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<leftylink> I've never used https://bundler.io/ before, but I heard it exists
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<Kaedenn> huh, interesting.
<weaksauc_> Kaedenn yeah you can vender install gems using bundler and that gets put into the project directory
<weaksauc_> but bundler doesn't really need virtual envs since it installs it and knows how to use exactly the package you want to use
<weaksauc_> it's significantly better than python's handling of dependencies imo
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<mynameisdebian> If I have a hash and I want to use it as parameters for a function like `request.set_form_data( "var1" => "help", "var2" => "me")`, how could I do that?
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<johnjaye> i don't really get it. wouldn't you just do request.set_form_data( h["var1"], h["var2"] )
<johnjaye> where h is the hash
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<ox1eef_> mynameisdebian: request.set_form_data(h) , request.set_form_data(h.slice("var1", "var2")).
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<seydar> is there a good open-source alternative to self-hosted GitLab?
<seydar> i am floored at how resource-hungry gitlab is
<seydar> alright i'm going with gitea
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<ox1eef_> Yep. Gitea is what I would recommend. There's also cgit but not very Web 2.0.
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<ogamita> It all depends on whether you need all the web stuff around git. Otherwise, you just need a little script to initialize git repos via ssh, and you're all set. See for example: https://gitlab.com/informatimago/bin/-/blob/master/git-create-remote-repository?ref_type=heads
<ogamita> gitlab is nice to manage issues, code reviews, CI, etc.
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<dorian> hey does ruby have a metaobject protocol i'm not aware of?
<dorian> like moo(se) in perl, or python decorators
<dorian> (and clos in common lisp)
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<seydar> dorian: ruby has ruby
<seydar> what are you trying to do?
<dorian> stuff like generics
<dorian> "around" methods etc
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<dorian> i mean i guess i can ad-hoc it but i would prefer not to
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<johnjaye> do the docs list all the class related keywords somewhere
<johnjaye> e.g. self, super, new?
<johnjaye> not sure the right term. but the special terms you can use inside a class definition
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<ox1eef_> dorian: I don't know what you're referring to, but based on the "around" comment, 'prepend' might be what you are looking for.
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<johnjaye> i didn't think you could use new inside a class definition to instantiate the class itself. but i guess you can
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<ox1eef_> When you call code inside the body of a class, the 'self' is the class itself, so indeed, yes you can do that.
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<jantje> hi! How can I get RbConfig::CONFIG['STRIP'] to return the correct strip command in a cross compile environment , it returns 'strip', whereas for CC that nicely returns "aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc"
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<jantje> (ie, should return aarch64-linux-gnu-strip)
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<ox1eef_> %w[strip aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc aarch64-linux-gnu-strip].find { Process.wait spawn("which foo", out: File::NULL, err: File::NULL) and $?.success? }
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<ox1eef_> Woops...
<ox1eef_> %w[strip aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc aarch64-linux-gnu-strip].find { Process.wait spawn("which #{_1}", out: File::NULL, err: File::NULL) and $?.success? }
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<ox1eef_> Adjust the array to the order of preference.
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<johnjaye> ruby splat operator is pretty mind bending
<johnjaye> mainly because it does opposite things.
<weaksauc_> why is it bending?
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<johnjaye> well. it structures arguments if in a declaration. like def foo(*arg)
<johnjaye> but if you pass in an array like fee(*[1,2,3]) then it *de-structures* it into the arguments
<weaksauc_> yeah one is use and the other is declaration
<weaksauc_> ** is for named params too btw
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<ox1eef_> johnjaye: Not much different to a pointer in C though, in terms of syntax. In a function definition, it defines a variable to be a pointer, and in an expression, it deferences the pointer.
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<johnjaye> well. that's very interesting way to look at it
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<johnjaye> what's the best lsp for ruby again
<johnjaye> this file is telling me the only ones my client supports are solargraph and socket
<adam12> johnjaye: Not sure there is really a best one yet. ruby-lsp has some features, and solargraph has others.
<johnjaye> ok
<adam12> If you're using standardrb for linting, it has a built-in one too.
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<johnjaye> hmm. i don't see how to use robe server at all
<johnjaye> i saw someone recommend it. but when i install there's no executable
<johnjaye> just a bunch of files in a gem directory like .spec and what not
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