havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview2: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
<gr33n7007h> ox1eef__: i like the idea of gems being namespaced by @username
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<ox1eef__> I think it'd be cool for many reasons, but high among them is forks of official gems that have been abandoned (eg cinch).
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<gr33n7007h> ox1eef__: indeed, you know what would be really cool? cinch, rewritten to be asyncified XD
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<cornfeedhobo> havenwood: i'll check that out more later
<cornfeedhobo> right now i have a test that has transient failures and i can't figure out why. time to sign off and refresh
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<mooff> gr33n7007h: try https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/iirc
<mooff> i mean, it doesn't have an async driver yet, but it's made to be driven however you want
<mooff> on the cli branch i was trying to pull off this DX :-) https://0x0.st/s/-G_6B1-Dmt_NlBJ3xjzBrw/HJH9.png
<mooff> with pry you can e.g. "cd greeter", then: say "#ruby", "Hello world!"
<mooff> the VT sequences are hard to get right, though
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<gr33n7007h> mooff: nifty! yeah, they can be a pain in arse. i was looking at iirc a few months back, seems a decent IRC framework tbf ;)
<gr33n7007h> i never knew you were @awfulcooking XD
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<Momentum> good afternoon
<gr33n7007h> Momentum: Hi, o/
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<NfSriMMbY> yo
<Momentum> Hi gr33n7007h
<Momentum> anyone knows a way to fix this? or should i change my terminal colors https://i.imgur.com/6rgM9m5.png
<gr33n7007h> NfSriMMbY: o/
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<henk> Momentum: oh, good question, looks even worse here …
<Momentum> i thought my colors are just not good, but htop looked alright
<Momentum> i think irb assumes a white background but not sure
<Momentum> interesting
<henk> »irb --nocolorize« doesn’t seem to work. is that just me?
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<Momentum> henk: no, doesn't work for me either
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<gr33n7007h> i quite like the colour scheme i set in the gist
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<Seldon898> hi all; I was wondering whether anyone had ideas about this? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77308661/cocoapods-not-working-with-ruby-2-7-2-on-macos-sonoma
<weaksauce> don't use sudo to install cocoapods
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<weaksauce> you need to setup the environment to use the userinstalled gems and ruby Seldon898
<henk> gr33n7007h: wow, that’s quite a bit of code … thanks
<weaksauce> Seldon898 or use their gui instead of the command line
<Seldon898> thanks weaksauce, I'll try it
<weaksauce> i'd do a sudo gem uninstall
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<henk> any ideas how to minimize or pretty_print html5 in ruby? nokogiri can only pretty_print xhtml or xml AFAICT. and it doesn’t seem able to minimize
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