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<desnudopenguino> anyone have any ideas why `bundle install` will work fine on one project on a server but will throw: "Network error while fetching https://rubygems.org/quick/Marshal.4.8/falcon-0.1.0.gemspec.rz (Failed to open TCP connection to rubygems.org:443 (execution expired))" on a different project
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<adam12> desnudopenguino: Same server for both projects?
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<ox1eef_> o/ adam12
<adam12> ox1eef_: good morning! how goes
<adam12> I spent last week building a patio and _most_ of a deck. Very sore this morning as I get back into working.
<adam12> Need to install deck boards still, and the skirting around the side to keep the animals out.
<ox1eef_> Sounds nice. Especially for the warmer weather.
<ox1eef_> And goes alright. There's a heat wave here. Not that comfortable w/o AC.
<adam12> Wow, heat wave? I have had AC off for a few weeks now.
<adam12> It's been nice to work outside because it hasn't been a scorcher, tho last week sun was hot if you were directly in it.
<ox1eef_> 36C-38C here. -_-
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<desnudopenguino> adam12: yep same server.
<desnudopenguino> and i'm able to install gems via cli with no issue
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<seydar> everyone is talking about and doing async/await stuff
<seydar> but it's just ruby fibers
<seydar> when i look at async code in python, it's LITTERED with async/await keywords. is MRI just magically better, or are we doing everything improperly?
<havenwood> seydar: The former. Ioquatix made Async in Ruby magically better.
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<havenwood> "It's my belief that you should not need to rewrite code at all. Scalability should be a property of the runtime system, not your application code." -Ioquatix
<havenwood> Check out talks like this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y29SSOS4UOc
<havenwood> There's a RubyKaigi talk where Ioquatix explicitly talks about async/await and why he made Async the way it is.
<havenwood> seydar: Ioquatix implemented a FiberScheduler interface and io-wait, etc, to Ruby so Fibers can use Epoll/Kqueue, etc under the hood while they suspend for I/O.
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<havenwood> You can use a gem like FiberScheduler directly or Async ships with additional helpful functionality to let you orchestrate Sync and Async code and has things like Semaphores, etc, that end up being helpful.
<havenwood> Older Ioquatix RubyKaigi talks discuss *why* it's designed the way it is and newer ones show off all the practical, production ready code using the FiberScheduler already.
<weaksauce> what a beauty of a system
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<adam12> ox1eef_: Wow that's crazy.
<adam12> desnudopenguino: That's truely bizarre. Anything in `gem env` that might show a hint? What platform is this?
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<adam12> seydar: You should look at Polyphony too, which creatively monkeypatches some bits to make the async/await incredibly seamless. I'm not a big fan of monkeypatching, but it's interesting to see what's possible.
<desnudopenguino> adam12: nothing in there seems off to me, i'm running on FreeBSD. have the same project running on a different server as well (same platform). i'm running through the same initialization of creating a project and adding deps with bundle, to see if there is something off there, maybe a different version of something got set somewhere?
<adam12> desnudopenguino: Can you `curl` or `fetch` that URL manually?
<desnudopenguino> i can!
<weaksauce> desnudopenguino try using verbose mode when bundling
<adam12> O_o I figured you tested that first but worth a shot :P
<desnudopenguino> running through with `bundle init` and `bundle add ...` for the dependencies. it worked fine there...
<adam12> What version of bundler? Can you update?
<desnudopenguino> sometimes i don't test the obvious
<desnudopenguino> :p
<desnudopenguino> 2.4.19
<adam12> Hmmm.
<desnudopenguino> and it's the same across hosts
<desnudopenguino> very strange
<weaksauce> desnudopenguino did you try --verbose?
<seydar> havenwood, adam12: thank you! i'll watch the talk and look into polyphony
<seydar> i still just get the feeling like i should be explicitly using fibers more than i do
<desnudopenguino> wait... i'm an idiot i created the new dir and ran the bundle commands on my localhost, *facepalm* not on the remote host that is having the trouble
<adam12> Hehe
<adam12> seydar: I looked at them a long time ago and they were harder to use. They are definitely a lot better now.
<desnudopenguino> Found changes from the lockfile, re-resolving dependencies because the dependencies in your gemfile changed, you added a new platform to your gemfile
<desnudopenguino> HTTP GET https://index.rubygems.org/versions
<desnudopenguino> Net::OpenTimeout: Failed to open TCP connection to index.rubygems.org:443 (execution expired)
<desnudopenguino> so that's at the top of bundle install --verbose
<desnudopenguino> i can curl https://index.rubygems.org/versions and it spits out a huge list of gems
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<weaksauce> what version of ruby?
<weaksauce> could be something to do with ssl
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<desnudopenguino> ruby 3.2.2
<desnudopenguino> is there something ruby would need in this case concerning ssl?
<desnudopenguino> i checked the date and time on the server and it appears to be correct for the timezone it's in (with correct TZ as well)
<weaksauce> yeah no idea then
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<desnudopenguino> oh, progress, i bumped the timeout to 60s using `bundle config timeout 60` thinking the connection is a bit slow, it's on a cheap vps instance on vultr
<desnudopenguino> things are installing
<desnudopenguino> you'd think out on a vps things would be faster than on my crappy home network where i have my server connected over one of those network over power things that's like a decade old now
<adam12> What region?
<desnudopenguino> US west coast
<adam12> If that's the cheapest Vultr instance that's not IPv6 only, I remember seeing them on the do-not-use list of some software because they underperform. I use them sometimes and haven't noticed it, but worth considering. (The $5/mo ones)
<adam12> Must be really bad tho. Maybe you've been sent to the wrong Fastly POP
<desnudopenguino> i'll deal if that's the case for now, it's just a little remote place to play around for now, nothing in production there yet
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<desnudopenguino> thank you all for being my rubber ducky while figuring this out :)
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<adam12> desnudopenguino: cheers.
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<havenwood> Using Fibers directly is still as obtuse as it once was. The new `Fiber.schedule do` blocks are really a total abstraction layer separate from Fibers that happen to use Fibers under the hood. https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/3.2/Fiber.html#method-c-schedule
<havenwood> Just like Enumerator uses Fiber under the hood, but Ioquatix named it `Fiber.schedule do` rather than `Async do` (which he does in his own gem, that uses Fiber.schedule under the hood).
<havenwood> If you want to use `Fiber.schedule do` yourself, the FiberScheduler gem works well. I just use Async libraries, but more and more standard DB adapters, Redis, etc, support it out of the box when you use Async or Fiber.schedule.