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<klb3> Hello! I meet problem when cross-compile a kernel module for riscv64 on amd64. I use command like 'make -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(PWD) ARCH=$(ARCH) CROSS_COMPILE=$(CROSS_COMPILE) modules' but get error that "missing argument to '-march='". I need to use -march=rv64i but how to add this argument in this case? Appreciate!
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<sorear> this isn't your problem (I find the linux build system confusing on a good day) but linux doesn't support -march=rv64i, the minimum is rv64ima
<sorear> if you have a correctly configured cross compiler you don't need to pass -march options, that's been automatic whenever I've gotten the makefiles to work at all
<dh`> a is hard to do without, m seems odd
<dh`> but I suppose there is probably no linux-sized hw without m
<sorear> it should automatically pick rv32ima or rv64ima depending on ARCH_RV32I and ARCH_RV64I in Kconfig; are you somehow trying to build modules without Kconfig from the kernel?
<sorear> or .config rather
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<klb64> sorear: Thanks you. I do these based on a repo . In addtion I add ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu- then get the problem about '-march'
<sorear> did you build a kernel in KERNELDIR? I'm wondering now if there's magic that's supposed to pick up config from the running system
<klb64> No. I am building the module on a amd64 linux(5.15.0-111-generic) but the target is riscv64 in a vm (6.8.12-riscv64)
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<klb64> I wonder if I can change KERNELDIR to the 6.8.12-riscv64 but on the former machine. I have no idea how to config the cross compile toolchain now.
<klb64> I got the suggestion that compile the module just in the native platform to avoid cross compile. But it's funny that the VM have not any build-utils and network connection.
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<sorear> you absolutely need to point the kernel directory for the module build at the same kernel being used on the machine where the module is going to run
<sorear> there's no module ABI compatibility between kernel versions
<sorear> there is no module ABI compatibility between kernel *configurations*, either, so you need to find the .config from the kernel running on the VM and pass it to the module build ... somehow (not something I'm very familiar with)
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<klb64> sorear: It's important for me. Thank you!
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