sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<naoki> drmpeg: oh! thanks!
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<drmpeg> Probably because it's a different maintainer. Device tree instead of PCI.
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<conchuod> naoki: drmpeg: I think the problem was that the dts patch in v16 didn't apply anymore after some refactoring to the jh7100 devicetrees for the addition of the milkv mars.
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<drmpeg> Oh yeah. It's the same patch, but into a different file.
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<Esmil> naoki: if you're using the v16 series or pulling from the pci tree, you should also pick this patch:
<Esmil> naoki: it was left out of v16 until a better solution is found
<naoki> Esmil: I'm using 3 patches from your repo :)
<naoki> (patch for defconfig)
<Esmil> ah, cool. that works too
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