for years
<IgorPec> BS. all conections to outside world, except serial connection are closed source.
Pine are sponsoring development of a open source radio, ok not sponmsoring but a bounty or something. I know what you will say and you are not wrong but no one else doing anything close that I can see
some guy got linux booting on PinePhone radio already (I know, long way to go) but this is what happens when you get devices into hands of people
the modem itself by now can install pmOS
<IgorPec> i read BS news too
ikmaak: Well, I would guess it's not that functional, but I was not aware of that development, thanks
I can ssh into my phone over wifi and check what tower I am connected from desktop. isn't that cool?
that OS is able to make calls with the moden as well, if i understood right. that was already a few months ago
<IgorPec> but again this is down to communicy revers engineering.
<IgorPec> worse waste of time possible
<IgorPec> its not aproblem to communicate with modem. this is the way all OSes operate
<IgorPec> modem is "API"
I am not against your point of view Igor. I know you are professional with high standards who do things right, which is why I am here and I try and support what I can.
yeah, but it's not visible to the user
and btw, only one of the desktops is created/funded by Purism. Plasma Mobile for instance isnt
ikmaak: but they mostly all using phosh
most ppl i know use Plasma or SXMO
<IgorPec> i am just saying its a lot of bullshit sorruiding this story
which is Purism work, they upstream to Gnome (to their credit, actually turned my opinion of them around a little)
IgorPec: I am aware of the bullshit, I guess I am still excited anyway. If you wish I will refrain from talking about it so much in your channel.
phosh is not the DE that seems to get most dev time, in my view
ikmaak: t. KDE dev XD
I dunno about that, man
whichever works*
i follow the dev a lot, and by now it seems to me that Purism is getting a lot of code back from the user testing of the pinephone (even with other DEs)
TRS-80: i did not understand that comment to me
well yeah that is what I figure too (I am not watching patches, but it makes sense)
ikmaak: I joke that you are KDE developer :)
ah, noo, i am not knowledgeable enough :(
but that's what I mean when I say everyone benefit when Pine64 sell a lot of devices for cheap, it is benefitting Linux phone dev overall, and it's all upstream
lol I saw that, was this the NSA / Android phishing device (sold by shell company for "security")? lol
NSA shell company, or whatever
<IgorPec> trs-80: pine produces low quality expnesive to support hardware. almost all others produce better quality hw and provide support
see, I did not know that
no wonder you are upset, you have right to be
or "not buying the bs"
<IgorPec> they are not the worse to be honest, but quality is not on their side
but I am not in the know on such things, which is why I hang out here and try and learn
but they are selling at pretty good price point, which seems to be one of keys to success in this market
you think their margins are really that good (I have no idea, honestly)?
<IgorPec> all support on pinephone is changing "wallapeprs and icons"
pine just offers the hw, and leaves all the sw dev to "the community". the only thing they do is try to get info from the chip manufacturers, and relay it to the devs
and dates
<IgorPec> ikmaak: as everyone else
yes, but they are clear about it
ikmaak: I would wager IgorPec have a much better understanding of the actual dynamics of what goes on, all due respect :)
<IgorPec> clear about what?
before, there was no good way to run mobile OSs, except of the horrible halium system
we all know Pine64 marketing story
clear about not doing the sw
well that is also true
i agree that igor likely has more knowledge than me
<IgorPec> they actually do, but unofficially
<IgorPec> they have a deal with manjaro
we'll see, lets hope it'll be fully functional
but you are right, they are not hiding this at all, in fact very up front about what their business model is
stipa: It mostly is already (depending on your expectations)
igor, you mean the deal about the pre-installed SW?
no there is more than that
they seem to clearly promote Manjaro KDE for some reason, even though it's shit and no one use it
apparently some long relationship from what I gather
anyway now that Community Editions are done, that is what ships on latest hardware
yeah, it's also promoted with pinebook
also, a lot of ppl got sucked into kde for having a slick bg img and screenshot
<IgorPec> manjaro doesn't really have know-how to bring that up. they support it
<IgorPec> that is their "not providing sw" deal
<IgorPec> they just don't take any responsibility
<IgorPec> because od that
is armbian working better on pinebook than manjaro?
stipa: All I know is that I heard lanefu raving about it maybe few months ago
at least i trust armbian a lot more :)
this was on alpha desktop stuff
in fact, IgorPec you can blame lanefu for getting me to look at Pine64 in the first place. XD
yeah, there was one other guy but he burned the battery chip or something
<IgorPec> probably. but i don't know, we don't deal with it. the one from rich diead, werner give his away, lane might have one ....
Have you tried to reach out to them about improving relationship? Have they reach out to us?
I am on their forum a lot these days.,
<IgorPec> they didn't change since start
i have asked a nr of times to different people in p64 to support armbian
but there is never a clear reply
Well I am over there promoting us when the opportunity arises. And a few other enlightened users there know what's up as well (FWIW).
i've come across some arch/manjaro devs and they're pretty agressive
i have seen a lot of agression targeted their way as well.
<IgorPec> agressivness is common in this world 😉
i did not want to say it, Igor
IgorPec: you're like a butterfly compared to them
<IgorPec> testesoron fueled games
The_Loko has quit [Quit: Leaving]
i have to say that the first time i spoke here i was shocked too. i did understand though that it is difficult to keep friendly under a deluge of demands and abuse
<IgorPec> people are usually agressive when are insecure, scared, weak
<IgorPec> not just people, animales in general
it just motivate me to help more, I worry for poor Igor well being some times
<IgorPec> i would go that deep and when you add lack of feamales, this world can quickly turn upside down
i understand, but i am sad it is neccesary
all my SBC would be worthless without Armbian
<IgorPec> sometimes threre is just too much bull shitting around and one can get really pissed and angrry
I got into one guy a little bit the other day, but I try to explain to him setting a culture of self sufficiency is a self preservation mechanism in F/LOSS world
same here, i remember the times before the name armbian, and i have to say, if that was not there back then, my SBC career would have been short.
i am mostly lurking, but if some supporting talk is needed, i am willing to step in. just mention me.
