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<johnjaye> in ruby if I want an object to take a block like a { |x| ...x } type thing do I include Enumerable and define the 'each' method?
<johnjaye> i think this is true but i don't know if the docs say that explicitly anywhere
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<leftylink> *any* function can take a block. Enumerable and each have nothing to do with it
<leftylink> pandabot rb def foo; end; foo { :my_awesome_block }
<pandabot> nil - https://carc.in/#/r/fqpy
<leftylink> see? foo took a block
<johnjaye> well this is an object
<johnjaye> but i see what you mean
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<johnjaye> namely i was lookging in gemspec file and saw it says Gem::Specification.new do { ...
<johnjaye> so I assumed it was related to Enumerable somehow. unless it just goes over all instance variables or something
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<leftylink> then we look in `initialize` for that. it's not uncommon for `initialize` to `yield self` to allow arbitrary code to be run on the object
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<leftylink> pandabot rb class Foo; attr_accessor :bar; def initialize; yield self end end; Foo.new { _1.bar = 819 }
<pandabot> #<Foo:0x0000563dcdf6e1e8 @bar=819> - https://carc.in/#/r/fqq3
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<leftylink> of course, initialize may very well choose to yield something other than self. that's the decision of the author of the class.
<leftylink> and what API the class wants to offer.
<johnjaye> oh ok
<leftylink> hmmm.... if someone has sabotaged one of my classes by redefining new and allocate, is there still a way I can get an instance of that class?
<leftylink> pandabot rb class C; def self.new; :sabotaged end; def self.allocate; :sabotaged end; def goal; :congrats end end; C.new.goal
<pandabot> stderr: -e:2:in `<main>': undefined method `goal' for :sabotaged:Symbol (NoMethodError) - exit 1 - https://carc.in/#/r/fqqa
<leftylink> anything that can go in place of `C.new.goal` to correctly call goal here?
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<leftylink> okay, I guess we can just remove_method the sabotage. I'll accept that answer
<leftylink> pandabot rb class C; def self.new; :sabotaged end; def self.allocate; :sabotaged end; def goal; :congrats end end; class C; class << self; remove_method(:new) end end; C.new.goal
<pandabot> :congrats - https://carc.in/#/r/fqqd
<leftylink> congrats
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<leftylink> is it valid Ruby syntax to remove that second class C?
<leftylink> pandabot rb class C; def self.new; :sabotaged end; def self.allocate; :sabotaged end; def goal; :congrats end end; class << C; remove_method(:new) end; C.new.goal
<pandabot> :congrats - https://carc.in/#/r/fqqi
<leftylink> oh it is. okay, great.
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<leftylink> now my enemies won't be able to sabotage me anymore, for if they try, I will have a ready answer for them and be able to foil their plan
<leftylink> wasn't there some conference talk that discusses this?
<leftylink> it was like a story of two people one who copied the other but didn't really understand what was going on
<leftylink> ahhhhh found it
<leftylink> it's "The Case of the Missing Method -- A Ruby Mystery Story"
<pandabot> RubyConf 2018 - The Case of the Missing Method — A Ruby Mystery Story by Nadia Odunayo by Confreaks @ 2018-11-30T17:12:50Z (1740d8h ago) 33m46s: https://youtu.be/mn2D_k-X-es
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