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<conchuod> Is there a document somewhere that says which vector crypto extensions are permitted with zve32d etc?
<conchuod> I tried looking the crypto and vector github repos and the isa manual, but couldnt see it
<sorear> I haven't seen anything like that
<conchuod> hmm, I eventually found the inverse.
<conchuod> That contains what requires at least zve64x
<sorear> nothing in zvk* is "floating point" so zve64x and zve64d are the same
<sorear> and the rules in the vector spec re. ELEN seem fairly clear
<sorear> although if you think there is such a thing as "zve32d" we're probably reading different specs, I only have 32x/32f/64x/64f/64d
<conchuod> Oh, that's a "braino"
<conchuod> I was just searching these documents for "zve32" anyway :)
<conchuod> I'm just trying to figure out what dependencies to put in the dt-binding to make sure people behave
<sorear> none of the _extensions_ are forbidden with zve32x, because the vector extensions are cumulative - anything that is compatible with V is compatible with Zve32x because V includes Zve32x
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<conchuod> Right, but if you /only/ have Zve32x you can't have Zvbc.
<sorear> "what instructions am I allowed to use if the device tree claims Zvknhb and Zve32x" is a more interesting question, Zvknhb requires EEW=64 support but Zve32x doesn't give you any non-crypto instructions that are usable at EEW=64
<conchuod> I'm just not going to allow that someone puts in Zvknhb without putting in at least Zve64x I think.
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<naoki> my patches for linux are "Changes Requested", but I don't know what needs to be changed...
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<drmpeg> naoki: I think xypron is suggesting you move the code to jh7110-common.dtsi
<drmpeg> And esmil is suggesting you make it generic. That is, remove "linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";" and "function = LED_FUNCTION_HEARTBEAT;"
<drmpeg> And do the heartbeat stuff in /etc/udev/rules.d
<naoki> how about move generic part to common.dtsi and keep non-generic part in mars.dts?
<naoki> we(MilkV) use heartbeat LED to see about kernel, not userland
<drmpeg> It's still a kernel heartbeat, it's just set up in userland.
<naoki> I know, but it needs userland
<naoki> well, your idea might be right, but...
<naoki> I think LED behavior is very vendor/board specific, it will not be generic]
<drmpeg> Just FYI, that's how it's done on HiFive Unmatched.
<drmpeg> You just add this rule.
<drmpeg> SUBSYSTEM=="leds", KERNEL=="green:d12", ACTION=="add", ATTR{trigger}="heartbeat"
<naoki> so MilkV need to follow SiFive?
<drmpeg> No, it's just an example.
<naoki> we have community provided distro images
<drmpeg> You can discuss further with esmil and xypron when they wake up later.
<naoki> oh? jh7110-common.dtsi??? all jh7110 base boards have green LED connected to gpio 3???
<naoki> I cannot believe it
<drmpeg> Only VF2 and Milk-V Mars are present in linux/arch/riscv/boot/dts/starfive right now.
<drmpeg> But there may be a better solution. I am certainly not a device tree expert.
<naoki> please check linux-next, and please see pine64 star64 schematic
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