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<kprasadvnsi> Buildroot is working on OPi zero2
<kprasadvnsi> Armbian is not
<IgorPec> it should with latest merge
<Armbian-Discord "<IgorPec> nekomancer: you have "> yes, I have helios64. But I have no one other 2.5G ethernet hardware :)
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<IgorPec> if it works at 1Gb is good enough at this stage
<IgorPec> some network is better than no network at all 😉
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* nekomancer[m]
got smart test error on one of 14TB HDD in helios64. carry to shop to replace by warranty. will wait 1 month for replacement.
* nekomancer[m]
if service center confirm it should be replaced by warranty.
it's not an USA there.
<IgorPec> OMG. i had to replace 2 drives and they dispatched within hour of reporting a problem. I had to return broken disks in 30 days. Not USA, Germany 😉
<IgorPec> if not sent in 30 days, they would simply charge them from a credit card
<lanefu> 😦
gee a month
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<lanefu> yeah you gotta buy spare drives up front
<lanefu> probably why i also dont buy big drives
<lanefu> cuz a spare 14TB is a lot of money on shelf lol
<Armbian-Discord "<IgorPec> if not sent in 30 day"> did you buy from germany from slovenia? if yes — how much should you pay for mailing back? and what a shop? was it "home curstomer" service, or kind of a corporate?
<Armbian-Discord "<lanefu> cuz a spare 14TB is a "> yes. that's why I not have a spare drive in shelf ^(
<Tonymac32> I don't have anything bigger than 4TB 😆
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<lanefu> yeah all 4TB in my NAS... i have a single 8TB enterprise drive for moar backups
lanefu, OMV not have a way of configuration backup. No way to import-export configuration whole.
a least version 5.
IgorPec: you do have a 2.5Gbit nic to test with, pull out that QNAP adapter and then just put a link between it and the Helios64 directly, you don't need a switch. They will link at 2.5Gbit but autosense most likely.
nekomancer[m]: re: nekomancer[m] got smart test error on one of 14TB HDD -- what error did you actually get? was it a UDMA_crc error?
if so its more likely an error caused by the board than the driver
or by the sata cable you are using
or by heat, or all of the above
but I doubt unless you are having reallocated sectors the drive is actually at fault
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<[TheBug] "nekomancer: re: nekomancer got s"> no, test run failed and stopped on 5%
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you did a short offline test?
* nekomancer[m]
forget name... test to run on new drive
well generally when I get a new driver I run a long test against the drive whcih reads back entire drive
but long stops at 5% too
short will only test certain parts
well that stinks ;/
but also why I generally only use Enterprise Hitachi drives in production -- even refurbes with 50k hours are trustworth in most cases as the drives are rated for at least 100k hours
(smaller drives to be clear)
14tb is a lot to lose casue one drive goes ;/
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<RichNeese> we need linux tv sticks like windows has
<RichNeese> make linux a tv stick os
<RichNeese> hell I want to see macos run on a tv m1 tv stick
<RichNeese> but it would have to come paired with mouse and bkd
<RichNeese> bkd/kbd
could anyone send me linux-headers-legacy-sun50iw9_2.0.8_arm64.deb
i can't find it, even can't compile orangepi build.sh on archlinux
<IgorPec> @[TheBug] I am out on vacations and don't have Helios64 at all
<IgorPec> e3ef13f4ff44: we never provided such builds
i know, i'm looking for OPi one's
but they're not available
<IgorPec> the software is not armbian
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which OrangePi ?
on Opi One
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Thats an H3 right e3ef13f4ff44?
huhSSo orange pi zero 2, not Orangepi One?
what script are you using their actual build system?
I am finding it a bit weird it wouldn't compile the kernel for you which would generate headers
is it debboot strap failing or something?
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archetyp: if it can't run Armbian it's shit
Oh yes!
--Ob Armbian wohl auch auf einem Quantencomputer läufen würde?
Would armbian also run on a quantum computer? [de~>eng]
quantum computers are shit and not worthy of Armbian
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Hey folks, I am planning to install armbian Buster to a Rock64
I know it is not supported, but was wondering if there are any experiences for using it without any desktop environment? (it will be running smbd along with some node.js applications)
<IgorPec> in case it breaks, blame pine64, not us
haha, no worries, I wont be pointing any fingers here :)
<IgorPec> that's why we don't support it., sw wise is the same on all boards
rockchip could work
<IgorPec> chip is not a problem, what is around 😉
<Guest84 "I know it is not supported, but "> possible you will need to decrease ram clock speed in case of random hangs or reboots. there are thread on armbian forum how to do it.
take care and enable watchdog daemon.
nekomancer[m] thats good to know in advance, thanks!