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<xypron> naoki: Originally I thought definition in a common file would be adequate. The Pine64 Star64 uses a blue LED for RGPIO3 according to the schematics.
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<xypron> Instead you could just duplicate the Milk-V entry for the VF2.
<naoki> I don't know how LED is used on VF2. is it really ok to make change for VF2 by me?
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<naoki> and I prefer to define everything in dts without udev rules
<xypron> noaki: without definition in the device-tree the VF2 LED is not used at all. Do you have a VF2 for testing?
<naoki> xypron: ah I asked about behavior on default OS image from vendor. I don't have VF2
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<naoki> should I add patch for blue LED for pinee64 star64?
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<conchuod> FWIW, the reason I marked it changes requested was because Emil asked for the heartbeat stuff to be done in userspace
<naoki> xypron: thanks
<naoki> conchuod: hmmmmmm...
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<naoki> (color and) function is a part of node name i.e. /sys/class/leds/COLOR:FUNCTION, so function cannot be ommited
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<naoki> dts in vendor kernel has linux,default-trigger, I guess it means there is no userland thing (udev rules), so if it's omitted, it doesn't work as intended on vendor userland
<xypron> Some people feel distracted by devices blinking all the time. If there is already a power LED, there may be better usage like disk activity. But even if we define hearbeat in the device-tree, users could override it.
<naoki> yes, user can change their userland easily
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<bjdooks> I finally got to Munich
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<naoki> hmm, I missed first reply from Emil... my mail server is not so reliable :(
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