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it there a bullseye image available ?
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<lanefu> Yup
<lanefu> No desktop builds tho
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<lanefu> Goto armbian.com/downloads and find your device and click on "other download options"
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<kprasadvnsi> Didi H616 get support in 5.14 kernel? I couldn't find anything in kernel source but cnx article say otherwise.
<IgorPec> probably not
<IgorPec> did you get things together with 5.13.y?
<kprasadvnsi> No, it needs a lot of clean up. I might do it today.
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<IgorPec> Can you push a merge request. its easier to reviewe
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i use the rockpro64 with nvme connected via pcie adapter
it works fine with armbian
<Tonymac32> Good to read
too bad its a frying pan ;)
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<Tonymac32> The rockpro64?
<Tonymac32> It could use a fan
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rockpro64 the best solution is buying the heatsink + fan they provide
its actually quite decent and quiet
minnix[m]: yeah I have a 5x2TB raid5 attached to it
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i got this "dpkg: cannot write to log file '/var/log/dpkg.log': No space left on device"
<NicoD> Is there space left?
NicoD: was curious if you could let me know which version of RockPi X you have and if you are also seeing weird issues with intel drives in windows and if so what version of the drivers is showing that error, was looking into this some for NeoFetch over the weekend but he couldn't provide any of that information. Also if you could tell me best way to replicate a driver failure so I can test
my install that would be helpful as I was trying to understand that issue better.
I haven't been able to replicate the crash issue in my windows install but I am curious if it has to do with me not using the drivers your seeing this issue with or something else
<NicoD> He also asked me. I've not used the RockPiX much in windows because of these problems. I think I once fixed it, but could not remember how. The sollution is somewhere on the Radxa forum.
<NicoD> Have you tried the drivers for Atomic Pi? https://www.digital-loggers.com/downloads/ Might be that was better.The Atomic Pi didn't have this problem.
well that may be why mine works also
I think I took my windows 10 image from one created for AtomicPi originally
its an Enterprise version as well
I just couldn't replicate his issue at all in my use cases so wasn't sure what else to suggest there
other than maybe power / heat issues or just the version of windows
(or version of driver)
<NicoD> I had the crashes too. I don't think it's a hardware problem.
NicoD: I have AtomicPI, RockPI X, 5 different tablets with teh chipset (including HP Pro Tablet 10) , etc so I have some experience I just hadn't seen the issue he was saying other than in Linux when you changed power states it would crash the driver on occasion
(such as using for Android with power button for sleep mode)
Yeah I don't doubt it could be software / driver related possibly
I guess he will need to be more forthcoming about what exactly he is running to understand better the issue
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<lanefu> That dpkg log error won't break Anything