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<johnjaye> the description of Object.clone is very confusing to me
<johnjaye> it's saying if you make a clone of an object with a single instance variable, str, then that variable is cloned but not what it "references"
<johnjaye> in the example changing str in the clone changes it in the original instance too
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<leftylink> no, that statement is not reflective of what happened in the example.
<leftylink> in the example, the string pointed to by str was changed. str was not changed.
<johnjaye> ok. that doesn't make any sense to me.
<johnjaye> i guess what it's saying is the new object will have a variable. that variable is a string. but it still refers to the original allocated string in memory of the first object
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<leftylink> pandabot: rb C = Struct.new(:str); [c = C.new(s = 'a'), c.clone].map { _1.str.object_id }
<pandabot> stderr: playpen: timeout triggered! - exit 1 - https://carc.in/#/r/fptq
<leftylink> pandabot: rb C = Struct.new(:str); [c = C.new(s = 'a'), c.clone].map { _1.str.object_id }
<pandabot> [60, 60] - https://carc.in/#/r/fptr
<johnjaye> eh
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<leftylink> "that variable is a string" is not possible in Ruby. it is not possible for variables to contain strings. variables may only contain references to strings
<johnjaye> so the object is a new object but it has the same literal instance variable
<johnjaye> that's so bizarre. what I would expect is for it to have a new instance variable with possibly the same value as the previous
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<leftylink> no, I'm not aware of a way for two different objects to have the same instance variable.
<johnjaye> then why do they have the same object id
<johnjaye> object id means it's literally the same thing
<leftylink> c.str and c.clone.str have the same object_id
<leftylink> instance variables do not have an object id
<johnjaye> ok. well clearly i'm not grasping something. i will read the docs some more
<leftylink> pandabot rb C = Struct.new(:str); orig = C.new(?a); clon = orig.clone; orig.str = ?b; [orig.str, clon.str]
<pandabot> ["b", "a"] - https://carc.in/#/r/fptu
<leftylink> unless clon is orig, there is no way for the assignment to orig.str to affect clon, because they cannot have the same instance variable
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<Mindiell> hey there, I try to use rbenv and to install multiple versions of jekyll (a specific gem if I understood it ok)
<Mindiell> but rbenv install -l list only few ruby versions (3.1.2 only and not 3.1.4 for example).
<Mindiell> I installed ruby 3.1.2 ok and a specific version of jekyll with it, it works good.
<Mindiell> But now, I would like to install ruby 2.7.6 and its jekyll version (3.9.2 I think) but it wouldn't comile at all
<Mindiell> and wat about ruby 3.1.4 ? I can't understand how all of this works :o)
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<filipiz> Mindiell: I guess you need to install ruby-build pluggin for rbenv https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build#readme
<filipiz> this will allow you to list all available versions and do what you are trying to
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<Mindiell> filipiz: thx, I'll have a look at it
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<ox1eef_> johnjaye: Where as in C you pass by value, in Ruby you pass by reference. When you clone an object, you clone self, but not the instance variables of self (which point to other objects). Those remain referenced to the same object as before. It is not so different to thinking of pointers.
<ox1eef_> same objects as before*
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<aesthetikx> I have always felt 'pass by reference' and 'pass by value' are pretty lame terms that don't really capture what is happening, ruby and many other langs e.g. java are 'certainly neither' of those
<aesthetikx> its like asking 'is a snowboard a car or a truck?'
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<ox1eef_> What's your alternative ?
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<ox1eef_> For me, it makes sense, and that's what important - that it makes sense.
<ox1eef_> >> def foo(str); str.gsub!("f", "b"); end; x = "foo"; foo(x); x
<ox1eef_> That's an example of why you say pass by refrence, you mutate an object, and those changes appear in the caller's scope. If you passed by value, then x would never change in the caller's scope.
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<leftylink> I think it's pretty unambiguous and Ruby has only one behaviour
<leftylink> which is that ruby passes references by value
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<leftylink> there is no case when Ruby passes by reference
<leftylink> the language simply does not support it
<leftylink> however, if the objection is that these two terms are not useful (whether it's because the discussed languages do not meaningfully differ on this dimension OR it's because the terms are too easily misunderstood), then sure, I will not object to that objection
<leftylink> nor will I object to the proposal of new useful terms. I'm simply saying which of these existing terms applies, which is not to be taken as an endorsement of the terms
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<weaksauc_> ruby does pass by reference though.
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<leftylink> pandabot rb def foo(a); a = :changed end; a = :unchanged; foo(a); a
<pandabot> :unchanged - https://carc.in/#/r/fpz8
<leftylink> as we see from the above code, since a is unchanged, ruby does not pass by reference
<leftylink> pandabot rb def foo(s) s.replace('changed') end; a = 'unchanged'; foo(a); a
<pandabot> "changed" - https://carc.in/#/r/fpza
<leftylink> as we see from the above code, s was changed, so Ruby passes references, through which you can mutate. Whether Ruby passes references or not is unrelated to whether Ruby passes by reference
<leftylink> in fact, what can Ruby possibly pass, except references? references are pretty much all we have, since one of the ideals espoused by Ruby is that everything is an object
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<ox1eef_> The reference point is C (which johnjaye knows), and in K&R C "pass by value" is defined as a function receiving a *copy* of its argument, so if Ruby were pass by value, mutation would not work because it would have a copy of an object.
