sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<naoki> oops, my Mars hanged at "Trying to boot from SPI" ;)
<naoki> I think there is no change between u-boot v2024.07-rc4 and rc5...
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<naoki> hmm? it seems I made mistake...
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<naoki> ah, I forgot LLVM doesn't work for u-boot for riscv
<naoki> rc5 is now running...
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<drmpeg> naoki: I tested your heartbeat LED patch on VF2. Works good.
<naoki> :)
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<JohnHenry> What is this C-Sky arch thing? A RISC-V fork?
<sorear> unrelated
<JohnHenry> ah okay, Guo Ren just works on both?
<JohnHenry> thanks
<sorear> the company behind it is moving to riscv so there's clear overlap
<JohnHenry> got it. thanks again
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<courmisch> I wonder if anything is actually using the ISA. It did get merged into the upstream kernel
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<sorear> if they didn't have customers they wouldn't be paying people to maintain it
<courmisch> it doesn't seem particularly actively maintained though
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