havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview2: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<Seldon898> I just want top say thanks again to weaksauce you got me out of a bind
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<Seldon898> uh oh
<Seldon898> I spoke too soon
<Seldon898> the Cocoapods UI has installed version 1.5.2 on the command line; whereas I need at least 1.11.0 - and the "Check for Update" dialog in the UI returns "Update Error!". Any other way to update the ui-installed version of cocoapods weaksauce?
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<cek> who's around?
<cek> is it possible to make this more concise? `ruby -e '$stdin.read.match(/\n\n(.+)/m); puts $1'`
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<chris-p> Hello, has anyone had any issues with twitter-text 3.1.0 on ruby 3.2.2? I'm getting a TypeError when trying to run a program that uses that library
<adam12> cek: String[] with a regex and position, maybe?
<adam12> cek: $stdin.read[/\n\n(.+)/m, 1]
<adam12> chris-p: Looking at source code for gem, it tries to load a list of TLDS from a YAML file. I suspect that's the issue.
<chris-p> yeah, I'd just managed to get to that
<adam12> chris-p: It uses a relative path from that file, which maybe is wrong when installed on your machine? or the yaml file isnt' included at all?
<adam12> maybe you can `cd $(bundle show twitter-text)` and then see if it includes lib/assets/tld_lib.yml
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<chris-p> the yaml file does appear to be included, as if I rename it I get a different error (file not found)
<adam12> Oh, ok. So that's good then.
<chris-p> but the variable itself just seems to contain the value 33
<chris-p> even though the yaml file seems fine
<adam12> And presumingly the YAML is a dictionary of sorts?
<chris-p> and that tallys with what's on my server
<adam12> Yeah, that's bizarre.
<adam12> Maybe you can use the debug gem to go up the stack and see where the heck 33 came from.
<adam12> I don't see how it happend in your stack trace you pasted
<adam12> Gotta run. Good luck.
<chris-p> Thanks!
<henk> »allowed_tags = File.readlines("allowed_tags.txt")« I want to ignore errors opening this and just assign an empty array. is there an idiomatic/bestpractice way for doing this?
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<leftylink> modifier-rescue to the rescue in situations like that?
<leftylink> where it'd be File.readlines('allowed_tags.txt') rescue []
<henk> leftylink: oh, that’s very nice, thank you (:
<chris-p> adam12: FYI - figured out the issue, was a compiler flag causing a runtime error, looks like -fdevirtualize-at-ltrans...
<chris-p> that'll teach me for using gentooLTO!
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<adam12> chris-p: LOL. What an odd error.
<ox1eef__> Almost as fun as:
<ox1eef__> libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::bad_alloc: std::bad_alloc
<ox1eef__> Abort trap (core dumped)
<ox1eef__> That's from node. Can't use it at all in one project. Frustrating tbh :|
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