<Tonymac32> Sheeeeeesh blowing up in here
<IgorPec> now its Tony time 😉 lets get off 🙂
<Tonymac32> Hahahaha
<IgorPec> we were mouring the olds days and rating over beer prices
So now that Kung Flu crazyness is subsiding, any plans on horizon for in person meet up?
ikmaak: yeah, there's a bunch of voyeurers on IRC
<Tonymac32> I just got rid of my mini2440
<Tonymac32> 😢
stipa: irc lurking can be very educational.
<IgorPec> meeting in Salzburg is back on the table, yes
there have been a lot of times where i could solve my problems by reading backlog
<IgorPec> so you US guys get a reson to visit the old continent
<Tonymac32> Salzburg looked cool enough my wife was even interested
<IgorPec> yeah, its a nice town in pretty intact state since many time ago
austrians are full of pride
<Tonymac32> This makes then different from the rest of Europe how? :D
<Tonymac32> I work with German and French guys ;)
if you live in a town with a lot of 1000y buildings, it is strange to come to a city that has no buildings over a century old :P
<Tonymac32> A lot of my hometown was 200 years old or so, not more than 300, too far west
you know, the more the west you go the less shit there is
in europe
less mental reatardations
due to lack of wars and poverty
so people by many generations grew without fear already
<Tonymac32> Lol in the US it goes to less and less people , then suddenly a ton of people on the west coast
<Tonymac32> By many generations you mean 2? 😆
<Tonymac32> 70 years is a blink of the eye
yeah, here last war was 30 years ago
<Tonymac32> Of course 20 is far shorter
So are dates set or what? I am willing (and these days, can even afford! lol) to make the trip!
Machine: Type: ARM Device System: Pine64 Rock64
here comes one of thoe Manjaro fags we were talking about
<Tonymac32> My Romanian friends in the US are talking about going home because of the mess over here. I am still trying to figure out what that means exactly
<IgorPec> agressive control freaks 😉
<Tonymac32> Some Radxa stuff just showed up in my mailbox
<Tonymac32> A zero and a RockPi 4C
<IgorPec> aha, i also got some stuff today, but no idea what
<Tonymac32> Haha
Tonymac32 probably because of the economic collaps
stipa: there is lot of weird political and social stuff going on, too
we are living in the last days of Rome, after all
and since they're romanians it's best to withdraw
since they're not welcome
fun fact: celebrity chefs were apparently a thing, back then, too!
I don't know anyone who have problems with Eastern Europeans (now Westen ones)(
<Tonymac32> Hahaha I like them, their sense of humor is amazing, and sarcastic. My brand
s/(now Western ones)(/(nor Western ones)/
Error: re.error: missing ), unterminated subpattern at position 18
<Tonymac32> Trs-80 broke irc
Tonymac32 you like them now but under the pressure and economical collaps maybe not
s/now Western ones)(/nor Western ones)/
Error: re.error: unbalanced parenthesis at position 16
prolly need to escape it but you get the point
<IgorPec> haha
s/(now Western ones)\(/(nor Western ones)/
Error: Search not found in the last 1000 IRC messages on this network.
<Tonymac32> Just stop man
leaning toothpicks here we come
<Tonymac32> It's dead Jim
Tonymac32 same happened in the UK, all foreigners were sent home
during the pandemic
theg got fired first
<Tonymac32> Yeah we didn't do that
clearly you know nothing of what Regexp look like in Emacs Lisp
<Tonymac32> They're the management :)
this is childs play
<IgorPec> it was nice traveling to croatia during pandemic
<IgorPec> no one on the road, no one on the border
<Tonymac32> Haha
<IgorPec> exceot piolice
no problem travelling?
<Tonymac32> See, remove them, paradise
<Tonymac32> Well ok, I expect some checks at a border
<IgorPec> well, its was difficult, you need to do some paperwork
was sort of same here, much less traffic on the roads
yeah, Croatia live out of summertime
it's mine income
I was watching some YouTube video of some woman in NY who went down to Times Square or something and it was like a ghost town, very bizarre
<IgorPec> we are back, so your income 😉
so they you know, let everyone in as asap
no problems of course and all that
So anyway dates? I did not see anything on forum?
<IgorPec> no,. we don't have dates, but werner is responsible
<IgorPec> he is also the closest and most familira with the destination
Should start a forum thread ASAP, no? Or we just keeping it to IRC? lol
<Tonymac32> For the bad times, it just needs remembered that I have a banjo
<IgorPec> ping him, but we still need to wait until september to see what will happen
<IgorPec> organising events today seems like a worse thing to do
<Tonymac32> Dates/times yeah
<Tonymac32> I finally "get' to go back to the office in September. Perfect time to take a vacation. :-)
Well, at least a little notice? It's sort of a big trip coming from US. Maybe at least make people aware it's coming, even if dates are not set. Many people have limited days off from work and only get more annually.
<IgorPec> i usually went to the Balcan Linux conference in the end of spetember, but not sure if it will be this years
<IgorPec> trs: absolutely. but at this stage we only said, lets trys this year. no dates yet
<IgorPec> btw. in the last 10 or more years i haven't produce much traffic tickets
<IgorPec> i made two
<IgorPec> both in Salzburg
how much time is from lublana to salzburg?
by car
<IgorPec> don't remember exactly, about two and half perhjaps