<ox1eef_> Either way, it's most useful when you know C, and in those terms, makes perfect sense.
<weaksauc_> well yeah in c everything is pass by value
<weaksauc_> where you can simulate reference passing by dealing with pointers
<ox1eef_> Kind of, when you pass a pointer, you have a reference to the caller's scope, and that's how you can achieve the same thing as Ruby - more or less.
<leftylink> I guess I just see it differently. I think it's important to be clear about the difference between an object and a reference to that object
<ox1eef_> void foo(int *x) { (*x)++; } void main(void) { int x = 1; foo(&x); }; - should print 2.
<ox1eef_> Sure, everyone has a different conceptual model, but for johnjaye, as a C programmer, I think it is more relatable.
<weaksauc_> i mean & and * are just syntactic sugar for memory location and value of that memory location... it's all still passing in by value in c as x inside foo is the memory location and if you modified that it would have no change to the memory location of x in the outside scope. almost essentially the sam e as what you did in the string or symbol swapping thing
<ox1eef_> Dunno. It makes sense to me, and clearly it is subjective, but that's one way to explain it in relatable terms.
<leftylink> well, the most important thing will be to have a clear picture of what is and isn't possible, regardless of what the names are
<weaksauc_> value to me is immutable things. a 1 is a 1. it's a value.
<ox1eef_> Agree x2.
<constxqt_> imo ruby passes arguments by value
<ox1eef_> Not by the K&R C definition.
<constxqt_> a why?
<constxqt_> s/^a //
<leftylink> because the thing that's passed is a reference, and you get a copy of the reference, by the K&R C definition, it's pass by value.
<constxqt_> ^
<ox1eef_> Because it defines pass by value as receiving a *copy*, and if you had a copy of an object, then mutations wouldn't be seen by the caller.
<constxqt_> consider this ruby code: a = []; b = a
<constxqt_> is b a reference to a? no, they're *both* references to an array
<constxqt_> passing arguments works just like assignment
<ox1eef_> You said ruby is pass by value, but your last statement contradicts that entirely.
<constxqt_> no because assignment also creates copies
<weaksauc_> a and b both reference the same object_id
<weaksauc_> which is a reference to the same memory location and the same object
<ox1eef_> Okay, and how do you call something pass by value, but then describe it entirely as references ?
<weaksauc_> i don't
<ox1eef_> To constxqt_
<constxqt_> def f(x) x = 40 end k = 4; f(k); # why isn't k == 40?
<leftylink> whether we pass objects or references is unrelated to whether arguments are passed by value or by reference
<ox1eef_> You can't mutate numbers in Ruby. They're a special case.
<ox1eef_> And, their object_id is the same.
<ox1eef_> Same object.
<weaksauc_> they are values
<weaksauc_> yes
<leftylink> in Ruby, references are passed by value. there may well be some language that passes objects by value, passes objects by reference, or passes references by reference, but we are talking about Ruby here
<constxqt_> replace numbers with literally anything and that example still works
<leftylink> which passes references by value
<weaksauc_> constxqt_ sure because scope
<constxqt_> assigning to a parameter can't change the argument
<constxqt_> because arguments are passed by value
<ox1eef_> Because Ruby doesn't have pointers, but again, it depends how you define "pass by value". By the K&R C definition, it's not pass by value, because that would imply having a new object I think I agree with leftylink's last message the most.
<constxqt_> if the argument is itself a reference to an object, then the parameter can be used to mutate the underlying object, because it is a copy of that exact reference
<weaksauc_> it is a reference to an object not a label
<weaksauc_> reassigning the label just changes the label
<ox1eef_> So if I understood you correctly, you think Ruby is the same as C, but everything is a pointer.
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<ox1eef_> I don't disagree with that either.
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<adam12> I rewatched a talk I linked here yesterday/day before (wycats) and noticed that Ruby Conf 12 had a crazy awesome lineup
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<ox1eef_> Yeah, Ruby had a bright future once upon a time.
<ox1eef_> Sky was the limit.
<ox1eef_> But I kinda think its popularity was its worst enemy in the end.
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<constxqt_> ox1eef_: why dont u still think it has a bright future
<constxqt_> seems like ruby is in a good place ruby 3 seems pretty solid
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<ox1eef_> Well, it was a time when Ruby had the limelight, the job market was bustling, and the ecosystem had solutions that were considered ahead of other languages, but I don't think much if any of that is true anymore. Kind of stagnated, and a lot of people moved on. But I don't think it is a dead language or anything like that.
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