sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<pabs3> "RISC-V must get its messaging right on open standard vs. open source"
<sorear> very little of that is new
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<courmisch> why oh why are scalar operands in widening adds not wide :(
<courmisch> this keeps screwing up DCTs/DSTs handling of direct coefficients
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<courmisch> lu_zero: I could maybe glu rPi heat exchangers if it helps, but I don't really have a cooling solution. Unlike LPi4, this board does not come with a fan
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<lu_zero> courmisch: at least a Gentoo user is fine with that, the bpi-r4 block+fan should be compatible
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<lu_zero> I hoped to have enough spare time to put together the hwmon bits so we have a saner way to get the reading from the sensor
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<unlord> courmisch: you need the scalar inputs to be wide in the widening ops?
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<courmisch> unlord: well yeah that would be extremely usegul
<sorear> i can see both sides here
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<sorear> probably _most_ scalars are small, and some designs will have a penalty for widening the input when it isn't needed
<sorear> sifive's being one of them according to the llvm scheduling model, sew+sew -> 2*sew is twice the speed of sew+2*sew -> 2*sew for most operations
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<sorear> throw it in the "things to try to add if 64-bit opcode space V happens" pile
<courmisch> I doubt I'd still be doing RVV by that point, unless it was my actual job
<courmisch> sorear: I guess it makes sense for hardware then
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<unlord> courmisch: which transforms?
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<confusion> can someone tell me why the immediate `4` of `jal x0, 4` encodes to `0000 0000 0100 0000 0000` and not `0100 0000 0000 0000 0000`? im so confused
<confusion> i dont understand how to decode this
<sorear> what's that syntax supposed to be? wouldn't 4 be ....0100 in binary?
<confusion> thats what i meant
<confusion> do i have to like rotate to the left by 8 bits or?
<sorear> have you read 2.3. Immediate Encoding Variants ?
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<confusion> i have read the spec over and over. "...and by 1 bit to form J immediates" so for `jal x0, -4` you shift `1111 1111 1101 1111 1111` to the left by 1 bit and then you get 111111111101111111110 which is not -4
<sorear> Where did you get 1111 1111 1101 1111 1111 from?
<sorear> that paragraph is meaningless, nothing is ever shifted, refer to the diagrams
<sorear> it shows you what bits are where for J-type immediates
<confusion> why does it show multiple imms?
<confusion> there is only one imm
<confusion> if i understood the diagrams...
<confusion> why are there 2 sign bits 20 and 11?
<sorear> those aren't sign bits
<confusion> in what ways do i have to put these two imms and sign bits together to get -4?
<confusion> whatever those bits are you know
<sorear> [20] is short for imm[20]
<sorear> which is bit 20 of the immediate
<sorear> imm[10:1] is bits 10 through 1 of the immediate
<confusion> right
<confusion> 1111 1111 1101 imm[19:12]1111 1111
<confusion> thats where i got that example from 1111 1111 1101 1111 1111
<sorear> so you need to extract 4 parts of the immediate, imm[20] (1 bit), imm[10:1] (10 bits), imm[11] (1 bit), imm[19:12] (8 bits) and then concatenate those parts
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<confusion> isnt the result of concatenating that the same as those 20 bits in full anyway?
<confusion> 1 + 10 + 1 + 8 = 20
<sorear> no because you're concatenating them in a different order
<confusion> in which order?
<sorear> if you did 20 then 19:12 then 11 then 10:1 it would be the same as the 20 bits in full
<confusion> the order you listed them is the same as the diagram
<confusion> yes
<sorear> but you're doing 20 then 10:1 then 11 then 19:12
<confusion> but that is the same order as the diagram which is the same order as what the imm in the opcode will already be in no?
<sorear> "imm" in the diagram is the actual immediate value, so `1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100` for -4
<confusion> so in 1111 1111 1101 1111 1111 which is only the imm part of `jal x0, -4`, the first 1 is not [20]? the 10 bits after are not 111 1111 110?
<sorear> you pull out `imm[20]` which is `1`, `imm[10:1]` which is `111 1111 110`, `imm[11]` which is `1`, `imm[19:12]` which is `1111 1111` and put them together in that order
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<sorear> yes the first 1 is imm[20], the next 10 bits are imm[10:1] and are 111 1111 110
<confusion> I put them together in the order of 20, 10:1, 11, and then 19:12, right? so I get 1111 1111 1101 1111 1111, no?
<sorear> yes? that's what's in the high 20 bits of the instruction according to the link you just posted
<confusion> but that is not -4
<confusion> I want to decode it to -4
<sorear> if you're decoding you reverse the process
<confusion> oh so the order is 20, 19:12, 11, 10:1 when decoding
<sorear> the first bit is imm[20] (and implicitly imm[31:21] because of sign extension), so imm is `1111 1111 1111 ???? ???? ???? ???? ????`
<sorear> the next ten bits are imm[10:1], so imm is `1111 1111 1111 ???? ???? ?111 1111 110?`
<sorear> the next bit is imm[11], so imm is `1111 1111 1111 ???? ???? 1111 1111 110?`
<sorear> the remaining bits are imm[19:12], so imm is `1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100`, with imm[0] always being 0 for the J-type
<confusion> and then how do I take -4 from that?
<confusion> the last 4 bits are -4
<confusion> but taking the last 4 bits won't always work
<confusion> ooh I do the two's complement conversion by inverting and adding 1 I guess
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<dh`> that _is_ -4
* dh` shakes head
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<lu_zero> courmisch: do you want a pre-built kernel with the minimum of hwmon to see how hot it gets using sensors?
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<mps_> for info: visionfive V2 with alpine linux: `uptime` => 22:58:14 up 74 days, 11:02, 0 user, load average: 0.04, 0.02, 0.00
<mps_> `uname -m -r -s -v` => Linux 6.8.1-0-starfive #1-Alpine SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun, 17 Mar 2024 13:46:43 +0000 riscv64
<mps_> not bad
<mps_> it is mail server (postfix + dovecot), web server, and synapse matrix, plus router to internet
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<mps_> and my IRC client run on it
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