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<KOTP> leftylink: you can do that. This works: `def testing()= something❓ = 42` UTF-8 is a valid encoding.
<KOTP> And if you are trying to do something with an attribute (so that the code is written in C via the macro that is an attribute) you can alias it with the question mark, and then undefine the method that was created with the attr_reader that was set up for it.
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<ox1eef_> UTF-8 is a valid encoding but my terminal is too 1999 to render it -_-
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<ox1eef_> Looking for a web framework for my next project. I think I'm going to give Ramaze a try.
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<adam12> ox1eef_: Nice.
<adam12> ox1eef_: What about Ramaze do you like?
<adam12> ox1eef_: I've really struggled with web frameworks lately, because I want to use Sequel and not ActiveRecord.
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<adam12> ox1eef_: Last micro project I did for a client was in Sinatra, and it worked quite well. I had done Sinatra a long time prior to that but been doing mostly Roda.
<adam12> Lately I've been building everything with my own "framework", which is kinda of a mashup of hanami-router, zeitwerk, bake, sequel (optional), and phlex/ERB. It's been quite fun, if not without it's challenges. I think writing generic frameworks are quite challenging, vs a library.
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<Guest11> hello
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<Guest11> test
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<adam12> Guest11: Hello
<adam12> ok
<abdellahi> ah nice someone replying
<abdellahi> Does this work»
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<adam12> abdellahi: yes
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<Sampersand> ruby's introduced a breaking change and never told me :-(
<Sampersand> `$.` now starts at 0 not 1 if a shebang is passed
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<ox1eef_> adam12 I like its simplicity and light stack. But I'm not sure I will go with it. I've been thinking about every action (or route) being its own class. Maybe hanami fits the bill but it lost me when it comes to ROM. Too complicated.
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<adam12> ox1eef_: I've been liking every action (route) being it's own class. Much more than the Rails controller style.
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