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<adam12> havenwood: be nice to see a test script to show off M:N. Save me from trying to come up with something.
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<cornfeedhobo> I keep trying to use a Gemfile and reference a git repo, however bundle never seems to actually download the repo
<cornfeedhobo> does anyone know how to fix this?
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<cornfeedhobo> these git dependencies are always shown with an exclamation point at the end when running `bundle env`
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<cornfeedhobo> no matter what i do, it only installs git dependencies into bundler's cache, not it's gems
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<cornfeedhobo> i swear bundler is useless
<cornfeedhobo> do i have to create a dummy gemspec to get bundler to properly use git dependencies
<cornfeedhobo> wtf
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<cornfeedhobo> nope that is useless too
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<adam12> cornfeedhobo: bundler expects a gemspec in that folder.
<adam12> cornfeedhobo: You didn't say what's happening when it doesn't work, but make sure you're using `bundle exec` to run your Ruby command, or bundler won't set up the git loadpath. This is especially important with `git` dependencies which won't also co-exist in the install path.
<cornfeedhobo> I tried that, but it didn't resolve the dependency correctly. I think this ends up being a vagrant specific issue, where it's using bundle internally to manage yet another gem location.
<cornfeedhobo> I was able to `rake build` and `vagrant plugin install <gempath>`
<adam12> Ooh. Yes, it could be a Vagrant issue.
<cornfeedhobo> My end goal was to create a completely out-of-band directory for a Vagrantfile that was run using a git version of vagrant and a git version of the vagrant plugin I made a PR to.
<cornfeedhobo> it'd be annoying to use `bundle` but at least I could use the feature while waiting on the review
<adam12> Gotta get kids off to school. Good luck.
<cornfeedhobo> haha likewise!
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<cornfeedhobo> gem doesn't support git sources
<cornfeedhobo> okay ... but then .. why doesn't bundler download the repo and build it locally in a tmp directory?!?!
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<adam12> cornfeedhobo: There's a plugin that kind of offers that functionality.
<adam12> Bundler normally clones to a bare repo, checks out the git source to another folder, and then installs the dependencies from .gemspec. Then it adds the lib/ path from that git source to $LOAD_PATH (among with dependencies it found in the gemspec)
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<havenwood> cornfeedhobo: Or there's a "super sneaky" way to install from a Repo directly with RubyGems that adam12 helped me get working.
<havenwood> cornfeedhobo: gem install --no-lock -g <(echo "gem 'rack', github: 'rack'")
<adam12> Oh yes. That was super sneaky indeed.
<havenwood> It does work!
<havenwood> The `specific_install` gem is fine if you can't remember `-g <()`.
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<ox1eef__> That's good to know. I still hope one day it has first-class support.
<ox1eef__> Gems namespaced by @username would be nice too.
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<gr33n7007h> i thought rubygems already supports that with --source flag?
<gr33n7007h> e.g: gem i roda -s https://github.com/jeremyevans/roda
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<gr33n7007h> nice trick using process substitution btw
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<adam12> Oh? Interesting.
<adam12> I thought that was just for the gem metadata (Marshal.gz or whatever)
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<gr33n7007h> adam12: hmm, i'm actually not sure on that tbf.
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<gr33n7007h> i just ran: gem i nokogiri --clear-sources -s https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri.git --verbose
<gr33n7007h> adam12: seems like you're correct :)
<gr33n7007h> that's what presumption does XD