sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<Loant> Is there list of commercially available/buyable RISC-V cores?
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<palmer> I'm going to skip tomorrow morning, I've got a cold and I'm pretty much just sleeping all day...
<jacklsw> got riscv event?
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<JohnHenry> I have recently acquired a Milk-V Pioneer with SG2042. Has anyone heard of using the th.sfence.vmas instruction for no-IPI TLB shootdown or played with the various TLB-manipulation registers on T-Head cores? I'm looking for some guidance as I noodle about thinking about trying to make kernel improvements.
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<JohnHenry> The couple patches I can find from T-Head folks appear to be flawed or possibly incomplete: still uses plain old sfence.vma instead of th.sfence.vmas (called sfence.vmas before t-head standardized their extension instructions under th.) This one is interesting but
<JohnHenry> So far it's the only patch I've found that twiddles smir/smel/smeh/smcir
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<conchuod> palmer: I'll prob show up anyway, see if I Alex is around.
<conchuod> Or Andy, had a question for him too.
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<drewfustini> palmer: hope you feel better soon!
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