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<havenwood> I agree with adam12, as usual. :)
<havenwood> I think this is one that could be merged without bugs report, since it's a segfault solve.
<havenwood> If it's debatable in the least, file an issue.
<havenwood> Or hope Nobu merges it. ;)
* havenwood checks if was already merged
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<leftylink> hm. we have Hash#merge if I want to change just one value of a hash without giving that new hash a name
<leftylink> kinda want the same for an array
<leftylink> I guess best we can do is .tap { _1[819] = 1998 } or someting
<leftylink> oh no no that mutates, so you have to .dup.tap
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<leftylink> I do find myself wishing I could end variable names with question marks
<leftylink> especially wish this when the variable is a lambda returning true or false
<leftylink> it's just too bad you can't have `awesome? = ->x { ... }` and instead it has to be `is_awesome = ->x { ... }`
<leftylink> https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/15991 did not get accepted
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<havenwood> leftylink: Yeah, I've wanted instance variables in particular ending in a question mark too — given the method convention.
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<awmv> anyone familiar with setting up a homebrew formular? the setting up is the confusing part for me having a tab set up locally so i can test my install would already help me a lot. i cant seem to figure it out by reading the docs and the only youtube video i found had 2 separate repos. one for the tagged version for the tar.gz and one for the
<awmv> formular. it confused me and in the video the person didnt adjust the checksum at all. do you perhaps know a guide that is up to date that could walk me through the process? thank you
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