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<nona> Hi all!
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<John86> Hey, I'm having a hard time connecting to a db in production. The logs tell me ` /app/config/database.yml:27:in `<main>': undefined method `database' for nil:NilClass`. The yaml file is here: https://gist.github.com/jdescelliers/56f4c4fa5b52289bc58cca8866cf931a
<John86> I can connect to the db with my IDE with these settings on my local machine.
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<nona> how would y'all feel about a concern module with less than a dozen methods, none of which is used more than once by the 4 including controller classes? when is something like that warranted and when is it unnecessary, where, and how, does one draw the line? my own feeling is that it might have been created just out of dogmatic reasons ("this project uses concerns, so we must use them wherever
<nona> possible") by the original author...
<John86> Anyone to help me on the db connection string?
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<nona> John86: since this seems to be a Rails app, I'm already confused by the path to your `database.yml`. Why is it in app/config/ and not config/? Aside from that, where does Rails.application.credentials.production.database come from and what is inside of it? Actually, first perhaps look at ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } since your error is in line 27 which includes the block from line 7. What
<nona> does the YAML file look like in its rendered form, without the ERB?
<nona> By the way, there is also a (very slow) #rubyonrails channel. I know I asked in here, myself, and not there, but just so you know, there's a good number of people in here who don't use Rails at all.
<nona> Another thought about your problem: if you want to go the easy path, and just for debugging, why not remove all the ERB from your database.yaml piece by piece and replace it with hard-coded strings?
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<konsolebox> John86: If I have that issue I'll just debug the code and examine why the property is nil; even modify the gem rb files if needed.
<konsolebox> John86: If the application exists because of the NilClass exception there's a good chance you can run a backtrace on it so you can know where to start examining the code. If you're using https://github.com/ruby/debug, you can setup a `catch Exception` and run `bt` once the exception is caught and causes a runtime break.
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<konsolebox> s/exists/exits/
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<ox1eef_> nona: The fact that it is used by four different controllers suggests that re-use is warranted.
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<nona> ox1eef_: even though every single method is only used once?
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<nona> (i've since removed the one that was monkeypatching a part of Devise ... that was the only one which was used more than once, but also only by a single controller)
<johnjaye> does smalltalk also assume that method definitions are instance unless specified otherwise?
<johnjaye> now that I think about it java does that as well. it's just in java you have a 'this' keyword that means the current instance. but in ruby you only have 'self' which means the *class* not the instance
<johnjaye> so if i call self.foo in a method it's referring to a class method right
<weaksauc_> no self.foo inside a method would refer to the instance not the class. self.foo would refer to the class _object_ outside a method call though.
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<johnjaye> strange. so ruby 'self' is the same as java 'this'?
<johnjaye> not sure how to test the second thing you said about being outside a method call
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<weaksauc_> def self.foo end being the other thing or since it's all executable just outside the scope of a method
<johnjaye> when i do def self.foo in a class it becomes a class method.
<johnjaye> not an instance method. is this right
<weaksauc_> yeah
<johnjaye> ok. so self is not the same as this in java
<johnjaye> but if i refer to self.something inside a method body it's different?
<johnjaye> then it is the java 'this'?
<weaksauc_> the class itself is an object so def self.foo is operating on that object i guess you can say
<johnjaye> but inside a method of the class it's then operating as that individual object?
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<johnjaye> so basically self changes meaning from the class to the instance depending on where you use it
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<weaksauc_> well at the time you invoke that self it's operating inside the instance object so self is the instance object
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<leftylink> I guess I disagree because I see it differently
<leftylink> pandabot rb class C; p [self, self.class] end
<pandabot> [C, Class] - 1 more lines - https://carc.in/#/r/fr3s
<ox1eef_> nona: Not sure I follow. If you mean that each controller uses exactly one method from the module, then sure, you could avoid the module altogether. But I think I'm lacking context.
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<johnjaye> i think i'm just used to the java way where there is a separate keyword for class things ("static") and another for instance things ("this")
<johnjaye> in seems in ruby self can do both jobs based on context
<leftylink> because classes are instances of Class
<leftylink> therefore, in both contexts, it's the current receiver
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<johnjaye> ah ok. i guess a lot of this is smalltalk stuff because ruby is heavily influenced by it. at least what i've heard
<johnjaye> perl,smalltalk,eiffel,ada, and lisp was the exact list
<ox1eef_> I think the big difference between Java and Ruby in this context is that Java uses a class body to define code, where as Ruby uses it to run code.
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<johnjaye> i don't see the distinction
<johnjaye> i thought the big difference was ruby is more about the message send/receive model of objects
<ox1eef_> Sure, but in Ruby, the class body can contain code that is run at runtime, where as with Java, it serves purely to define code.
<ox1eef_> This goes back to your comment a few days ago, where you mentioned you can call new in a class body, and receive an instance of the class in return. That only works because the code is being run, vs serving as the blueprints for an AST.
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<weaksauc_> in fact that's what makes rails possible
<weaksauc_> has_many is just a function call
<weaksauc_> s/function/method
<johnjaye> oh i see
<johnjaye> yeah running code in a class doesn't make sense in java
<johnjaye> only main does that.
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