sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<bjoto> palmer: I'll be missing the PW sync today -- clash! :( The PW-CI has been broken for allmodconf for a while, but I fixed it today (script snafu). Expect the PW stoplights to change from mostly red to mostly green as the builds complete.
<conchuod> bjoto: I broke allmodconfig while trying to fix allmodconfig :)
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<bjoto> conchuod: :D
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<naoki> hmm... are USB2/3 not supported in linux 6.10.0-rc2 on mars/visionfive 2?
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<mps_> naoki: right. but there are patches around
<naoki> mps_: it seems PCIe host patch in linux-next. USB3 will work with it?
<mps_> oh, I didn't looked at linux-next. could be
<mps_> here is what I know that works with 6.10-rc
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<naoki> mps_: thanks. at least PCIe patches seems to be required
<mps_> right
<mps_> even NVME works with them
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<naoki> I guess so, but what I have is Mars, there is no slot for my NVMe card ;)
<naoki> I'm trying to use USB-SSD
<mps_> afaik it should work with these patches though I don't have mars (only VF1 and VF2) to test
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<naoki> oops
<naoki> any pcie node is not defined in next-20240605 ;)
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<naoki> oh?
<naoki> and probably "[v3] riscv: defconfig: Enable StarFive JH7110 drivers" should be applied too...?
<naoki> ah, at least, pcie patch 22 needs to be updated to update jh7110-common.dtsi
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<naoki> pcie still doesn't work with 3 patches :(
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<naoki> hmm? pcie-starfive 2b000000.pcie: error -ENODEV: failed to get valid pcie domain
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